Erim Lera's Reincarnation
She didn't know who
she was. Which was one of the most frightening things in the world. Or
she thought so. She wasn't entirely sure. Of anything actually. What she
did know, was that she had a pounding headache, and was very tired. Oh,
and that she was in the middle of some labyrinth. And it was dark.
The one last memory
she had been able to dig up, before coming to her now panicked state,
was of a pale lipped woman, who was of blinding faith and devotion, who
sliced cleanly through enemies of every kind, and who had saved her.
Which made her wonder,
what she looked like. There was no real way for sure to find out, but
she did keep an eye out for some reflective surface.
But she kept hearing
strange noises from down the hall. Clanging, and growls and yelps, and
sometimes grunts. She worried about what she would find if she continued
on her designated path, but she had awoken in a dead end, so she felt
like she would not be able to go elsewhere.
And then, the sounds
came to her. Once again, that panic welled up in her, and she ran in blind
terror. Through hallways that were damp against her bare feet, and chilled
her naked form, and tunnels that were darker than midnight in the Caverns
of Life. The girl stopped then and wondered: 'What were the Caverns of
Life? Had she been there? Did they even exist?' But she could not contemplate
this for long, as the noises had started catching up with her once more.
Eventually, the dead
end where she had awoken loomed closer. And there, the pile of scalding
metal and bones that had so frightened her earlier. But, as was bound
to happen, the noises closed in on her, and she curled into a fetal position
in the corner, hugging herself, and begging, and pleading for whatever
nightmare was after her, to leave her alone. Her eyes inexplicably drifted
upward towards the source of the noises, and she yelped. For there stood
a demon, dark and blackened, his skin taut over twisted and knotted muscles,
and red as Starlet's Target. A scream balled up in her lungs, ready to
be let loose, when the figure's horned visage changed, and warped, into
a no less intimidating warrior in silver chainmail, with a breast plate.
She let loose the
scream anyhow.
DiStephano covered
his ears as well as he could, to fight off the banshee-like wail that
the girl let out. He himself would've cowered in fear, if he didn't already
know it would probably have driven him insane to do so. This whole town,
nay, kingdom, was driving him insane. A King who slaughters his own advisors
for delusional treason. An Arch-bishop who apparently worships the Forces
of Hell, and who might've kidnapped the very Prince of the land, and then
lead the townspeople to their death trying to rescue the boy. A labyrinth
filled with the undead, the damned, and creatures right out of nightmares.
Back in his homeland, such creatures did exist, but never in such numbers,
or even in such power. Even as a boy, he and his elder brothers and father,
would hunt down a pack of chargers who had taken over a nearby cave, or
more likely, the numerous clans of goatmen who tried to rule the northlands.
But when he had met
the Mighty Queen, Shellandra, he had been motivated to make more of his
life, and to try and aid the beautiful and young queen in her quest. A
quest he had only recently found out the details of.
Apparently the young
queen, who then was only fifteen, had set out to find, and destroy the
Demonic blade, Shadowfang, which had been crafted in the Hell Forge itself.
And so, after nearly a decade of traveling, the two of them found themselves
in Tristram, confronting the denizens of Hell.
And now, his queen
had apparently gone insane, and was lying naked in front of him, screaming
at the top of her lungs. She had her back to him now, and tried to curl
deeper into a ball, with each movement sending more waves down her sapphire
blue hair. He stepped closer, reaching a hand to her bare shoulder, trying
to pull her to him. 'What had happened to her?' He thought aimlessly.
And then the one screaming
in the room was him.
His queen had a large,
blue horn protruding from her forehead. Her eyes were closed in pain,
or terror, or some other unpleasant emotion. But even if they were open,
their pale violet centers looking to him, it might've been all that much
worse. Then he would truly have to believe it was her. But now, now he
could lie to himself, believe otherwise. But no, there, there was the
birthmark that had entitled her to her throne as Queen. And those unnatural
looking lips, which were the same color as her eyes. Why, for a brief
moment, if he did not look to those three features of hers, he could believe
she was Erim, if only older.
And then it hit him.
Her fist.
Erim Lera was within
a convoluted dimension of ethereal chaos. Indescribable objects drifted
around her floating form every minute or so. Actually, she couldn't keep
track of time anymore. Every time she started counting, something weird
would happen. Such as a sun rising and falling around her. Maybe a red
moon whizzing by. Whatever it was, it disoriented the mind, and gave an
utter despairing ambience to the place. But far, far ahead of her, was
a silhouette not unlike her own, which was slowly coming closer. And no
matter how far the two things were apart however, the other always seemed
shadowed, except for it's hair, which was an unnatural sapphire blue color.
Shellandra of the
Flame, former Queen of Westmarch, was within a convoluted dimension of
ethereal chaos. Indescribable objects drifted around her floating form
every minute or so. Actually, she couldn't keep track of time anymore.
Every time she started counting, something weird would happen. Such as
a sun rising and falling around her. Maybe a red moon whizzing by. Whatever
it was, it disoriented the mind, and gave an utter despairing ambience
to the place. But far, far ahead of her, was a silhouette not unlike her
own, which was slowly coming closer. And no matter how far the two things
were apart however, the other always seemed shadowed, except for it's
hair, which was an unnatural sapphire blue color.
It was then that the
two noticed one another. They looked strikingly similar, with the same
blue hair, with the Queen's slightly longer than the Amazon's was. Both
of their figures were the same; sturdy, but demure enough to give no credence
of their fighting prowess. Only, Shellandra's lips, and eyes, had an unnatural
violet color to them, that was another trademark of her mother's, along
with the birth mark she had on her inner left thigh. Shaped like the standard
of Westmarch, it had been the sign that had propelled her ancestor to
lead his small kingdom under. His wife had perished at the hands of his
enemies, and he had flown that symbol that had been emblazoned in his
mind, high above head to avenge her.
But finally, they
neared closer to the center, each raising a hand, simultaneously to touch
the other.
Erim spoke out first,
"Who are you?"
"I am Shellandra,
former Queen of Westmarch. And I already know who you are Erim Lera of
the Vrin-Latti Tribe."
"Westmarch? But- where
are we? Why am I-?" Too many questions flooded the girl's mind, to allow
her to get any one out at the same time.
"I know little, as
I did not study much of the mind stream or any such nonsense as a child.
My mentor must be rolling over in his grave though." The woman smiled
a little bit at the thought, before noting the other woman's confused
and pleading look. "Well, it would seem we are within the mind stream,
like I said. It's the closest thing to a physical existence for our soul
and minds that can be. I think it was Aophrates who first theorized it.
