The Third
Everett Call was penitent.
He knew what he had done was wrong, and even if his thoughts and actions
HAD been influenced
by the nether-worldly beings of this land, he was still to pay for them.
He was a responsible man, if nothing
So when he saw the
Amazon girl walking slowly towards him within the deepest parts of the
Earth, beneath the cursed
town of Tristram, he was not shocked to see her with sword in hand.
He was a bit worried
about the burning red glow emanating from the red gem in her forehead,
which seemed to be
reflected in her eyes. No longer was her almost trademark blue horn at
the center of her brow, but instead, the red
stone which had haunted his dreams and nightmares. His hands started to
twitch as he contemplated running in abject
terror, but then he realized what was coming he deserved. He had aided
the witch, now he would pay.
She came closer. The
glow no longer seemed to be just reflected in her eyes, but also seemed
to radiate from them.
Her sword, too, had an unnatural red glimmer to it that was unholy as
well as terrifying.
It flashed as she
closed the distance to the mageling, and swept down to slice across the
young man's stomach. His
eyes shot open in shock, and he immediately doubled over into a fetal
position. The bastard sword swept up once more
for a killing blow, but was interrupted by the presence of someone else
in the room.
In a sick, twisted
irony most definitely affected by this Hell, the two people had formally
met this way so long ago.
DiStephano stood across the chamber from Erim, his battle-axe held firmly
in both hands. The two former companions
stared at one another for a short time, until the tension was disturbed
by Call crashing flat on his face, quickly dying.
The Amazon pulled
out a healing scroll from the section of her belt where she generally
kept them, and tossed it to the
opposite side of the room. She then turned completely around, and walked
out, steadily, but not quite running.
The barbarian had
two choices. Go after her, or save the traitor mage.
His barbaric instincts
did not involve the mage's healing. They told him to let the traitor die
his slow death, and to
confront the Amazon. She was powerful, and needed to be put down.
He quickly grabbed
the healing scroll, and applied its healing properties to the grateful
mage. But as he sat there, with
the pale man's head in his lap, waiting for him to regain consciousness,
he couldn't help but wonder why Erim had done
such a thing. So rash. So not like her. He was surprised she did not shove
her blade through BOTH of their heads.
Instead, she had allowed the mage a chance to live. How different than
anything she had ever done.
He also wondered why
he cared.
Lera's Reincarnation, the Second
She was within a convoluted
dimension of ethereal chaos. Indescribable objects drifted around her
floating form every
minute or so. Actually, she couldn't keep track of time anymore. Every
time she started counting, something weird
would happen. Such as a sun rising and falling around her. Maybe a red
moon whizzing by. Whatever it was, it
disoriented the mind, and gave an utter despairing ambiance to the place.
Erim Lera, or what
was once her body, which was once her half-sister Shellandra's body, walked
stoically down the
middle of the town square of Tristram. The town was asleep for the night,
and the doors shut to her. But he, the being
who now resided within her, extended his will. Within a matter of moments,
several doors opened themselves to him.
Sleepy, weary eyed folk, mostly the old or feeble, stepped blindly into
the town square, not aware of the devil in their
Erim Lera opened her
mouth in a toothy grin, as she began to test the limits of his power.
She wasn't sure where
she was, but it seemed vaguely familiar to her. The longer she just floated
in the chaos, more
memories formed in her empty and foggy mind. Names assaulted her. Places.
Visions of beautiful days, and gory
deaths that somehow brought triumph out in her. She cried in exultation,
before realizing these memories were not all
A man, as angry as
a human body could contain, yelling at her, calling her a 'bastard' in
so many words.
A woman, with beautiful
violet lips and eyes, smiling down at her, as she was handed a beautiful
great sword, and sent
out somewhere.
A moment of immense
pleasure, as her and handsome black man, conjugated their love.
Another quick, flashing
moment of an ethereal place, and a man, angel perhaps, with beautiful
sapphire hair and eyes,
and wings of gold, lying dead.
The memories swarmed
by her, until finally, she screamed a noiseless scream.
But she remembered
who she was now.
Erim Lera. Sister
of the Vrin-Latti tribe.
And at this realization,
came panic.
And a still-beating
heart, somewhere in the distance. Echoing throughout her brain.
