7 words
Highlight target,
right-click to teleport, left-click immediately.
Thats all there
is to it. You will always come out swinging at the target. Try it on some
phasing Advocate :)
First game ever on
b.net, a mage challenged my lvl 39 warrior to a duel. I was dead 2 seconds
after I said Sure. That kinda ticked me off a bit, but the
mage was kind enough to res me and then offered me a GPOW. Cool! now I
can last a second longer. To make a long story short... I didnt
play another b.net game for a week or so until I have developed the above
technique. I didnt even know its called TeleKill before I
came across Bolty's High Level Warrior Guide - an excellent detailed study
on TeleKill within. Too complicated for my simple mind tho :p