Interesting man that Aophrates-"
"Could you please
tell me what the hell is going on?" Erim snapped out.
"Yes well, aren't
we the impatient one. Anyway, right now, we are sharing a body. Our two
minds, our very souls, share one shell. So, we have become what is called,
autistic. We're kind of, shut ins. Our body doesn't know who to let control.
Aophrates said that most of the minds inhabiting one body tend to fight
so often, that they never decide to let one or the other lead. It's really
an interesting read, I'll have to find you a copy one day when we get
out of this mess." The queen's hands worked while she started mumbling
about where her last copy was.
"Wait, so we're in
the same body? How? Wha- I'm still confused."
The Queen sighed,
stopping her conversation about the scholar, and going on. "I am a hunter
of sorts, like yourself. Only I, was hunting down the demonblade, Shadowfang,
which was reputed to be within the Catacombs of Tristram after the fall
of the Horadrim. So I, and my companion DiStephano, came here looking
for it. But apparently, you got hold of it before me. Or rather, it got
hold of you."
She continued, as
the backdrop slowly changed into that of a library with a large window
overlooking a grassy field. It was obvious that the Queen was hard pressed
to perform such a mental feat. "I chased after you, with DiStephano on
my heels as well, before I found you within the Church, nearly to the
town, with the sword firmly gripped in both hands. It wouldn't let you
go. Nor would you, it. You were foaming at the mouth, and had cut yourself
in numerous places already. When I finally killed you, your body was nearly
destroyed and hollowed out to begin with."
"You, killed me?"
Erim's eyes kept on widening at this news. What was happening to her?
"Let me go on. As
I slew you, thinking to bring you to town so Pepin could aid you, your
hand flew up, and drove the namesake of Bluehorn the Frost Charger into
my forehead. I haven't awoken since. Well, not really. A nether-mind controls
us now. Unless it's someone else. Which I cannot see possible." Once more
the woman stopped to think heavily, pulling down a leather bound book
just then to peruse for something.
"Ok, needless to
say, you're confusing me a tad Madam. So, why don't you just take control
of your body again, and we can go off and be happy. You can have me resurrected,
no huge delay in our quests."
The woman, who was
now fully dressed in a scholar's robe and spectacles, turned to Erim,
and nodded. "Oh yes, that would work. Until it totally and utterly destroyed
you. No, we'll need to find another way out. Wait, what are you? Erim,
no!" As the queen had been patronizing the other woman, a large bladed,
black sword had slowly come to shape within the girl's hands. She stood
then with it held two-handed, and was preparing to strike.
"I want my body back!"
Was all she yelled before swinging.
She didn't know who
she was. It was frightening. Especially since she knew she was supposed
to know. And now this big man, was holding her against his sharp body.
Trying to stop her from thrashing. But he himself was not too stable.
Once he saw her, his scream had rivaled her own, if only in bass, not
volume. It was than that she had noticed how she couldn't completely bang
her head against his chest, for something attached to her skull stopped
her. Her eyes tried to find it, but she just couldn't do it. Why was she
Shellandra leapt out
of the way, immediately dispelling the illusion of the library and the
clothing. But so too did it dispel the illusion of Erim having a floor
to run on. The girl still held the blade, but was not able to move it.
"Ahh, I see. Why,
'tis not even Shadowfang itself."
The Amazon snarled.
"Erim, drop the sword.
Erim. Now!" But no matter how commanding she tried to sound, she just
couldn't stop the girl. The sword though, it could not reach her luckily.
Until it moved of it's own accord. It lifted itself from Erim's hands,
which immediately fell to her side, and flew straight at Shellandra. The
woman leaped away, but was constrained by the limbo around her. She couldn't
concentrate enough to create a land to move to. And so, she fell with
Shadowhawk, a lesser demonblade, impaled deeply through her breast.
Whatever foul demon
or devil it was that had created Shadowhawk, the lesser brother to Shadowfang,
from thin air amidst the mind stream was in pain. Within the sword, it
snarled and screamed and begged for the light to stop. Never had it felt
such a feeling. It normally enjoyed the pain it conveyed unto it's masters,
and even the pain it itself felt when it clanged against other blades.
But now, within this she-human, it felt a pain too excruciating for even
it to stand it. It was as if, it had suddenly been thrust into the Crystal
Arch itself, and been left for eternity. So was the goodness of this woman,
that it harmed it so. The devil slid inside itself, more and more, until
it finally stopped existing mentally. Shadowhawk was dead.
Erim suddenly snapped
too attention long enough to notice that Shellandra would be dead soon.
They drifted closer together once more, until the Amazon could reach for
the woman, and take her into her arms. Already, she was getting cold.
"I- I don't know-
what have I done?" The girl asked herself in a terrified wail.
"No, no child, it's
not your fault. None can be blamed for not fighting off the effects of
a devil. Not even I could if I had to. No, only the Angels could have
saved us now. But this does settle it see. I shall not be much longer.
But you must take hold of the body before then. Or else we'll all go insane."
She grabbed the girl's head in both hands, and held on firmly, "Eirm,
Erim, stop crying and listen to me. It's not your fault. But you can help
us both."
Erim sniffed once,
and stopped to listen.
"Below us, several
floors down, lies the entrance to Hell itself. But there is a hole, a
hole which gets bigger and bigger. Soon, whoever is down there opening
it, will be able to enter it, and bring all of Hell unto us. And then
the Angels and the Light shall never win. Erim, you can stop this. And
you can find your aunt. And you can find Shadowfang. And you can find
our father."
That stopped the tears
and the sniffles altogether. "What?"
"Yes. Our father
was an interesting man see… went across the world creating many children,
but staying around for none of them. I was disowned at an early age by
my mother's husband, as he knew me not to be his daughter, since his hair
was not like mine. None was like mine. Even the man who was my father
was never seen enough to be remembered. My people loved me more so because
of my bastard-hood, for I was heralded as a bearer of the Light. I did
much good in my life Erim. It's your turn. Take up my mantle, and do what
you must to avenge everything. You shall do the Vrin-Latti proud. You
shall do me proud, sister. But go!"
With that, Erim Lera
was pushed away by her sister, with more force than was possible in any
realistic world. A good thing it was not a realistic world. She flew towards
the edges of the stream, until finally, she hit the edge, and flew right
on through.
One other soul inhabiting
the mind stream watched the events transpiring, and nodded accordingly.
She would let the body go this time. She wouldn't have enough power now.
She needed the body fresher, riper, and much more powerful. She could
She awoke again,
and she knew who she was. She was pressed firmly against DiStephano's
breast, as she had been countless times before, and she knew what she
had to do. Only, as she pushed him away, and looked up into his eyes,
she knew she had never done that before. Shellandra had. Erim Lera though,
she was in control of that body now. And all that that entailed.