Only, she realized
where she was. One of the memories she had absorbed let her know of the
book by Aophrates, "The
Mind Stream". And so, technically, she had no brain any longer. Someone
else was in control of her body now.
Somehow, she knew
she knew the answers to her questions. But everything was in a jumble.
She couldn't set anything
And the heart kept
on beating in the distance.
Call woke in the dark
of night, a cold sweat covering his body. He sat up swiftly, which brought
a groan of pain from his
stomach, where the bandage was still wrapped. He gingerly placed a hand
to the still raw wound, and stood. There was
a commotion in the town common. He peered from the window of his room
above the Rising Sun, and looked for what
was behind the ruckus. And standing amidst it all, was Erim Lera herself,
holding high her new bastard sword. Without
pause, her eyes shot up to look at the traitorous mage, and grinned. However,
Everett Call saw behind that evil grin.
He saw the evil seeping out of the woman. He ran back to his bed, and
hid under the covers. Something he hadn't done
in a decade or two.
Somehow, Shellandra
had mysteriously appeared before her.
"Sh- Shellandra? Is
that you?" Erim was taken aback, but it was like looking into a mirror.
The same blue hair, the same
violet lips. They even moved similarly.
"Aye good sister Erim.
Though not as you'd like me to be. You see, you're body has absorbed much
information since
you have come back to this place. Including everything I knew about the
Mindstream. But your, your mind isn't keeping
up. So, subconsciously, you've created me, here, to help you."
"I created you? But
you died."
"Yes, and I will remain
so for all time, but within the Mindstream, you can, 'create' things out
of pure will. During our
last 'visit' here, I created a library, full of books. You 'created' that
sword to try and kill me. So too did your mind call
out for me, 'create' me, to answer your questions."
However, the girl
put a hand to her head, and shook it absently, still confused. The elder,
Shellandra, grabbed her by
the elbow, and 'lead' her to a nearby bench for them to sit on. "See,
you're weary, and you made this bench."
Erim's eyes looked
down, just now noticing the bench, and pulled back. "It's alright girl.
Come, sit, and we'll talk."
DiStephano rolled
over in his troubled sleep, swinging a muscled arm to thwart off some
demon or another. His meaty
fist, balled up to do more damage to the demon only he in his slumber
could see, crashed through a nearby chair,
sending slivers of wood all about. Across the room, Call yelped, and pulled
the covers over his head more.
Call peeked out from
beneath the linen sheets, expecting Erim to be right in the room with
him. And when he saw the
room was empty save for him and his barbarian companion, he let out a
heavy sigh… which turned into a shudder of
terror as the wooden door swung noiselessly open, to reveal the Amazon.
Erim sat quietly,
listening to all her 'sister' had to tell her. Every few seconds she would
interrupt to ask another
question. And it would be answered without pause, before continuing. Apparently,
whatever else had been inhabiting
'their' body, had taken control when Erim had let her rage and anger go
to extreme levels. And for whatever reason,
that being had then released Diablo himself from HIS body, and placed
it into theirs, also subsequently breaking any
barriers preventing him from leaving Hell. He even now rampaged through
Tristram, slaying and killing without heed.
Her most prominent
question, and the one which brought about the loudest and longest sigh
she'd ever heard: "How do
I regain control?"
Call had run from
the beast hunting him, but it was useless. He would be found soon enough.
His first instinct had
been to run into the deepest and darkest part of Tristram, in hopes of
not being found. His instincts sucked.
Everett Call was wearing
nothing more than his bandage, and a robe from the tavern, but was knee
deep in the hell on
earth that was the Church. He hadn't known why to run there, but apparently
for whatever reason it was, his gut
wanted him dead. The Amazon/Demon trotted behind him about ten feet, not
bothering to run him down, but not losing
him either.
Finally, he rounded
a corner on the fourth floor, the umpteenth corner that level at least,
and found himself without
pursuer. He waited just a moment to make sure the 'woman' was not behind
him, and kept on running. Soon he should
be able to find a passageway back to town, he figured.
And then, another
corner. And another. They were leading nowhere. Almost as if in circles.
And another. Almost as if
Finally, one of the
corner's lead somewhere. A dead end. Well not completely dead, as there
was a door in the far wall
of the small chamber he now found himself in, but closed off certainly.
And crucified to the
door, was Horshast 'The Feeble' Saul.
"Master! Master Horshast!"
