Chapter 1 -- Captured
Otrere woke to the
sound of fighting outside her tent. Listening, she heard the shouts of
her tribe trying to organize a defense. The rattle of metal and low shouts
told her that men in armor were attacking the tribe. Just 10 years old,
Otrere's duty was to gather what she could, find the other children and
go with them to a place of safety. As she picked up her bow, the tent
came crashing down and she was buried in the wreckage. The fighting continued
around her as the Amazon's of Rakhalia tried to drive the attackers back.
Wriggling out from the wreckage, she saw Amazon archers on the high ground
firing at the knights' formations. The tribe had left the village, and
Otrere, behind, making a stand on the cliffs nearby while knights assaulted
from below and winged demons from above. She saw the queen tossed from
the cliff into the knights below and Rakhara and her daughter charge to
the rescue. Then another sound turned her attention away from the fight.
'Here's a pretty one,'
was all she heard the knight say before she was seized and thrown into
a cage. There were a few other children in the cage with her. All appeared
to only be frightened and not seriously hurt. Otrere tried to see the
battle but the wagon carrying the cage was already moving away from the
fight. The heavily armored guards leared at their captives and Otrere
began to make plans to escape.
The caravan travelled
through the night, pausing only a few minutes each hour to water the troops
and check the horses. Otrere watched her guards carefully for a chance
to attempt and escape but during the breaks she noticed that the guards
that had walked by the cages during the march rotated with those that
drove the wagons so they stayed somewhat rested during the journey. That
morning the prisoners were given a single cup of water to share amongst
them, then a canvas was thrown over the cage as the sun rose. Otrere took
a small sip of water and passed the cup to another child, then she tried
to lay down and see if she could see anything under the canvas.
The marauders had
set up a camp near a grove of trees. She could see at least fifty men
roaming around the camp. Most were in plate armor of some kind, as if
they expected an attack. She wondered where the men were taking the captives
when a huge knight rode into her sight.
'Lazarus needs another
sacrifice. Now.' He bellowed.
Several voices nearly
screamed 'Yes Lord Gorash' and suddenly the door to Otrere's cage was
opened. Atilya who had been sleeping by the door was seized and carried
off before Otrere or any in the cage could react. The screaming child
was carried to the large knight and thrown across his saddle like a sack.
The knight raised his fist and silenced the child with a blow to the back
of her head and spurred his horse out of sight. Otrere and her cagemates
scrambled to try to see where the knight went but soon he was out of sight.
'Sweet Athena,' whispered
Otrere,'they mean to use us as sacrifices, not slaves.' She had hoped
that she could survive to be sold into slavery then escape back to the
tribe. But this, to be kept in a cage and used in some unholy ceremony.
She knew she had to get out soon, preferably with as many of the other
children as possible.
That night the caravan
continued on its journey. Otrere tried to sleep but the look in Atilya's
eyes haunted her. Atilya was only a year older than Otrere and the two
used to play together practicing their archery, wrestling and sword-play.
She had even begun her training to become a full Amazon and hadn't been
able to stop the knights from taking her for their sacrifice to some demon
the men called the Horned One. Faintly the sound of unfamiliar bird calls
came to her. 'I wonder what bird that is,' she thought.
Just then both of
the men driving her cage slumped over, along with several of the guards
around the cages. One of the children screamed as an arrow protruded from
her hand. Otrere moved to the front of the cage when another arrow struck
the floor of the cage beside her. Reaching through the cage bars, she
grasped the guards dagger and moved back to the locked door. Several of
the guards were moving towards the cages with spears ready to keep their
tribute at any cost. Another hail of arrows caused them to pause in their
steps and Otrere pried open the lock with the dagger ruining it, but the
way out was ready. She motioned the others to sit still and look to see
where their rescuers were coming from. Trumpets sounded to the front of
the caravan, and Otrere could see the Goatshead banners approaching quickly.
Reinforcements for the caravan??? Otrere opened the door and helped the
others exit the cage while she watched the new danger approach. Then she
noticed that the other children were just standing with her, they hadn't
run away from the cage. Otrere pushed two of the children towards a stand
of trees and motioned for the others to follow.
Suddenly a group of
horse knights exploded from the trees in front of them. Otrere ran to
one side and hid to get out of the way but the other children stood stunned
by the knights sudden appearance. Otrere watched as the knights lowered
their lances and charged through the Amazon children. She watched in horror
as her friends were massacred by armored men before they continued their
charge into the caravan. Otrere soon found herself outside the battle
and ran for cover in the nearby woods. Climbing a tree, she made a nest
out of branches and green leaves. Fighting her tears, she silently vowed
to avenge each Amazon child that died this evening. She watched as the
fighting continued through the day and into the night, at times just beneath
her hiding place, waiting for a chance to try to return to her village.
Otrere woke to the
warmth of the sun on her face and the smell of cooked rabbit. Remembering
the horror of the last two days, she sat up with a start feeling for anything
that could be used for a weapon.