of Miscellanea Three - A Chronicle of Erim Lera
from someone else's body was unnerving. That was all that the girl had
decided she knew for fact, everything else, was as limbo as the 'mind
stream', or whatever Shellandra had called it.
stood within the halls of the Church, as she had so many months ago, standing
down the mighty King Leoric, once more. A feeling of déjà vu overcame
Erim, and it was enough to melt the brain. Then again, with everything
she had been through, and considering she wasn't in her own body anymore,
it might take a lot to truly shock her these days.
The Skeletal
King, who would not rest in peace until his son was found, or so Cain
speculated, raised his mithril blade above his head, to take a swing at
the blue-horned woman, but she was much quicker than he. She slid under
the destination of his swing, and shoved her fist into the skeleton-thing's
rib cage, and started smashing bones. Before long, she had a clean shot
at the thing's spinal cord, where at she swung a maul, with all of her
might. The resounding crash sent shivers down her own spine, but it did
please her. She would never get over how gratifying it was to slay the
once-man, who had done such evil. And then, the other man in the chamber
had stood off to the side of all of her battles, telling her she must
complete them herself, so she might be a powerful warrioress one-day again.
But Erim knew the truth. The man hasn't quite digested the awful truth
of what had happened to his Queen. Even with the Witch Adria's, and the
Elder Cain's advice and descriptions, it was obvious the barbarian was
still a bit confused.
ok,' Erim thought to herself as she hung her maul back on her belt, while
pulling out her bow, 'you're still confused too.'
for damned sure," she mumbled to herself.
The black man asked, as he neared her.
The woman
shook her head, sending blue strands of hair down from the ribbon holding
them up. She sighed, blew up into her face trying to get them out of her
eyes, failed, sighed again and just pulled the stray strands behind her
ears. "I wish I had a helmet again."
went over this daily. "And I'd love to give you one. But as the large
puncture hole in your tunic will attest to, you can't quite wear one while
so adorned madam."
grimaced, and snapped at him, "I told you, do not call me that. I may
look like your queen, but I am not her, ok? Besides, I would like to be
done with this little arrangement as soon as possible."
The man
chuckled, and raised a bushy black eyebrow. "Come now, I am beginning
to like the new you. Perhaps you are beginning to have the same unvirtuous
feelings, eh?" he chuckled once more, while dusting off his great axe.
"I should
think not! And watch whom you're talking to. I look like you're queen,
remember?" She sniffed derisively and stuck her nose into the air, while
crossing her arms beneath her breasts.
The man
looked at her, a saddened look covering over his earlier humor, as he
nodded, and replied, "Aye, I remember."
later went on to clear out the Church single-handedly, while DiStephano
spent more time in town, looking for Everett Call, the Apprentice Mage
who was also his sometimes companion. The man had not been seen since
Erim's 'death', and the barbarian was beginning to worry.
As the
man was heading to Adria's hut to see if she had located the mage, he
ran smack into Erim herself. Which of course left a sharp pain in his
throat where the horn had poked. She looked up to him, and made a startled
sound in her throat.. She was holding her stomach in one hand, while bearing
her sword in the other.
What're- you- have you found Everett yet?"
but- Erim, what is wrong? Were you injured?" The man reached a hand to
her stomach, to look for any wounds, but she quickly batted it away with
her blade.
nothing. Just some queasiness. Adria says it is a side effect of the mind-stream-thing,
you know… so it's nothing to be concerned with. She just told me to quaff
a few more of her ridiculous potions, and to just go rest at the Rising
Sun." With this, the woman started past the man grabbing at her arms,
and tried to head to the Tavern.
But he
would not so easily be brushed aside. "You sure you're alright? I mean
if I-"
I'm fine, just a little sick! By Starlet, you treat me as if I were a
glass maiden! I am not going to shatter so easily, DiStephano. And if
I do, it's my duty to put the pieces together. Not yours. I appreciate
the thought, but perhaps you should leave me alone. All I need in my life
is a good sword, maybe some fine ale, and a warm bed. And I can live without
the latter two under most circumnstances. Now excuse me." This time she
did brush by him, and proved that her workouts and forays into the dungeon
were helping immensely, when he could not stop her further.
The barbarian
watched her go, and began rubbing his throat once again. He still couldn't
begin to believe what had happened to his Queen. To hear such words from
her lilac scented lips, was like hearing an angel spout naught but despairing
messages of lost hope. His queen was a woman of pure goodness, who did
nothing but help others. She never expected payment, reward, or even thanks,
and when she didn't get it despite how much she deserved it, she never
went with hurt pride or feelings. Why, many times she had had to hold
him back from attacking the occasional worthless lout. She was too good
a woman to lose to such a whiny wench. But then the witch stepped from
her abode into the sunlight, and brought DiStephano's mission back to
Lera found herself within the deeper levels of the Catacombs, like she
had quite a few months ago, and before her, the sweltering heated tunnels
leading even deeper, to the Caves. Her last training ground before Hell.
She would be ready. She turned her back to the stairwell though, and headed
back into the Catacombs. She knew she didn't stand much chance down there
in her current state. But with a nice new set of armor, maybe even a helm,
and a sword, she'd be fine.
And then,
a horned demon loomed over her. It snorted, and started scraping its right
leg against the ground, preparing to charge, when she too did the same.
If this forehead appendage was to be of any use to her, it'd be by doing
this. The two squared off, one nearly fifteen feet tall, the other only
slightly more than five. But they were no less powerful than each other.
They charged into each other, the real demon reaching Erim first, but
she quickly rolled out of the way, and sent a few arrows from her Needler
into its back. The creature fell, and she stood once more. Knocked loose
by the fall of the creature, was a suit of chain mail, much better than
the girl's own adornments. She quickly slipped into the new suit, and
appraised herself. Now, now she could stand her own below.
Lera turned to the stairwell, and started down.
Call was waiting for DiStephano within the wooden chambers of the Rising
Sun tavern. The two men caught up on much, mainly being whatever it had
been the mage had been researching, and what had happened to Erim and
Shellandra. The two men had a long uncomfortable moment of silence at
that news. They would not want to be the ones to report this news to Westmarch.