Call ran over incautiously,
and lifted the old man's head. His eyes were bloodshot and bulging, and
didn't quite seem to
see much any more. His lips were sealed over in flesh, as if he hadn't
opened them in years, but they had been
profusely cut to keep them scarred over. His voice, when the lips were
finally peeled open, cracked and hissed. When it
finally came, it was foreboding though.
"Call? Is that you?"
The mageling fell
to his knees at the mage's nailed feet, tears streaming down his soot
covered face now.
"Call, you must get
me out of here! There is great evil afoot, and we need to leave, immediately!"
The young man
looked up, through his tears, and started letting his pleading master
Gore covered his face
instantaneously. A mighty rose red axe-blade protruded from the dying
mage's chest. The axe
disappeared backward, towards the door, which was immediately blown open.
Call was flown backwards several feet, to
lie in a heap farther back in the hallway. Horshast, also thrown in the
'explosion', did not get up.
Looking up slowly,
Call saw that Erim had found him after all. And she smiled happily as
she licked the blood from the
mighty red axe's blades.
So, all she had to
do, was kill Diablo in a one on one fight in the depths of Hell itself.
Nothing she hadn't done before.
Only now, she had to do it in her mind. She had to 'create' the world
that she was from, the very essence of Tristram
and the Church's Labyrinth, straight into hell itself. From there, she
would fight Diablo, slay him, and be free of his
Wouldn't be too hard.
Really, how would she lose, if it was all in her mind anyways? She could
'create' the weapons and
armor for the job.
She tried simple things
first, since her sister had dispersed into thin air a few minutes ago.
A tree to begin with, but it
had failed miserably. The leaves exploded into flame, and quickly burned
the surrounding bark. She was happy to see
she could make fire though, being as how bad she was with magic in the
'real' world. So she tried again, with some
simple firebolts, which quickly melted into a liquid shape, and rolled
out in strange waves. Beautiful, but deadly if they
caught you no doubt. After some practice, she was soon able to control
the flame much more evenly, even guiding it to
separate when about to hit her, or any object. Before long, it was as
if of second nature, and she didn't even have to
think about it.
Things were moving
wonderfully, until the sword appeared. Gray all around, blade hilt and
crossbar, it was an
impressive site. Crafted in Hell no doubt, as legend bespoke, it's edges
were sharper than any blade made in Grizwold's
forges, and stronger than any metal on Earth. Proving once more of it's
unearthly origins, were it's dimensions. Not
exactly symmetrical, the crafter would've been insane making it. A long
jabbed slit ran down the top half of the blade,
and several more decorated the sides. Granted, it would cut more, and
deeper that way, but it wouldn't be too effective
if someone's blade hit the right spot.
There was no doubt
in her mind this was the elusive Shadowfang.
Amazon Returns
The sword swung mightily
in her hands. It was a beautiful weapon, and would serve her well. The
fact that it was evil
incarnate had yet to affect her. Instead, the shear power of the blade
held her in thrall. It sliced cleanly through her
enemies, leaving nothing behind in its wake. It literally would cut monsters
in half, top to bottom, or side to side.
Nothing could stand in her way, and that duly affected her. She soon became
blinded to what she fought, and instead
concentrated on nothing more than swinging the blade as much as she could.
Anything aimed at her, was knocked
away. Be it arrow, blade, or spell. She was Queen, and would reign as
such, for eternity.
Or until that blinding
blue blade sank into her spine. Her blindness was quickly dispelled, as
a menacing figure
approached her. Suddenly reality hit her, as she realized she wasn't in
reality. The mind-numbing coldness that
permeated her bones due to the Mindstream, surrounded her. And then the
demon swung at her.
She quickly dodged
the blade, unnaturally quick, as the blade leant her the speed of the
wild cats of the Tribelands.
But so too was this enemy blade quick. Its dim-blue blade bit into her
arm, her swordarm, and almost forced her to
drop her own blade. Almost. She could not see it's wielder, but it must've
been exceptionally powerful to wield a
weapon so well. She leapt out of the way of it's azure swing once again,
narrowly avoiding losing her arm altogether.
Finally the cloudy
mists around her vision cleared to show her more than just the weapon
attacking her. Now, she
clearly saw her father leading the assault.
