to Realms Beyond Civilization!
We're a community, not a clan, that are spreading across the traditional
lines of game title and who are like-minded on several key points...
... to seek challenge and fun, not simply 'high score' or 'the
most elite stuff!'
... to excel is virtue
... to look to become friends with those you play with
... to treat others with respect, whether you agree with them
or not
... to steadfastly avoid cheating
... especially those new to Realms Beyond

Here at realms beyond, we still have a very active community on our forums, with Pitboss, PBEM, and Adventure games still going strong, so I would encourage you to go over there. We will be renovating our front page here soon, so keep checking back for updates.
Our second FF2 Adventure -
A Snowball's Chance is now open!
- It's reporting day for FFH2
Adventure and opening day for Adventure
48 - Holiday Wishlist.
- Our first FFH2 Adventure
is now open. Both "n" and "o" saves are included
in the save folder. Enjoy!

- Adventure 47 - Starfall
is now open!
- It's war!
Epic 27 - All Your Tech are Belong
to Us is now open!
- It's open on the forums for a few days, but Adventure
46 - Children of the Gods is now up on the site as well.
- T-hawk is sponsoring Adventure
45 - Hannibal's Muse. The game is open, but you must email
T-hawk to get your save file.
- Adventure 44 - Oh Mista Hart!
is now open!
- Adventure 43 - An Otherwordly
Experience is now open! It's a modded game that should provide
very different gameplay from what you're used to!
- Epic 26 - Splendid Isolation
is now open!

- Our 70th event for Civ4 opens today! Adventure
42 - Joy to the World is now open!

- Adventure 41 - Forbidden Fruits
is now open! Now you can try the "forbidden" trait combos
for yourself.
- Adventure Forty - The Illuminati
is now open!

- Ready for a Deity-level adventure? Adventure
Thirty-nine - Fortune Favors the Bold is now open!

- Adventure Thirty-eight - Farmer's
Gambit is now open! It's also reporting day for Epic
Twenty-five - This... Is... Sparta!.
- This is Sparta!!!! (Insert photoshopped image here). Or, even
better, this is Epic Twenty-five
- This... Is... Sparta!, which is always war and opens today.
- Oops! If you've been watching
the forum, then you've already seen that Adventure
Thirty-seven - Seven Tribes of Egypt is now open. If you're
just catching that today, don't despair- it looks like this game
should play quickly, so you still have a chance to participate!
- Not a lot of updates for a while, with a long-running game winding
down and Sullla being out of town. But today, we're happy to announce
Adventure Thirty-six - Terror
of the Seas. Today is also the last day to get your reports
in for Epic Twenty-four - Pax

- Looking for a quick snack between turns of Epic
Twenty-four, or something to do while you're waiting for
the next Epic? Adventure Thirty-five
- Mach Five is now open, and might be just what you're looking
- Epic Twenty-four - Pax Americana
is now open! There have been a few changes to the rules page since
they were originally posted. They are all clarifications or typo
fixes, no core rule changes, but keep in mind that the page has
been updated. Enjoy!

- T-hawk has announced Epic Twenty-four
- Pax Americana. It will be opening this coming Monday,
but we have the information up now so that you can look over the
scoring and scenario information before the game starts. This was
a lot of fun in it's Civ 3 version, so I hope you'll take the time
to play this one. We're letting it run for 10 weeks so that everyone
who wants to participate should be able to. Please keep an eye on
the forum thread for rules clarifications and updates so that everyone's
starting on the same page.
we didn't have any new games to open, I didn't update the site to
announce closing dates. If you've played any recent games and haven't
reported on them yet, I'm sure there are people at the forums who
would love to read them.
- It's opening day for Epic Twenty-three
- Focal Point, and closing day for Adventure
Thirty-four - The Greatest Person.

- Results are
in for Epic Twenty-two - Tree
- It's closing day for Epic Twenty-two
- Tree Hugger, and opening day for Adventure
Thirty-four - The Greatest Person.
- Results are up
for Adventure Thirty-three - Ditchdigger.
It's opening day for Epic Twenty-two
- Tree Hugger. Also, results are up for Epic
Twenty-one - Tomorrow's Future and for Adventure
Thirty-Two - Friendly Takeover.
- We will be moving servers in the near future, so it's possible
that you won't be able to access the site during that period of
time. So, you might want to save the rules and download the file
of our next game- Adventure Thirty-three
- Ditchdigger now, even if you weren't planning to start
playing right away. It's also reporting day for Adventure
Thirty-two - Friendly Takeover, so go ahead and get your
reports in. If our downtime is extended or comes before the reporting
window is closed, we may extend it. Keep an eye on the forums for
more information.

- Files are now up on site for Epic
Twenty-one - Tomorrow's Future.
- Results are up for Epic
Fifteen - Colonization and Adventure
Thirty-one - Speed Racer. We should have another game opening
this week, so if you're interested, keep your eyes open for another
update over the next day or so.
- Would the ancients ever have made anything of themselves if they
would have had corporations, or would they have spent all day at
meetings and forgotten to build archers? Now, you will get to find
out! Today is opening day for Adventure
Thirty-two - Friendly Takeover. It's also closing day for
Epic Fifteen - Colonization,
so feel free to post your reports in the reporting forum.
- Since we have no games opening or closing this week, it was a
good time to get some housekeeping tasks done. Results are up for
Adventure Thirty - The
Simple Life and for Epic
Twenty - Bakumatsu. Also, the Succession
Games page is again up-to-date.
- How much time do you need to complete a game? Can you do it more
quickly? Try Adventure Thirty-one
- Speed Racer. It's also closing day for Epic
Twenty - Bakumatsu.