The kingdom was bound to riot. But the news that Call bared with him was
no less frightening and disturbing, and also meant that Erim herself may
be in danger. The two men quickly gathered their equipment and headed
to the Catacombs where she said she'd be.
found herself mobbed by enemies. But that didn't stop them from falling
beneath her blade. She was confident of her abilities. And no longer did
she see her new appendage as a sign of disgust and hate, but rather of
superiority, and hope. The frost chargers she found before her, quaked
in terror before the new 'Bluehorn'. And she did nothing to prove their
terror false. But soon, as the floor's slope started gradually going more
and more downward, she also too noticed the gradual increase of monster
activity. And how many of them were not afraid of her, no matter how daunting
she might appear to be.
And so
it came to be that Erim Lera found herself behind one of the numerous
wooden gates within the lower levels of the labyrinth, hiding. Succubi
scoured the nearby area searching for her. Smelling for her.
know where you are. They're just toying with you. They do that.' Said
an unnamed and unidentified voice from within. But it was so subtle, that
she had already forgotten about it. But not what it had said. It was right
too. They were probably searching for her. She quickly reached for her
sheathed sword, before noticing its disappearance. She looked around quickly,
and saw it sitting in a pile of splintered shards from where she had landed,
once closing the gate behind her.
was no way she could survive getting the blade, and not being flayed alive
by the succubi.
she saw him.
His name
was Zifnab, and he was probably insane. He went around town every once
and while, picking up scraps of litter and trash, and usually wearing
some animal pelts.
He was
huddled in a corner, with dead bodies, and pelts and other rubble scattered
all around him. He appeared to be mumbling to himself.
She crab
walked over to him, still hunched over and watching for any approaching
blood stars. Finally, he noticed her, and started tossing some small projectiles
at her.
creature of the night, back I say! May lilacs grow from your mouth!"
The amazon
grabbed for one of the projectiles, which splattered in her hand. It was
droppings of some kind. Bat maybe. She didn't know. Another bit of the
guano smacked her in her face, spreading. She wiped it away quickly, and
grabbed for her axe, a grim frown on her face.
oh she bears a weapon! Back, back I say! Fear me, Zifnab of the Moth!"
He raised a stick high over his head, and started swinging at her.
Her axe
went up quickly to meet the stick, as did she, before a blood red star
hit her full on from behind, and sent her sprawling to the ground.
a witchie, aye? I should think not! This is mine! I found it!" The man
started waving the stick around threateningly, and started moving towards
the leering demon. Luckily for him, Erim grabbed his closest leg and tripped
him, sending him out of the succubus' line of sight.
She crawled
closer to the man, who was trying to stand, and pinned him to the ground.
"Are you crazy man? She'll gut you, and eat you alive!"
The man
struggled under her grasp, before looking back to the horned woman's visage.
"My queen? My queen is that thee? Oh happy day! I have spent so much time
trying to find ye and- and here ye are. Here with the stars as always."
scrunched her face up a bit, trying to separate each confusing word into
confusing letters to make it easier to understand this lunatic. "Zifnab,
what are you doing down here? With a stick none the less? You ARE crazy
aren't you?"
"I am
sorry my queen. I have left ye and your kingdom. The woods, she is my
mistress now. But you, you are ever so beautiful as you were before. A
bit more sharp tongued than I recall, but oh my queen, the stars, they
are arguing. There is much confusion you see, for I named them. And I
named them all the same name. So they fight, bitterly and brutally."
eyes just kept opening wider in shock and surprise at this man's mumbling.
wish to harm you my queen. They wish to hurt you and beat you. But I-
why I won't let them. The woods are my queen now, but I won't let them.
My queen, you gave me something once, a weapon, a sword, that you said
you didn't need any longer. A weapon of power and beauty, much like yourself,
that you said you didn't wish to spread blood with." As he kept on with
his weird talk, he slowly pulled something out of one of his hides. It
was a twisted, torn, and defiled sheath that looked to have once been
ornate beyond belief. And then, he pulled forth the weapon from its sheath,
and she was stunned. No finer blade had she ever seen. It was no wonder
that he felt it deserving of a queen, but why her?
As if
sensing her questions, he continued. "My queen, the stars; hurt them before
they hurt you. They want your name, because, well, because I named them
all the same name. I named them all Shellandra my queen, and now they
want you." With this, he thrust the sword in her hands, and leaped up,
stick at the ready. Erim instinctively lowered herself defensively over
the sword in her lap, thinking he was to hit her, but instead he swung
at a nearby succubus. Erim screamed out, thinking the man to be toast,
but instead, the succubus burst into flames after being struck, and fell
to the ground as ashes.
She looked
on in confusion, waiting to find out what would happen, and why the Crazy
Man had been able to do such a thing, when he started frolicking off into
the cavern's deeper ends, skipping all the while. The amazon just shook
her head slightly, and ran off to the nearest place she could cast a town
portal spell.
stayed in her room within the Rising Sun for several hours. Paks tried
to get her to let her in, but she would not be so cajoled. Erim was not
sure what was wrong with her. She was worried.
The sword,
entitled the Grandfather, was a family heirloom from Westmarch. That Shellandra
would've so easily and quickly given it to that lunatic, seemed beyond
Erim's belief. But she would not so quickly let it out of sight. No, no
not that. She worried. That nagging voice insured her she could not trust
them. They just wanted the sword.
then DiStephano found her. Call in tow. He just sat in the corner of the
room, watching her, never saying anything, never moving, and so said a
growing familiar voice, never blinking. Just watching. Her. Her horn.
Her sword. But just before she would become so paranoid as to strike him
with the blade, which, by the way, never left her lap, DiStephano spoke
"We have
found out what lays below the Caverns. It's Hell itself."
"I know."
it seems- you know? How do you know?" The barbarian's forehead crinkled
as he asked this question, interrupting his own explanation halfway through.
"It does
not matter, but that is why I am here. I seek someone within hell, and
when I find her, then I shall be leaving."
I see. Well that's not the important part. The important thing is, why
it's here."
"A portal
created after one too many meddling mages no doubt." She answered before
he could continue.
the more likely reason; Diablo. Lord of Terror. He lays beneath this town,
even now. Waiting. Why, he probably knows we're talking about him, right…
now." DiStephano looked about, obviously spooked, but Call didn't seem
concerned in the least.
was at a loss for words. Perhaps the voices had not been so mistaken thus
far. They foretold doom and evil beneath this town, but this was too much.
"Diablo? Metus himself? Who, how, what would release such a foul being?"
too many meddling mages no doubt'. Erim, this is my quest. This is your
sister's quest. Come with us. Let us defeat this monstrosity, once and
for all. Will you join us?" DiStephano signaled behind him, to where Call
had not moved, pointing out that Call too was part of Shellandra's original
A dark
shadow crossed her face as she nodded, and then, deep within, someone
laughed. Everything was coming together perfectly.