Everett Call was not
entirely sure of where he was, but there were people all around him. Most
seemed unconscious, or
were simply not moving. Far off, he thought he spied DiStephano and Iranae
hanging off wooden posts. Which he soon
came to find out, he too hung from. His arms were slung out above him,
on a similar post, perpendicular to his own. His
feet were crossed, and apparently tied to the lower end of the stake.
The last thing he
had remembered, his master had been slain by the Amazon, Erim Lera, and
he was lying unconscious
in the halls of the Church. Now, he was a prisoner, in a pitch-black limbo,
by an unnamed enemy. Though his own
traitorous mind suspected Erim once again. Then, silvery blue lights started
flying around all the people who had been
captured, illuminating their bloody faces.
It was then that Call
realized their unconsciousness was permanent.
He had the most striking
blue hair she had ever seen. And those eyes. Those clear, crystalline
blue eyes. It melted her
heart, though her eyes had been much like them not so long ago. The glowing
blue of his sword, only more illuminated
these beautiful features. It was then she remembered he was trying to
kill her. Her own gray blade was up to meet his
swing, before she realized he was not attacking.
Through gritted teeth,
she asks, "Who are you?"
"You know fully well
who I am."
"Ok then, what're
you doing here? I didn't 'create' you."
"No, you're completely
right. But I'm more than you. And you're also forgetting, you're not the
only one controlling this
"You? Was it you who-"
"No, he's even more
than I. All I'm saying is, it's not hard to enter someone's mind, when
you are what I am."
"Well than, what ARE
"An incubus. The male
equivalent of the succubus. Only we're a little bit more… reserved. Where
they'll slay you any
way possible, my kind will only kill you while you sleep. Which you're
doing at this very moment, technically."
"So you're here to
kill me? Wonderful. Though don't think I'll go without a fight."
"I am not going to
kill you."
"Got that right."
"I meant, I'm not
even going to try. Instead, I want to help you."
"With what?"
"Well for one, how
about that?" The demon-man pointed his sword to hers, and what it had
Erim's eyes looked
down to Shadowfang, and saw that it was now a deep blue color not unlike
her hair, but had a
sicker, more revolting hue to it. And unnatural, evil color. Long wisps
of the color had started to fly off, and stick to
Erim's arms and legs. She saw that this was not a current thing, but instead,
that the blade had been controlling her for
some time. And finally, the darkest of the wisps, was revealed to lead
right to her head.
The sword made a hollow
banging as she tossed it to the ground. The wisps instantaneously dispersed,
and she was
left exhausted from the experience.
"That is a mighty
impressive blade." She conceded.
"Aye, evil as could
be as well."
Just then, his own
sword was tossed to the ground, and he grabbed her old one. Once more
she saw the blue-black
wisps explode outward from the blade, to attach solely to his forehead.
"My daughter, you
must leave this body once and for all. I have given you countless ways
to do this, but you continue
to ignore them. Therefore, I shall have to force you to leave." Soc held
the blade in a formal greeting from one warrior
to another, before swinging it too quickly at her chest.
The crucifixion started
at Dawn, and by Twilight, only a handful were left. He was happy with
the outcome, and was
ready and willing to wait for the next rising of the sun for the rest
of them.
That was, He was ready
and willing to wait, until He realized something was wrong. Someone, or
something, was trying
to ruin His fun. And this He could not have.
He lit the closest
torch, and moved towards the silver-haired girl.
Erim had leapt out
of the way of her father's swing, but knew she wouldn't be able to last
much longer. The sword had
truly drained her.
"Why are you doing
this?" she asked in shuddering tones.
"I told you. Someone
else wants this body permanently, and you're in their way."
"Who? Who is so important
you must kill your own daughter?"
The sword seemed to
strike even harder at those words, and Erim knew she'd struck a sour chord.
She darted
backwards, deeper into the darkness surrounding her, and away from the
sword-wielding demon. But she had no where
to go.
Iranae's eyes flickered
open to see nothing but enveloping darkness around her, just as her stake
was set to flames.
She hadn't been even been able to completely absorb where she was, before
the pain set in. A scream erupted from her
throat, and someone nearby jerked awake. DiStephano found himself bound
as the others did, and tried to break free
from his stake, but could not. Ahead of them, stood Erim Lera, who no
longer had the symbolic blue horn protruding
from her forehead, but several from her shoulders and temples. Her eyes,
once a soft and sensual violet color, now
registered a sickly blue, that made the soul want to vomit.
