Part I
Meetings in the Mud
A few notes about
Who are they? A four
person team of hardcore players whose objective is to defeat Diablo at
the lowest possible level: in HC, in all three diffs. As Mr_PeaCH once
said: ambitious, arent we?
Hawkmoon: Barbarian(S/S),
Slicer [now Dicer]
Darkangel: Sorceress, SissyFOS, now (since the Lag Gholein incident) KissyFOS
CelticHound: Paladin, EddyFOS, by default and initiative, group leader
Occhidiangela: Bowazon, SaucyFOS, [now SassyFOS], Known far and wide for
turning simple passageways into intricate mazes. Jealous of SissyFOS
ability to turn heads
Complete each act and quest without repetition. No extraneous experience.
Diablo defeated on each difficulty level as soon as practicable. If the
can create the synergy that the game allows, that D-Hell will go down
at clvl 35-39. If someone dies, he/she has to start all over again, thus
the analogy to Sysiphus, who gets the rock to the top of the hill, only
to have it roll down again and start all over.
Act I : Rogues
Part I: Meetings in
the Mud
Dramatis Personae:
SissyFOS: Sorceress
and jet setter wannabe, with a thing for clean cut warriors. A real fan
of jewelry. Hi, my name is Swashintawhamaklaprashina, but you can
call me Sissy, ok?" Dad a prosperous fisherman, and mom made these
cute Khanduran curio candles that go well with any decor." Two working
parents, often on her own--spent far too much time hanging out at the
marketplace where she proceeded to learn, like, stuff. Apprenticed
under a Sorceress because she thought making those flashy light
thingies is really, like, soooo tubular. She left town after a rave
at a county fair came to a premature conclusion when the main tent caught
on fire. Last seen arguing with the promoter, apparently about tweaking
the light show. In a desperate search for a qualified hairdresser, she
traveled south and stumbled into the Rogue Encampment. Here she encountered
. . .
SaucyFOS: A junior
champion archer who gave up career as a big game hunting guide to seek
adventure in the Kingdom of Khanduras. Liked her beer room temperature,
her men warm, and her meat spicy. Slain in the Cathedral by Dark Ones,
and Bone Ash, under the command of the Evil Lag Monster . . .
==SassyFOS: Career as bar maid, [and stand up comedian in The Glittering
Pike Saloon,] was cut short when her boss tried to steal more than a kiss
after she celebrated her greatest comedic success with too many shots
of goat's milk. {Her impersonation of Old King Leoric's cousin Bovina,
staggering around Khanduras in an alcoholic fog seeking "jesh a 'lil
mooore Crown Royal(tm) for a royal lady cuzhin, uh luzhin - hiccup- down
on her lushk - burp," evoked showers of coins in its inaugural, and
only, performance. The request for jesh a lil Crown Royal(TM)
became a running gag in some parts of Khanduras.} Fineus Rheel, owner
of the Glittering Pike, was found trussed up like a Harvestfest turkey,
his codpiece strapped to his nose, and "Pike with Ears" written
across his forehead in soot. When revived, he raved incessantly about
that foul mouthed, violent tavern wench and all around strumpet,
Sassy. Reel, forever muttering about eating fish, is now in the
care of his spinster aunt, who runs the Glittering Pike as a daycare facility
for the children of unwed fathers and 'neer-do -well' fishermen.
Saucy headed East to seek her fortune-- and to avoid the Sheriffs
henchmen looking to bring her to justice for crimes against a taxpaying
citizen and 23rd degree Brother in the Fraternal Order of Lake Manatees-
one Fineus Reel.
SlicerFOS: A Barbarian
who broke his mothers heart when he gave up on the family business
[he was training to be a chef], and followed his inner voices to the Tamoe
Highlands. Trained with sword and shield-- hed had dizzy spells
the first time he touched a spear. Swords were comfortably similar to
the chefs knives he had been handling all his life. A devout scavenger
hunter. Slain in the Jail when a horde of Misshapen Champions and skeleton
archers caught the party in a cross fire. Succeeded by his brother
==DicerFOS: embarked on his Dream Quest two years early. Left
his home in the middle of the night: his face is now seen on milk jugs
all over the Barbarian mountains. He awoke one evening and wandered dazed
through snow, rain and wind storms, seeking a brash blonde-haired woman
who figured prominently in his dreams. He asked every one he found for
directions to a rouge camp. Wandered the Cold Plains looking
for the perfect carving knife, only finding it after slaying hordes of
zombies and corrupted rogues with a chefs cleaver. His dream quest
was revealed when he met a knight named . . .
EddyFOS: Son of a
master builder and mason, [sort of a medieval architect], and drummer
in his school band, he entered the Temple of Light in Westmarch, but quickly
wearied of the endless rote memorization, illuminating texts, and lack
of a suitable civil engineering syllabus. The Brotherhood soon found him
work as a squire of the Questing Crusaders. He earned his spurs in near
record time, but irritated the Paladins of Westmarch by focussing on building
complex field fortifications and earthworks at the expense of his equestrian
skills. He was sent forth horseless, with a sword and shield, to study
the insides of ruined and burned out buildings, caves and temples . .
. along the way, he stumbled into the Rogue Encampment . . .

Hold, Stranger,
and identify yourself!
Eddy looked up from
the dark, muddy path and immediately returned from his reverie. The unsmiling
woman was pointing an arrow, nocked to a taut bowstring, directly at his
chest. Shifting his gaze beyond her leather capped head, he could make
out a wooden stockade rising up through the driving rain, like dragons
teeth, just behind this menacing archer in studded leather. Rain dripping
from his hood, he raised his right hand to his breast in the salute of
the Brotherhood.