Call, the Apprentice Mage of Horshast the Feeble, sat sheepishly within
the halls of the Tristram Church, which had once been a famous Horadrim
Monastery. But then, it had been converted to the worship of Zakarum,
the new Religion of the Light. But now, more informally, to the paganic
religions that the denizens of hell so worshipped.
every wall was spattered bloody drawings to devils and demons, or carvings
of vast sacrifices. And the most impressive,
was a mighty bas relief of a devilish being ripping apart the town of
Tristram, and around it, the world. It might've
been just any demonic being, if not for the two similar looking devils
beside him, doing the same. Those two figures
identified the main being as Diablo.
Lord of Terror.
Call had studied the
Horadrim a bit, back in his master's study, but never enough to be a reliable
source. Luckily, the monks
had scattered tomes about the labyrinth dictating their tale. So too did
he find journals and notes from the Arch-Bishop
Lazarus, once a renowned mage and teacher, who had apparently lead the
assault on the town above. And the
saddest part was how little any of the town's residents knew of their
true plight.
All except for one
Deckard Cain.
Horshast had sent
Everett here to meet the famed sage, who had gone into seclusion, when
rumors came up that he might
be related to the even more famed scholar, Jered Cain. Jered, who was
a known Horadrim member, had died in this
general area some years ago, supposedly with no heirs.
Just as Khallool Saul
had done a few generations ago. And yet, fifty or so years back, a Horshast
Saul had changed his name
to, Horshast the Feeble.
It was amazing how
few many people noticed any connections.
Not even DiStephano,
Call's companion, knew of his affiliations. Call sought to once again
establish the Horadrim, with the
Arch-Angel Tyrael's aid, to stop Diablo and his sleeping brothers from
rising. He had lost much hope in that ever happening,
until he came to this once sleepy village. And then, he had a visage,
of the archangel himself, coming to him,
and telling him he could lead the way.
But Diablo had to
fall first.
He would easily crush
any opposition if not.
So Call sought out
companions. And what luck it was that he found Shellandra, the Good Queen
of Westmarch, and her barbarian
lackey, DiStephano. Shellandra was nearly a saint herself, in all the
good things she had done for the oppressed
and weak around the country, and not just with force. A skilled debater,
charmer, general, and monarch, it was
no wonder she was beloved the world over.
Until Call's selfish
plans got her killed.
'Or rather, that bitch
the Amazon did.' The voice was indefinable, but it was correct.
Erim Lera was not
someone to be trifled with. Everett had seen her fight off legions of
monsters with just her shield and
blade, and even an axe, something DiStephano was hard pressed to do. But
she had to be punished for what had befallen
the Queen for her. And the fact that she knew about Diablo, most certainly
proved her guilt in some kind of underhandedness.
No, Erim Lera was not one to be trifled with. Not by a weakling apprentice,
to a mage surnamed 'the Feeble'.
But someday, someday Call would make sure her blue horned skull rested
on a pike, comfortably, outside the
Horadrim Headquarters.

World's War
is a many splendor thing. Someone said that once. It's beyond my limited
memory to recall who exactly, but many people
have said that since then. And it is, I am sure, but so too is it a bitter,
hateful, resentful, vengeful, deadly thing.
Alternatively, it is also kind, giving, fair, peaceful, and resolving.
But one thing Love cannot be denied to be, is blind.
This is one such story to prove a small point, and perhaps explain a bit
more, behind our dear Erim's distress.
They stood at opposite
ends of an eternal battlefield, but their eyes met and did not let go.
It was if all the other combatants
had disappeared, and only the two of them remained. Between them, miles
and miles of neutral limbo. Space.
Utter chaos, and painstaking order. It swirled, breathed, moved, and lived
around them.
But all they saw were
each other.
She was a succubus,
of the higher orders. Two large horns curled up from her shoulder plates,
leveling over her fiery, wild
hair, which seemed to always be floating above her. She was beautiful,
and her body was definitely worthy of a man's
notice, but not his notice.
Not of an angel's.
He was handsome beyond
mortal capabilities, as most angels were, and had a soft, downy layer
of feathers on his wings,
which matched his sapphire hair. His intense blue eyes locked with hers,
and he could swear he saw the battle going
on around them.
But they didn't move.
They just watched each other.
Now, before the time
of the Mortals, before they were to become part of the Sin War, and the
Great Conflict, love was a
rarer thing. Angels and Demons alike, existed only to serve their greater
lords and ladies, and had no time for such matters.
Those that did, died. Taken horribly, into the realms of the damned, or
the high heavens, for the ultimate deaths.
A conversion type of death. And not many liked that.
So their love would
wait. For an eternity as it might be.
It mattered not to
angel's or demon's. They lived for aeons at a time.
But then Izual started
his charge. The Hellforge would fall. Shadowfang would not be completed.
But it was. And there,
someone hefted it, and wielded it with expertise.
But so too there,
the mighty blue glow of Azurewrath. The day would end in nothing, if not
the deaths of millions of warriors
this day.
And so fell Izual,
beneath the legions of Chaos and Hell.
And so fell the bearer
of Shadowfang.
Fleshdoom, a mighty
devil, grasped the blade of it's fallen master, and continued slaying
his winged foes, while the Angels
tried to recapture their own blade.
And so it came to
be, that the distant admirers, who had never spoken a word to each other,
or been within the same mile
of each other, came face to face. Between them, the now silent and dark
runeblade of the fallen angel. Both of their
hands reached for it, and each brushed the others. They quickly withdrew
their hands, caressing it as if it had been
scalded, and looked into each other's eyes once again.
One, burning with
the fiery pits of hate and rage. The other, the clear blue of peaceful
Andariel faltered.
She did not reach for the blade again.
The Angel, did. He
grasped it, and surged with the power of the blade, as it started to come
back to it's former pseudo-life.
And then Shadowfang
erupted through the angel's chest.
Azurewrath, fell to
the mortal lands, taking many angel's and demons with it, to their death.
Fleshdoom stood before
the Maiden of Anguish, who felt for the first time, some anguish of her
own, as he leered in contemplation.
She shrieked in a short pang of hurt and loss, before it passed, and she
noticed the Conflict once again.
Fleshdoom wasn't looking.
Shadowfang was not
his any longer.
So too was it sent
screaming into the mortal realms, to be kept from the Great Conflict for
all time.
Or until someone went
after it.
Which Fleshdoom did.
The might devil took wing, and shot through the barriers of reality, quickly
gaining on the black blade.
Andariel panicked.
But then, she knew what she had to do. Never again, would the Maiden of
Anguish, a true Prime Succubus,
and a Lesser Evil, feel such Anguish, Pain, and Love.
