Canyon of the Magi
From mind numbing
chaos and bone chilling cold, to eye blinding light and sweat inducing
heat they went. The red portal closed behind them suddenly, and Callera
was a bit alarmed at its disappearance. Scheherazade was beside her, and
appeared just as alarmed. Clutched to the sorceresses' breast was the
Journal of Horazon.
"Well then, I
don't suppose you've any idea where we go to now?" the amazon asked
her companion.
The sorceress gave
no reply, but simply opened the tome in her hands, and seemed to absorb
the information within in seconds. Pages were flipped by magic, and Scheherazade's
eyes did not move from it's pages for several moments. Callera was about
to see if her companion was alright, when the sorceress snapped out of
her blank stare.
"We need to find
the Tomb with this symbol on it." Scheherazade then used her staff
to draw a symbol in the sand that looked like an crescent with it's ends
pointing upwards.
"That should
be easy enough. How many Tombs are there?"
"About a dozen.
Some are unreachable though. Let us hope the real one is not."
The two set off through
the desert sands with the sun at their back. They met little resistance
along the way, but soon began to discover the signs of battle. And the
unmistakable stench of death. Callera recognized it as the smell of Everett
Scheherazade and Callera
approached the top of a sand dune looking down into a valley of sand and
stone. The entrance to three identical tombs surrounded the valley beneath
them, and dwarfed the inhabitants within.
Beneath the sorceress
and the amazon, two or three dozen were-cat women fought a small group
of humans. Callera snuck forward to see if she recognized the combatants,
and was slightly relieved to find she did not. She began to vault down
the hills of sand, fully aware that one misplaced step would send her
careening facefirst into the fray. Scheherazade used her powers of magic
to warp herself down the hillside, and to a vantage from which she could
send her lightning magic blasting through the were-cats.
The amazon readied
her crystalline blade, and entered the battle swinging. Two were-cat women
lost their heads before they knew they had a new challenger. Four of the
beasts turned from their previous prey to attack Callera. Within seconds
two were dying from fatal wounds, and a third had run from losing her
paw to the blazing blue flame of Azurewrath. The last readed her wickedly
curved sword, and leapt for Callera.
Scheherazade had to
be wary of sending forth too much power into the battle beneath her. The
two humans amidst the were-cats may in fact be her enemies, but she would
rather find that out before she slew them. And also Callera was down there,
but her sword let her stand out more thankfully.
Thinking of the bare
clouds abovehead, Scheherazade called upon a power that seemed natural
to her, something that would make her feel empty if she lost it. The sky
darkened, and thunder rumbled towards their locartion. Flashes of lightning
brightened the now darkened valley, and several struck closeby. Harnessing
the part of her power that took some effort, Scheherazade began to direct
the lightning towards certain points. Within a milisecond, three bolts
of white lightning struck the ground, spraying sand and rock into the
sky. A half dozen were-cats did not move from their position. Another
half were struck by the flying debris, and suffered minor wounds.
Seeing the true threat
to their survival, the were-cats began a mad dash scramble for the jutting
rock that Scheherazade stood upon. Feeling the slightest bit of panic
infringe upon her thoughts, the sorceress pushed them away and concentrated
on the power. Now was not the time to falter. Letting go of the unnatural
lightning clouds above her, Scheherazade instead focused on the power
within her body. Several of the catwomen had reached the bottom of her
perch, and they were the first to die. Incinerated by a bolt of energy
hotter than any sun touching the Aranoch Desert, the beasts didn't even
have time to scream. But then their companions were upon them, crawling
over their burnt out husks to reach the sorceress.
Real terror began
to cloud her judgements.
Callera had slain about a dozen of the beasts before her sword arm grew
tired. Luckily her shield did not fall. Knowing she would not do too well
in melee combat right now, she simply relied on the brute strength she
inherited from her parents to bash the cats into the ground. Bludgeoned
to death, they proved nice deterrants from future attackers. Which helped
give Callera the time she needed to rest.