She finally lost him
down one of the hallways, but knew he would find her. Quickly, she made
all the panic in her mind
disappear, and brought about the process to 'create'.
Before long, Shellandra
appeared, just as panicked as Erim.
"He has found us,
and the blade. Then it is too late. You see, this is why I set out to
find the sword and destroy it."
"But Shellandra, I
tried. And is this not all just part of my subconscious anyways?"
"Some, yes. But the
incubus is more powerful than that. And he can take the blade with him,
real or not."
"Well then how do
I stop him?"
"I- I don't know."
And as if to further prove his immortality, the man came rushing around
the corner, blade swinging.
The vision of Erim's sister didn't last too long, before it dispersed
into puffs of colored smoke. Only Erim and Soc were
left now.
"Soc, if that is you're
real name, don't think I won't hurt you. You forget who I am."
"That's pretty interesting
girl. That's the exact same thing that you're aunt said. And you're mother."
Something snapped
then. Audibly. They were inside Erim's mind after all. A mighty dual-bladed
axe took shape in her
clenched fists, and she started swinging at the man.
"Struck a chord did
I? Well wait 'til you hear this one. You're beloved 'sister' is now the
Queen of the Vrin-Latti as well.
I'm sure she'll take special pleasure to your return. In pieces!" the
man swung his demonblade once more, completely
intent on slaying the girl-warrior. But she would have none of it. Her
mighty axe, named the Warbringer by Starlet
herself, was there in the sword's way, ready to block it's slash.
But as happened to
quite a few things in this not-entirely-corporeal land, it dispersed when
the gray blade struck it.
And still the blade kept on it's path, digging deeply into the girl's
armored thigh. She fell back, in pain, with a slight
yelling escaping her lips. Immediately she tried to get back on her feet,
but could not. Instead, she flipped over onto
her stomach, and started pulling herself away from him.
DiStephano struggled
against his bonds, knowing fully well how futile it was. Why no longer
did they feel as if to be
nothing but rope, but now pig iron. Before him, the demon who had taken
over Erim's body, was busy slicing up the
poor form of one of the few remaining townsfolk. Why had he and his companions
been allowed to live for so long
He had hold of her
hind leg, and was even then preparing to jab her in the back with his
blade. Of course she'd have
none of it, if she could have her way that is. Suddenly she was no longer
on her stomach, but on her back, with it
arching ever so slightly, and her unrestrained leg flying upwards. It
smashed across the demon's beautiful face, and
sent him reeling. Abruptly, she was free. Her world crumbled around her,
and she started to fall through the limbo of
her Mind.
But she had grown
in her time within Tristram. No longer was she as rash and impatient as
before. She would handle
this well. As if to emphasize her point, a thick, black marble walkway
appeared beneath her feet, and that of her falling
father's as well. He grunted in slight pain as his fall was cut short,
but was on his feet in no time at all. So too was his
sword in the air, and coming towards her. The two, father and sword, moved
as if one, and Erim almost lost control of
the land around her.
But she would not
be so easily overcome. The very land erupted around her, black marble
chunks spraying everywhere,
as large steel beams jutted from the thin walkway. Soc quickly came to
an abrupt halt, and tried to bypass the items.
"Erim, you cannot
do this. This is not your body to begin with."
"No father, but it's
the body I'll protect to my dying day. My sister, one of you're other
abandoned children, she gave
me this body in self-sacrifice. Do you think I'd so easily give it up?
To the likes of you nonetheless?" The steel beams
in front of her erupted as Shadowfang ripped through them easily, the
enraged demon behind it.
"Sister?" He growled
thorough clenched teeth. "What sister? Not Nimue, she's-"
A booming voice from
above interrupted him, "No, THIS sister." Shellandra stood atop a mighty
winged stallion as she
drove her own blade, a mighty blue one not unlike Soc's own when he appeared,
into the man's chest.
"Shellandra!?" Erim
was taken aback, and almost lost control of the environment once again.
But a reassuring hand on
her shoulder brought her back under control. She did not have time to
identify the hand though, before it was gone
again. Lost amongst the swirling pits of limbo.
Soc meanwhile, was
not taking the wound well. He bled from several places, and could barely
keep on his knees. "How?
How could I have let one… escape."