And within the Mortal
Realms, a pair of farmers, sat within a granger one cold night, as the
woman screamed in agony. She
was going to miscarry. Both her and her child would die, and her husband,
the poor man who had lost his home to the
neighboring armies, would not be able to do anything. It would be his
But the child did
live. Soc was his name. With brilliant blue eyes, and sapphire spun hair,
not unlike his father's. Not the
farmer's, whose hair was chestnut, or his dead wife, who's was straw gold.
But when he viewed
such things that he lusted for, in whatever form, woman, treasure, or
comfort, his eyes took on the raging
red of hellfire.
So too did they glow
when they grew closer to Shadowfang, the sword he had been sent to recover.
The sword which had
killed his 'father'.

Lera's Foray Into Hell, The First
Hell. She had looked
so hard for it, and there it was. Before her, in all it's resplendent
glory. She had left her homelands
well into a year ago, citing her need to find the place, and get the answers
she needed. And there it was.
No longer did lava
flow cleanly along the floors as in the caves. No longer were the walls
crumbling beneath the touch as
in the catacombs. No longer was each room designed so specifically as
in the church. Chaos was the lady of this labyrinth
now, and Chaos was not a lazy mistress.
The walls bulged and
writhed with the infernal pulsing, no in closer examination, it appeared
to be the beating of a heart,
a sound that Erim could luckily not hear. The floor too seemed an organic
being in some places, while uncomfortably
hard in others. The ceiling which now towered impossibly high, had many
thorns ripping through it's own organic
substance, and leering down at Erim. More thorns were ripping through
the walls and floor with each new beat of
the heart. Blood poured down these, and in the distance, a scream could
always be heard. On the ivory white thorn in
front of her, Erim noticed a writhing figure of what once might've been
a human. Blood poured from the things mouth,
now located beneath it's left armpit with the rest of the head, and pooled
onto the ground. But no sooner did the
puddle start to grow, than it did just sink into the ground, and Erim
suspected, the impaling thorn with man, to continue
it's vicious cycle.
She took her first
step into the place, wincing as the ground beneath her squished with the
She lost her nerve.
When she was once
again back at ground level, within the confines of her room at the Rising
Sun, Erim stopped running.
She felt cowardly
and hurt for doing such a thing, but this was Hell itself. She could not
be so despaired about running from
such a place. Why, she bet none of her Sisters had ever even been to such
a place.
But she would return.
She'd have to. Her mother's life, and honor, depended on it. 'So did mine',
she thought to herself.
So she would have
to return. 'Or someone would have to return for you', added that ever-present
nagging voice. But it did
have a point. A mercenary. Someone from town who either didn't know what
to expect, or someone who could handle
such a thing. They wouldn't even need to know what was truly at stake
here. If they did, they might take advantage
of such a thing.
The Amazon in a Queen's
body quickly started scanning The Rising Sun's main hall for a suitable
candidate. In one corner,
a slew of those, 'Beyond Naked Mages', who seemed ill prepared to go into
the market, never mind Hell. In another,
a few barbarians and warriors, leering and making jests in the Amazon's
general direction. Everett sat alone in the
corner, glaring at her as per usual. And lastly, there she was.
She stood tall for
a woman, and bore the markings of a Sister of the Sightless Eye, though
Erim didn't know if she was. Her
name was Zanaste, and she was seldom seen around town these days. Apparently
she herself had started tackling the
Caves, and lower levels of the Labyrinth.
She would be perfect.
She seemed to pass
up the bow, in favor of a black-steel capped club, which just seemed to
absorb the light around it, that
was sitting on the empty table before her. Her armor, a light ring mail
that had it's rings molded perfectly into the shape
of crescent moons, and a matching helm with another moon on the nose guard,
seemed to be made just for her.
The woman turned to
notice the spying Erim, and grinned to herself, as if she already suspected
such a thing. Her eyes pierced
Erim's soul, and thoughts, and caused her to shift uncomfortably while
in their gaze. The woman kicked a chair on
the other side of the empty table, signaling for the girl to join her.
Erim sat, and the
woman lifted her legs up onto the table to rest. "Greeting's 'Bluehorn',
how can I-"
"Erim Lera. Of the
Vrin-Latti Tribe."
The woman sniffed,
and lowered her legs from their upraised position. "Well Erim Lera of
the Vrin-Latti tribe, what can I do
for you?"
"I'm looking for a
mercenary." At this, the Zanaste sat up straight, and looked Erim over.
She was an impressive woman considering,
and the rogue nodded.
"I see. Well, I would
assume this would involve… darker journeys?"
"What? Well yes. No,
yes, er… what do you mean darker?"
Waving the issue away
as if it did not matter, Zanaste replied, "'Tis no matter. Well, what
did you have in mind per se?"
And so the night went
on. Erim explained to the other woman, how she wanted someone to enter
Hell for her, and find her
aunt's soul. When the night was finished, and Erim sought out her bed,
money had exchanged hands, and the other woman
was fast off towards the cavernous entrance to her destination.
Erim dreamed that
night. It had been a few months since she had dreamt of anything. In it,
she stood once more at the threshold
to Hell, with it's living walls and floors, and its impaled human trophies.
Only in her dream, she was entering, not
stopping and running after one step. She walked of someone else's accord,
and before she knew it, she was going even
further down into the place. The sword that she wielded, which had beautiful
engraved bats along it's length, leapt
in her hand, from one beastly nightmare to another, and with each swing,
Erim felt stronger, more rejuvenated. But
finally, the walking warrioress who was not Erim, came face to face with
a pack of succubi, an Amazon's greatest adversary.
But instead of slaying
each other, or fighting vehemently like normally, the succubi left Erim
alone, for some other hapless
traveler. And so too did she toss all of her instincts and upbringing
to the wind, to continue her downward travel
through the cavern.
But finally that traveling
stopped, to bring her before a silver pentagram along the floor. She noted
it was of a different material
than the ground itself, sort of a dull granite, but could not tell where
the new substance ended, and the other began.
But, before she could further question its nature, a spiraling oval of
a similar gray sprung up before her, which she
subsequently entered.
Time meant nothing
to Erim any longer. She knew now that it had been her mind's eye watching
Zanaste's adventure from
the woman's own eyes. But when the woman had entered the portal leading
even deeper into hell, the connection was
abruptly shattered. And now, she could sleep no longer. She knew that
the woman was up to something, and she needed
to know what.