Peace, woman,
I am Eddy of Westmarch, Warrior of the Light; I seek rumor of The Wanderer.
A warm bowl of food and anywhere out of this rain wouldnt be amiss
either. None who serve the Light need fear me. May I pass?
I must have said something right, Eddy thought, as she lowered her weapon,
tension relaxed from the bowstring, and motioned over her shoulder with
her head.
Report to Kashya,
our commander. The woman inspected him in a curt appraisal. She
may find you a spot where you can pitch your tent." She paused, then
added, Keep your sword loose in its sheath, Paladin. Fallen are
on the Blood Moor.
Nodding, Eddy entered
the stockade and found it nearly deserted, save for a number of semi-permanent
tents and a caravan master playing mubblety peg with a scimitar. Looking
about slowly, he saw a red glow emanating from under the flaps of a large
tent, next to a loaded merchants wagon to his left. Assuming this
to be the leaders pavilion, he strode through the muck and opened
the tent flap.
Eddy of Westmarch--"
His salutation died on his lips. Six pairs of eyes fixed him with hard
neutrality. So this is how a dancing bear at a town fair must feel, he
thought to himself, as the occupants regard changed to both interest
and curiosity.
Directly in front
of him, behind a map table, sat a woman in chain mail wearing a red leather
headband flanked by two standing, grim faced archers in studded leather.
Her wrinkled brow and piercing gray eyes leant her an air of unmistakable
authority. This must be Kashya, he thought, and two rogue henchmen. He
then turned his attention to the other three figures.
To his right stood
a tall blonde woman with her hair in a pony tail. Her leather skirt, javelin,
shield, muscular legs and broad shoulders left no doubt as to her occupation:
mercenary, perhaps an Amazon from the southern islands. Across from her
was an imposing physical specimen, over two strides tall and as broad
across the chest as an ox, his sword and buckler like toys in his hands.
Head shaved save for a single, long, black topknot, his blue face paint
marked him as a warrior from the mountains in the North. Eddy shifted
his gaze to the slight woman just to the right of the man mountain . .
. and froze.
A shock ran through
his body. The lovely, slender young woman in a green gown with an olive
complexion and jet black hair returned his gaze with frank interest. Her
dark eyes seemed to grow into inky pools of warm mystery-- he caught himself
staring into their depths. She gripped a long wooden staff with easy confidence,
and smiled, nudging the large man in the ribs.
Soooo, Mr. Grim-dark-and-handsome,
are you going to come in out of the rain, or just stare at us till the
wind blows the lanterns out? Her tone was flirtatious, but her eyes
lingered on his before she looked up to see if the scowling warrior appreciated
her jest.
Peace, Sissy.
Kashyas tone left no doubt as to who was in charge in this tent.
Come in here, knight, I have been expecting one of your order. We
received a pigeon from the Temple last fortnight, asking me to be on the
look out for you.
Kashya, twas
hasty to send the pigeon away, rumbled the large man. Weve
had no fresh meat for three days. I could make you a tasty meal: pigeon
sautéed with peppers, barley and sage in apple wine.
barked the tall blonde, enough already with this constant yammering
about food. We are down to hard tack and bacon: either eat it or dont.
But lay off with the gourmet references, for Lights sake.
She clamped her jaw shut, biting off further rebuke under a stern glare
from the Rogue commander.
grated Kashya, with obvious effort at control, if you havent
had your daily ration of beer, you are an utter bitch. Keep a lid on it,
or you can sleep outside the stockade tonight.
She stood up, and motioned them all to the map table.
I have a mission
for those who would earn the right to bivouac here. My scouts tell me
there is an advanced party of Fallen and other demon spawn running free
on the Blood Moor. She motioned to an area on her parchment map
marked with caves, farms, and skulls. I have called in my patrols
until reinforcements arrive from the North Downs. We cannot afford to
have this outpost overrun. I need a reconnaissance-in-force to firm up
my plans for a raid to poke out the Enemys eyes. If he knows how
weak we have become, the Sightless Eye may be blinded in this sector.
the deal. You carry out this mission, and you can pitch your tents and
eat here with us. Charsi will repair your weapons, Akara will heal your
wounds, and we will offer you replacement equipment from our armory. Whatever
you find is yours to keep. But I need to know the Enemys strength.
The fewer left to report our dispositions, the better I like it, if you
catch my drift.
Slicer turned to Sissy
to mumble a quiet question, and moved to interpose his body between her
and Eddy.
The blonde woman stepped forward, gesturing at the map, but before she
could open her mouth, Eddy rose, bowed, and addressed Kashya with military
Commander Kashya,
consider it done. I will gladly lead a reconnaissance. He looked
quickly around at the others in the tent. Whos with me?
Kashya gazed quizzically
at him as the two archers gave him blank gazes of indifference. The barbarian
regarded him uncertainly, resentment at his calm assumption of command
plain on his face. Turning to the tent flap, he drew his sword, headed
through the opening and said, loudly enough to be heard, Whoever
slays the most demonspawn drinks free for a week. Any takers?
The blonde woman was
out of the tent in a trice. So, she said with a throaty laugh,
you Paladins are serious about this lead, follow or get out
of the way stuff, arent you? I like a fellow who takes command.
Her lascivious grin inferred a heavy handed double entendre.
Eddy kept walking to the stockade gate, and only looking back to see what
arguments the Sorceress and Barbarian having as they followed him out
into the Blood Moor . . .
to Part II >>