With the release of patch 3.17, we are able to re-open Epic
Fifteen - Colonization. It will run for five weeks. There
are also some updates to the page. Results are up for Epic
Nineteen - Arise Ethiopia!, Adventure
Twenty-eight - The Dutch Masters, and Adventure
Twenty-nine - Winter Wasteland. I've also updated the Succession
Games page to show the current games that are open.
- Epic Twenty - Bakumatsu
opens today. Can you help the Japanese avoid stagnation?

- I had to go out of town unexpectedly, so Adventure
Thirty - The Simple Life opens today. Sorry for the delay!
Results are also
up for Epic Eighteen - Honest

- Epic Nineteen - Arise, Ethiopia!
opens today. This Epic will explore the advanced start mechanics.
It's also reporting day for Adventure
Twenty-eight - The Dutch Masters.
- Our newest Extreme Adventre, Adventure
Twenty-nine - Winter Wasteland, opens today. Good luck!
Results are also up for Epic
Seventeen - Gourmet Menu and Adventure
Twenty-seven - Project Beyaz Peynir.

- We're having another midweek opening this week for Adventure
Twenty-eight - The Dutch Masters. It's a gentle adventure
focused on culture. Will you be the next Rembrandt?

- Contrary to previous reports, today is not Presidents' Day here
in the USA. However, it is opening day for Epic
Eighteen - Honest Abe. Reporting is open for Epic
Seventeen - Gourmet Menu, and the results pages are all
- Adventure Twenty-seven - Project
Beyaz Peynir opens today. It's sponsored by Ruff_Hi, and
will run for five weeks. Sullla has come up with a little Presidents'
Day special for us as well. Epic
Eighteen - Honest Abe will open on Monday, February 25.
Twenty-six - Holiday Surprise closed last week, and the
results should be up on the site soon. Also, there's still one more
week to go for Epic Seventeen
- Gourmet Menu; probably not enough time to cook something
new, but you might want to be adding the final few seasonings to
your games.

- Sullla is sponsoring Epic Seventeen
- Gourmet Menu. You will get to pick your entree for this
meal! Hopefully that will be perfect with our lighter 2008 schedule.
Please note that you will need to email Sullla to sign up, and that
the game will open on a Wednesday, not a Monday. Enjoy!
- Happy New Year! Adventure Twenty-six
- Holiday Surprise is now open. Enjoy! It's also reporting
time for Epic Sixteen - Something
Fishy. Because of the holiday, you can post your report
through the end of Wednesday if you need the extra time.
- Sullla has put together a little something for you - Adventure
Twenty-six - Holiday Surprise has been wrapped, and the
package is in the mail! Tracking indicates that it should be delivered
on Tuesday, January 1st (that's right, holiday delivery at no extra
charge!). What's inside the package, you ask? Well, you'll just
have to wait until you open it up to see!
are up for Epic Fourteen
- Boudica the Great and Adventure
Twenty-five - Doppelgänger as well.

- STOP THE PRESSES! We want everyone to be aware that Epic
Fifteen is currently on hold due to a game-destroying bug.
As sooooo states in this
appears there is a significant bug to the 3.13 patch regarding colonies
that neither myself or Sullla were aware of. Namely: If a civ has
been wiped out then a new colony will assume the status of the wiped
out civ (i.e. at war with the civ to wipe out the previous one).
If you wipe out a civ, and create a new colony, it will not be at
war with you but any vassals/previous colonies you have will be
at war with you (and break free from you). If any AI creates a colony
it and its vassal will become at war with you and your vassals (or
whoever wiped out the extinct civ). Also any cities you own that
belonged to the now extinct civ will yearn to join the motherland
of the new colony. Basically this stops you having more than one
colony without losing your previous ones, hence ruining the epic.
of that, we have decided to put Epic Fifteen on hold for the time
being until we have determined the best way to move forward with
this idea. When and if the game is restarted, it will be on a new
map with a new save. We're sorry to any of you who have spent significant
time playing this one already, but there is no fix available that
would still allow us to provide players with comparable playing
has put together Epic Sixteen
- Something Fishy, which will open right away and run through
the end of the year. We hope that you like sushi!
- Sooooo has sponsored Epic Fifteen
- Colonization, which opens today and will run through the
end of the year. It's also closing day for Epic
Fourteen - Boudica the Great, so go ahead and post your
reports for that game. Results
are up for Adventure Twenty-four
- It's a Wonderful Life too!
- Adventure Twenty-five - Doppelgänger,
a gentle adventure, opens today. Whatever you do, make sure you
have fun with it.
It's also reporting day for Adventure
Twenty-four - It's a Wonderful Life. Results are up for
Adventure Twenty-three
- Speedy Gonzalez (unfortunately, not enough information
was provided to tally points, but finishing dates and links to reports
are up) and Epic Thirteen
- Potluck Expansion.

- Well, that was fast! It's reporting day for Adventure
Twenty-three - Speedy Gonzalez. Also, results are up for
Adventure Twenty-two - Brick by
Brick. We've also posted the world builder file for Epic
Thirteen - Expansion Potluck.
- Finally, the patch is here! Now, where were we? That's right,
Adventure Twenty-four - It's a
Wonderful Life and Epic
Fourteen - Boudica the Great are now open. Remember, you
must patch before playing either game, so you might want to finish
Speedy Gonzalez first. Also, the Succession Games page is again
a note- Adventure Twenty-four is a four-week game, not a five-week
game (it was incorrectly marked before). If you were planning on
going down to the wire, you may have to adjust your schedule.