She quickly gathered
her armor, shield, and the sword that the crazy man had given her, before
heading downstairs to the
silent and dark main room of the Tavern. But it was not so empty as was
expected. For standing within the foyer of the
softly lit room, looking around perturbed, was a woman. Her hair, a fiery
red that was as bright and unnatural as Erim's
own, fell down in waves from her scalp, which was adorned by a majestic
crown of Amazonian make. Its garnet jewels
caught the flame perfectly, and made it seem like the woman's head was
on fire. Strapped across her back, was
a hunting bow, which ppeared normal, but was clearly not. And held in
her left hand, as casually as one might expect from
an Amazon Hero, was a shield of exquisite make, that bore the sign of
the Bhagwalli. Stormshield was its proper name,
Erim believed.
She was Charisena,
of the Bhagwalli Tribe, which was routinely in conflict with Erim's own.
The two tribes, which had been
formed by feuding sisters to begin with, never really decided on their
own homelands, and tended to travel each others,
despite how often there were conflicts do to this. She was a heroine of
her people, and known the land over for her
power and talent with the sword and bow. The woman looked right to the
newcomer to the room, and it's only other inhabitant.
Time passed. But it
meant nothing to Erim any longer… except that it meant that much less
time to prove her mother innocent.
A pang, in her stomach,
of the morning sickness that she had started to grow accustomed too. But
neither moved. Their eyes
were locked in place. Charisena fingered her sheath, and the hilt protruding
from it.
She could wait no
Erim ran past the
other Amazon, and out into the chilled night. She ran behind the building,
and started vomiting uncontrollably.
Finally, it ended, and she realized someone was holding back her hair.
It was Charisena.
"You are… I know you."
Was all the woman-warrior said, and quietly at that, though it somehow
sounded commanding in
the silent night.
"I- you are Charisena
the Conqueror. Of the Bhagwalli." Erim licked her lips, tasting the bile,
but unable to keep from doing
do. She was nervous.
"Oh, so you do know
me. But you- you're face, it's familiar."
"I'm Er-"
"Shellandra, of Westmarch.
The Queen. You traveled my lands once, and helped my people with our water
problem. Though,
that is new…" The ruby haired woman helped Erim stand, whilst nodding
to her horn.
"I- yes, it's… a trophy
of sorts you could say." She lied.
Charisena saw right
through it. Her lips immediately formed into a frown, and she shook her
head disapprovingly. "Now, now
child of the Vrin-Latti, lie not to me. I am your Sister, in people if
not in nature alone. I too have the Mind's Eye, and
know who you are, and what's befallen you. Though the vomiting was a bit
extreme for being found out if you ask me."
"I- yes, you- but
"I told you, Erim
Lera of the Vrin-Latti. I have dreamed, ever night whilst traveling here,
of your adventures. And now, I am
here to lead you in your greatest."
"My greatest? Greatest
The woman sighed,
and started leading the confused girl towards the center of town, "You
shall slay the mighty Diablo girl.
You will stop him from destroying all of our lands."
Erim Lera started
vomiting once again.
Within the deeper
regions of Hell, Erim Lera was terrified. She had nearly been dragged
this far to begin with, but now, now
she was truly scared. She stood within a chamber of dead Magistrate's,
holding a maul of unimaginable powers. Charisena
had loaned it to her, to wield appropriately against the enemies she would
face below. And so she had. Several
had fallen now, but this was surely the most exasperating and most difficult.
Deadjudge was his
name, and he was a slippery foe to say the least. Every time Erim would
close on him, he'd send a few
charged bolts her way, and disappear across the room. Charisena had, with
the help of their other companion Italicus
the Thief, tried to corner the thing for Erim, but it had not worked.
So the end result, was her running across the
room, tripping along the slippery and unstable floor, and its natural,
pointed adornments, many times, swinging the maul.
The thief started an incantation to stone the unholy thing, for the girl's
sake, but the older amazon's hand stopped
"No, this is her fight
Italicus nodded, and
waited for the battle to end.
Down another floor
or two, when Italicus departed, going her own way to adventure, they came
face to face with the Betrayer
himself, Lazarus. And it did not take long for their arrows to pierce
the man's robe, and stain it an even darker shade
of red. So too did they slay the succubi-spawn, Black Jade, Bloodlust,
and Red Vex. It was then, that they came to
the gate. It was a mighty red pentagram, glowing with the rhythm of the
unnamed heart, and resembled closely the one
that Zanaste had entered. Only it's color was more like the shade of Charisena's
hair. "He's
through there. Take up thy blade good Sister, it's time we take him down."
The Bhagwalli Tribeswoman yelled.
"Through- there? Where?"
As if in answer to
the girl's question, the pentagram spiraled outward, until it was a mighty
hole in the place. She could see
no conceivable end to it, and it produced a light that the sun itself
would be shamed by. But Charisena walked out into
the center of the substantial hole, before disappearing from sight. Erim
did the same, only much more cautiously. And
then, time, simply stopped mattering once again.
She stood within a
castle, on a cold night, waiting for the darkness around her to explode.
The tension in the air, ensured
it would happen. And it did. Only, it exploded silently, and in a concentrated
The infernal sound
of the heartbeat, not heard back within Hell, was audible now. It did
not echo Erim's own, which she responded
to with some relief. But soon, soon she realized she heard the beat, because
it was from her own body. Just not,
her heart.
When the darkness
shrank away, it shrank away only from one place in the castle. A throne
sat before the girl, which she
mechanically walked towards. Seated atop it, was a dozing girl, whose
skin was duskier than Erim's own, but lighter
than the mages of the distant East. Her hair was a network of interweaving
colors. First black, than sapphire blue,
than black again. It was a beautiful sight, and truly, truly unique. The
heartbeat, it also matched this girl's, Erim knew
instinctively. But the strangest thing about the scene, was that there
were strings attached to the sleeping girl's wrists.
Ethereal, emerald strings. That lead…
Erim. She stood before
herself. Above the sleeping girl, was Erim herself, who looked much older,
one hand on the side of
the throne, as if she had abdicated it. She looked down on the girl in
silent pride. The kind of pride that was immeasurable,
but never truly expressed. She looked good for how much older she seemed.
She wore a suit of armor that
would've rivaled a King's.
'Or a queen's.' Said
the ever-knowing voice of her subconscious.
It was of the finest
make, and definitely designed to be plate mail, only, it was made of pure,
unflawed, diamond. It fit the
woman's body perfectly, and seemed like it would flow perfectly with her
every movement. Atop her still-horned head,
a crown of purest sapphire, that seemed to conform around the horn, clearly
designed specifically for Erim's head. What
appeared to be wing's were fashioned into the side of the head adornment,
also sapphire, but which reminded Erim
of the tales of Starlet's winged crown. The woman held nothing in her
free hand, except for the strings of emerald leading
to the sleeping girl, but by her side, was a floating, emerald blade.