Erim was utterly confused
to the man's words, but she would apparently remain as such, when the
eternally vibrating
heartbeat around her started booming to unearthly proportions. "Shellandra?
I have so many questions, but-"
"I will tell you this
much Erim. I never let go. I was with you through it all, and will be,
until the day you yourself die,
old and happy in a bed somewhere in the Tribelands no doubt. Take care
of everyone, but you must leave. If not, the
Dark Lord will have this body permanently. Go-"
And she had no choice.
The bludgeoning club
hammered down onto the already dead townsmen's head, but did not let up
until the skull fell
right off the spine. A sickening grin split pseudo-Erim's face, as she
looked up slowly to the next in line for the club.
The mageling.
"You've served me
well underling, but the simple fact is, you're too weak willed to be of
anymore use to me." The
woman's voice was no longer her own, but that of a guttural beast, not
quite human, not quite animal.
And the young man,
simply looked up from his place tied to the stake, completely unemotional,
willing to accept his
The strangers to the
town were not surprised to find it empty or devoid of life. Why, several
villages along the way had
been similarly deserted. But it was this town, that wasn't empty 'enough'.
As if the spirits and the souls of the dead
were still around. The mage-woman drew back her hood a bit, looking for
any sign of life. The radiant knight beside her
too brought back a cowl, and revealed his glowing tan face. It contrasted
heavily with the dark mists enveloping the
town of Tristram. What had happened to everyone? And did they want to
The demon did not
see the ground behind him start to tremble. His massive form, of the fact
that he himself constantly
shook for unknown reasons, kept him from noticing such a small tremor.
But those who did notice it, living or dead, or
between, would've noticed the silvery-blue horn now protruding from the
ground behind them.
Birth - The End
His death took but
a matter of seconds to occur. The horn shot out from the ground, veritably
erupted from its jutted
position, to enter the back of the woman-devil's spine.
It did not get back
Neither though, did
the mageling, who had taken his first whack across the skull from the
club. The air was still, as one
of the ropes on the nearest stake burst, a golden dagger having severed
its bind. The saviors of the few remaining
townsfolk, quickly caught up on the current situation. Apparently Diablo
had taken control of a native Amazon
warrioress, but before it could continue its death spree, something had
killed it. The woman-snake, the young paladin
man, the barbarian-turned-knight, and the young amazon girl, all slowly
approached the scene of the final 'battle'.
Nothing moved in the
pitch-blackness that was the inner pits of Hell. No longer did even the
floor or walls move.
…except for the slight
heartbeat of the mageling, Everett Call. A slow groan, as he tried to
pull himself from beneath
the horned and crippled form of Erim Lera. DiStephano and the paladin
were the first to aid him to his feet. He wobbled
a bit at first, but seemed like he would be all right in the end. Strangely,
he could not keep his eyes off of the paladin.
Yet whenever he looked directly at him, he could do nothing more than
to shield them, as if from some great shining
… Nothing continued
to move…
Everyone decided it
would be best to leave the caverns then, before anything DID decide to
… Which something
Diablo, also known
as Metus, also known as The Lord of Terror, among a dozen other pseudonyms,
was not one to be
defeated so easily. It had taken countless mages and angels before, just
to keep Him within the soulstone, which he
now possessed as well.
… So why was he finding
this so difficult? What stood against him now, that had not then?
As He leapt into the
air, completely intent on igniting each of the humans in the labyrinth
right then and there,
something inside him moved. Something within his abdomen, that he couldn't
Wherever Erim Lera's
psyche had been sent to this time didn't seem to matter any longer. The
last thing she had
known, she was attacking her former body from behind, after her sister
had ejected her from the body. Now, all she felt
was the erupting pain inside her abdomen, which could mean only one thing.
Sha'uri Ssethnithonosshal'ra
knew what was to come, and hoped she was not too late. She and Tyr the
Paladin had
traveled many, many miles to reach this point, and they were nearly late
nonetheless. Already the girl was going into
labor, but not yet back in possession of her body. She knew if she messed
this up, one of the 'higher ups', would have
her scales for dinner.
As the growing crowd
started drawing weapons in anticipation of the attack, and became ready
to strike their former
friend down forever, an almost unnoticeable change came over the reddened
amazon. One of the numerous horns
already sprouted from its body, ripped off at the root, and fell to the
ground with an ominous crunch. Not to be
outdone, another grew in its place, redder, sharper, and more jagged.