About the time that
the two warriors began to think they were truly outnumbered, the two humans
they had thought they were coming to the rescue of moved into action.
Callera was given a prime opportunity to examine them now that she was
closer, and since they had distracted the cat-beasts pretty well.
One was a man. He
was old, clearly, and Callera almost thought he looked ancient. He was
the one who reaked of death, but in hindsight Callera realized it was
not the same stench as the one surrounding Everett Call, but in fact something
different. Something slightly more... pleasant.
He wielded a mighty
crossbow against his stark frame, and a single bolt from it's line would
fell a were-cat, though occassionally it took two. When there was not
immediate threat imposed upon him, he would aid his companion with dark
magics that would curse the enemies to falter in their step, or to gush
out blood from an otherwise non-fatal wound.
The other was a woman,
with blazing red hair flowing from within her helmet. She wore rough platemail
despite the heat, and wielded heavy instruments of death with great ease.
It was no secret that she was a trained warrior. Her blade moved with
timed precision, hitting as many opponents as was possible, and it seemed
like the warrior calculated her next move long before she was finished
with the previous one. Her ability to sense the attack patterns of the
beasts was incredible to behold. It was if she had the Sight...
Callera realized then
that the woman was in fact an Amazon. Her movements, her build, it all
added up. She anticipated her opponents the same way Callera would have
been taught to, had things turned out differently. But why was she here,
in the middle of the desert, far from the Tribelands.
Scheherazade screamed.
Callera turned about face instantly, spying the end of her multihued ponytail
before it finished it's turn, and saw that the sorceress had been set
upon by three of the cats. A pile of the beasts lay around the precipice
she had claimed for herself, and proved ample steps for the living were-cats.
The amazon ran with
renewed vigor, and leapt up the burned carcasses before the jutting stone.
She was about to reach the ankles of one of the cats above her, when a
projectile whizzed by her, and struck the beast in the lower spine. It
screamed and fell backwards, toppling over the now crouching amazon. Looking
back she saw that the man was reloading his crossbow, but would not be
able to do so before the other two tore Scheherazade to pieces.
Gripping Azurewrath
more tightly, Callera scaled the remaining feet between her and the were-cats,
and stabbed one in the back, while he tried to reach the sorceress. Falling
to the left, he pulled the sword protruding through his chest with him,
and it fell from Callera's hands. Seeing her companion dead, the last
remaining were-cat leered derisively and leapt straight up towards Scheherazade.
The sorceress screamed, and leaned back, falling off the rock and down
onto the pile of bones around it. The were-cat landed on the top of the
rock, and sneered down at the falling sorceress, and was about to follow
after her, when a bare hand punched her in the face.
Unsure of why someone
would attack her as such, the cat was surprised to see Callera atop the
rock with her, holding her clenched fists before her. The cat threw down
her spear, and rushed the amazon with a quick left. Callera moved out
of it's way, but got slammed in the gut with a followup right. Winded,
Callera still managed to send an uppercut into the cat's jaw, bringing
the cat to the edge of the outcropping.
Knowing she was too weak to actually beat the cat like this, Callera launched
herself at the beast, dragging it beneath her as she fell towards the
piles of bone. A satisfying crunch, and shriek let Callera know which
one of them was the victor.
Pulling herself from
her grizzly opponent, she found her way towards the slain were-cat with
Azurewrath still in it's back, and pulled it forth, while searching for
Scheherazade. Seeing she was not among the pile of dead were-cats, Callera
noticed the other two human combatants were beneath her, with the sorceress
between them. Leaping the last few feet down to the sandy valley, Callera
was too weak to keep herself on her feet upon landing. A mailed hand helped
her to stand, and it was then that Callera saw her Amazonian companion
for the first time.
Queen Charisena, Queen
of the Bhagwalli was an impressive site indeed.