Its crossbar was made of hardened gold, as was
the very tip of its blade, to make it more of a slashing and swinging
weapon, rather than piercing. And the blade itself,
was made of emerald, which happened to be the same color that matched
the strings entwining her older form's fingers.
It was than, that
she noticed the additional strings. Lighter, smaller, and simpler than
the ones leading from mother to daughter,
these led from Erim's own wrists, tangled itself around her horn, to the
sword beside her. The strings then led
further into the darkness above Erim's head. Only then, did the darkness
truly explode. A mighty demoness leapt down
from above, and started attacking Erim. She had wild, unbidden hair writhing
above her head, and mighty ivory horns
spreading from her shoulder blades in a queer mockery of wings. Talons
leapt forward to strike at Erim's chest, as she
started running from the beast. But the demoness's spiked and toned legs
allowed it to keep up, and was soon
even before the Amazon. They faced off than, in many ways, before something
from behind Erim drew the demon's attention
away from her. However, she awoke now, to-
-find herself surrounded
by flames, and what appeared to be fingers made of giant bones surrounding
their platform. Below
and around them, the writhing spirits of the damned who had died recently.
Their souls came here instead of passing
to the High Heavens or Deepened Hells.
Charisena looked up
then, from her position beneath a mighty red devil's foot. It was literally
stomping the life out of her.
So too did it look
to Erim.
And Charisena rolled
away during the devil's momentary lapse.
It could be none other
than Diablo himself. His skin, if it could be called that, was nothing
more than muscles, redder than
Charisena' hair, and darker than blood, at the same time giving it's own
light off. The muscles though, had no order
to them. Erim was no doctor, or even shaman, but she knew anatomy, and
knew that those muscles looked as if taken
from different sources, and stuck on with goatmen blood. His head was
comprised of his piercingly sickening yellow
eyes, and many twisted and curving horns of different make. One appeared
to be from a goat, one a charger, one
a balrog, and yet another seemed nothing more than a rock twisted around
in a parody of a horn.
He stepped forward
then, and pointed at Erim. Something inside her, something in her mind,
in her soul, screamed. So too
did she scream, as fire leapt from the surrounding chaos, and engulfed
her. And too did it engulf Charisena, who had
been trying to get her maul ready for the battle.
They screamed. Diablo
continued making fire burst from the Hell around him, into the two women.
Life drifted away.
Tyrrynan stood nearby,
within the fiery pits of this gateway to Hell, watching the battle unfold.
His master, the Lieutenant
Rathan, of the Palace of the Indigo Sea, had given him the task of watching
the women in their trip into Hell.
He questioned now, whether to aid them or not. Surely his punishment would
be great if he did, but even greater if
he did not. If he aided them, the beings around him would know of his
presence, and he would surely be slaughtered. Spirits
of the damned flitted about, staring intently at his place of hiding,
but were unable to see him in this form. He was
safe for now, but for how long. And how long would the two women, his
charges as it might be, last?
Erim tried to stand,
but she could not. The devil was standing near the area from which she
had entered this place, and was
not paying attention to either her or Charisena, who was lying nearby,
unmoving. The girl crawled onto her elbows, and
started trying to stand. But she could not. Her will power gave out, and
she slumped back down to the cold floor.
Charisena reached
once more for her maul, but could not do so without drawing the devil's
attention. She needed a diversion
again. She had hoped that Erim would've gotten all the way up, to distract
the beast, but it had not happened.
And so she waited.
Orla, sister of Aurla,
and aunt of Erim Lera, watched the battle as well, from the fiery pits
of the hell she had been confined
too. She knew something big was to happen now. But what that was, was
unbeknownst to her. Suddenly, a darkened
hand reached for her, and pulled her from her burning residence. Not that
she was so reluctant, but she did not
entirely trust that particular hand.
Everything exploded
into movement then. Zanaste appeared from behind one of the rock outcroppings,
holding a fiery piece
of material, and ran past Diablo, into the portal back up. Charisena,
noticing her before her escape, grabbed her maul,
and leapt up with it. Erim, though, had more trouble adjusting to this
new event, and was only on her knees by now.
Charisena ran to intercept
Diablo, and had started pounding on the demon with her lightning maul,
the one she had lent
to Erim earlier, while it tried to catch Zanaste. It quickly realized
it's own peril, and turned back to the Amazonian Hero.
A few swings, and she was about to go down.
And then, Erim was
there aiding in it's defeat. Her sword, given to her by a crazy man who
resided in the woods, which once
belonged to her sister, whose body she now inhabited, sliced cleanly through
the thing's rocklike skin. Named the Grandfather
for some unknown reason, to Erim at least, it was a mighty katana from
the Far East. It served her well then,
as it's blade grew darker and darker with Diablo's ichor. And then, without
any spectacle, the killing blow was landed,
and brackish blood started spraying from all of the demon's orifices and
open wounds. Charisena grabbed Erim by
the elbow, and dragged her towards the portal. They entered, with their
last sight of the monster being it's death
Erim dreamed once
again. By now she assumed it was part of the process of going from the
inner-Hell of Diablo's chambers,
to the outer-Hell of the more physical world. Now though, she was within
the familiar backdrop of her homelands.
The Southern Plainlands. Everything seemed so familiar and for a moment
she stopped to think perhaps she
was being returned to her homelands. The sprawling drylands. The rolling
hills. The sparse, but lush trees. And far off,
the not oft seen lone traveler, walking towards her.
He was a beautiful
creature. His age was hard to determine, as he seemed eternally young,
but his eyes, those clear blue
that stood out so much with his similarly colored hair, would drive any
woman insane with jealousy. Except for the woman
who already had those eyes. Which Erim did. Or had, before her reincarnation.
But it was no secret who this man
Her father.
Her cousin's father.
Shellandra's father.
Who knew how many
other children's father.
And he reached where
she had appeared. They stood only a foot or so apart. The sun beat down
on them, much more realistically
than it should have.
He started to speak.
No sound came out.
He didn't seem to
It was then that the
demoness from her other dream appeared.
And it leapt towards
them. Soc turned to the she-beast. They stared each other down. Finally,
they each walked off, separately,
the two beings, away from where Erim stood.
Confused through the
whole course of events, Erim only now truly got her bearings. It was now
that she noticed the similarities
between the creatures. Her father, and the devil-kin. Herself, and the
And then back within
the more 'normal' levels of Hell, Erim Lera began vomiting again. Charisena
was too exhausted to help
the girl hold her hair back.