And then another fell off. With a snarling roar, Diablo seemed to force
it to grow back…only to have it fall off again. All
over the creature's body, this occurred. Finally, in one swoop, it managed
to tear apart rocks and walls all around itself.
No one in the crowd
moved, in fear of whatever it was that frightened and pained the Lord
of Terror.
Lightning flared across
her vision, and pain wracked her 'body', but there were only two focuses
for her energy. Both her
forehead, and her lower stomach. And one way or the other, she was bound
to reclaim what was once hers.
Call didn't know quite
what to do. He had finally come to the realization that the dreams of
the archangel Tyrael had
been nothing but a front for the Brother of Terror to enslave him. Yet
know here stood an angel before him, nodding
knowingly in the direction of the blue-haired amazon.
The Horadrim would
live yet still.
As the horns started
bleeding and erupting from Diablo's failing form, and as it started to
recover the human shape of
Erim Lera once again, none could deny seeing the single blue horn, somewhere
beneath the red gem of her forehead,
trying to come out.
Everything that happened
next, happened too fast for actual time to describe. For one thing, the
brilliant red stone
encrusted in her head was ripped from it's perch, thought to have been
by Call since he was later seen with it in HIS
Also, the bluehorn,
which she was once known for, found it's rightful place amongst her brow,
and glowed with a mighty
light as well, for several days. At least as long as it took for the child
to be completely born.
And yes, the girl
was born, taking several days to completely make it's way out, in which
time Sha'uri properly
reintroduced herself, and made plans to help Erim return back to the Tribelands
with the babe.
Also, yes, she returned
home. Diablo had been slain, and even left without a body this time. Call
was powerful enough
to contain him, or so said the witch-snake and the paladin. The other's
hoped she was right, and wished the young man
good luck in his tasks.
It was a parting of
sorts. It had all happened so quickly. Erim found herself as a mother,
after having trapped her father
in a fate worse than hell only days earlier. Not to mention finding out
her own mother had been slain in her sleep, back
amongst the Vrin-Latti. She made plans to leave for there post haste.
But until then, she held her dark-skinned,
beautiful baby girl in arms, while watching the sun set over the remains
of Tristram.
Iranae would go with
her, as she herself had become a General. She would serve beneath Erim
as long as she wished,
and possibly even the babe too when the day came. She had learned a lot
in her time, and had grown as well.
DiStephano though,
would not be joining them. It was safe to say things between him and Erim
were not well, and
never would be. While they once might have been able to be lovers, or
even friends, similar problems stopped them
from that now. They left each other, without even saying good bye. Though
he did leave his 'daughter' a parting gift.
Everett Call and Tyr
the paladin left together, for the far distant East. There, they planned
on starting up a new league
of Horadrim, to take up the former calling of the group, and make sure
that the Three Brothers never set foot upon the
Mortal lands again. Already, they had one person willing to join them
in such endeavors. Luibhmac, a former Advocate
of Lazarus', and one time companion of Call's, was one of the last survivors
of Tristram. He made sure that he would
not let this happen again, elsewhere in the world.
Finally, all that
stood within the burnt out town, was the snake-woman herself. The Amazons
waited off a bit, to
prepare for their journey, but she was not yet finished. She slithered
her way through the burnt out town, until she
found herself before the pits of Hell. There stood the woman she sought.
With her golden bow slung across one
shoulder, and brilliant red hair across the other, she was the very picture
of the warrior-woman. And so she was, since
she had crafted the picture herself. Starlet was an impressive Angel,
and not one to leave onlookers without
intimidation. But Sha'uri had met her before, and was not worried.
"Shall we return then,
to the Tribelands?" the sorceress asked, while pulling her cowl above
her head. It was getting
cold in this part of the world.
"I suppose we shall
Snakewoman. Let me assume a more fitting form though." For a brief moment,
the 'goddess' looked
like Orla of the Vrin-Latti, Erim's aunt. She shook her head though, and
took on the more impressive form of the former
Queen of Westmarch, Shellandra. Once more a shaking head though, and she
wore the form of a fallen one. A fallen
one who had one of his arms, a bit longer than the other. In a perfect
voice, completely devoid of any of the creature's
normal chittering, it continued, "Let us go then."