and Variants
Looking for players
or games? Our channel bots can help! To give a command, you can whisper
it to the bot or say the command in channel with an ! in front.
For example, the allseen
command will tell you the last 10 account names that have been to the
channel. So, you would either whisper allseen to the bot, or say !allseen
in channel.
bot whispers you the names of the last 10 accounts it has seen in
the channel. |
seen |
seen [name]
(you won't use the brackets)
The bot will tell you the last time that it has seen [name].
find |
find [name]
(you won't use the brackets)
The bot will tell you all the accounts that contain [name].
mail |
mail [name]
[message] (you won't use the brackets)
The bot will whisper your message to [name] the next time the
bot sees [name].
commands |
The bot will
whisper you a list of commands. (Grisbot only)
help or help
The bot will try to help you. (Grisbot only)
orderfor |
orderfor [name]
[item] (you don't need the brackets).
The bot will get an [item] for [name]. (Grisbot only)
Each bot has a few
more "fun" features, but I'll leave them for you to find out!