'So you're awake,'
came a female voice from behind her. Rolling, Otrere lept to her feet
to face the woman. A tall, dark-haired woman held out her hands in the
Amazon peace sign. Otrere looked around the camp. It was in the middle
of the battlefield. 'Is this woman crazy?' she thought, and ran for the
trees. Once in the safety of the trees, Otrere watched as the woman continued
her meal, glancing at the trees from time to time. A pair of men in armor
approached the woman and she waved to them. The pair stopped to talk to
the dark-haired woman and glanced at the trees where Otrere was hiding.
The men spurred their horses towards the trees and Otrere fled deeper
into the forest. She heard the sound of more men in front of her and once
again climbed a tree to hide from them. Men in heavy armor walked beneath
her, searching for the young Amazon.
Fortunately the men
didn't look up. Otrere waited until she could no longer see the men, then
slipped down from the tree. She ran farther into the woods then turned
east, judging by the moss and ran for the rest of the day towards where
the sun would rise and her home.

Chapter 2 -- Homecoming
As Otrere ran through
the forest towards her home, she glanced about for signs of the enemy.
She had been lucky to escape from the caravan and didn't want to be captured
and used in some sacrifical ceremony. As night approached she slowed her
run, no sense getting lost in the darkness. Finding a suitable tree, she
climbed into its limbs and went to sleep. The next morning she awoke to
the growling of her stomach and began to piece together a sling to throw
rocks. It was time to hunt up some breakfast. The forest was quiet as
the young Amazon started looking for edible plants and animals. She found
some berries and managed to chase down a rabbit. With a full stomach,
Otrere felt certain she would be home by evening and started to lope through
the woods again.
As she neared the
edge of the forest near her home, Otrere slowed to walk quietly to the
edge of the clearing. She could smell the smoke from fires set days ago
when the men attacked her village and a different smell, one she hadn't
encountered before. When she peered out from the underbrush, she let out
a low moan. The village had been burned to the ground and scattered around
it, poles had been erected. On each pole was an Amazon, suspended by the
impaling point of the pole. Otrere retreated from the sight, and rubbed
her eyes trying to wipe the memory from them. The fire that had begun
burning in her heart while escaping the caravan burned fiercer and colder
than before, she had more Amazons to avenge. Steeling herself, Otrere
looked at the village again. She saw no sign of the attackers and slowly
began to crawl across the clearing towards the town, trying not to look
at the poles and their grisly ornaments.
The attackers had
burned everything in the village and the smoke of the destruction sight
of dismembered Amazons burned Otrere's eyes. She crawled to where her
tent had been to see if anything had survived the destruction. The tent
lay toppled, yet had somehow avoided the torch, perhaps because it had
been knocked down. The young Amazon climbed under the leather and sought
for the bow her mother had taught her to make. She found the bow and the
scrolls used to teach the Amazon path. Each one describing how to use
the weapons of the Amazon, each unlocked a higher learning that released
greater magical power to the trainee. Somehow Otrere would use these to
avenge her tribe. But first she had to find the men who did this.
Gathering a backpack
and some cooking utensils, Otrere set out from the village following the
trail the caravan that had captured her. They would be the first to pay.
As she left the village, she felt someone watching her. Whirling about,
the dark-haired woman from the battlefield stood in front of her.
'Where are you going,
youngling?' she asked.
Otrere started to
turn to run when the woman's eye's flashed and she found herself rooted
to the spot unable to move.
'You really should
be more careful child,' the woman said walking around Otrere as she spoke.
'Coming back here could have placed you on one the poles with your kinswomen.
Sometimes I don't know why I bother with people. But you have a spark,
a bit of luck about you, and I see now a cold fire within.' Otrere found
herself released from the spell but chose to remain still, looking for
an opening to run or attack. 'You need help.'
felt a wave of nausea sweep over her as her vision was assaulted with
waves of images of warfare at its goriest. She fought to keep her sanity
as picture after picture of tortured bodies rushed by her. Suddenly it
stopped and she fell to her knees.
one, War is not pretty,' said the woman. 'If you are going to fight in
this war, you will have to be prepared to see some terrible things. You
will probably have to do some terrible things. You need to be ready.'
is bigger than a fight between Lord Gorash's army and a tribe of Amazons.
There is a greater war of which this is just a small, critical part, and
an evil that you will have to face and defeat. I see you found the training
scrolls given to your ancestors eons ago. Good that's where we'll start.'
world spun and Otrere woke near a stream. She could hear the sounds of
people faintly coming from a small village nearby. This village looked
like it had seen better days.
all was quiet. Then the sound of marching feet approached. Otrere crouched
behind some bushes and readied her bow. A squad of six men marched into
the village. It was a patrol from Gorash's army. They marched right through
the town and into the church on the just on the other side of the town.
When they had past, the sounds of the village resumed.
the first scroll, then go into the church and find a suitable weapon.
Kill the one they call the Butcher and return here.' With that the dark-haired
woman disappeared into the brush. Otrere opened the scroll marked Explorer
and carefully read the instructions. Then ,sneaking around the town, she
approached the old cathedral. On the ground near the doorway, a badly
injured man reached out to her. Fearing a trap, she knocked an arrow and
me...Lazarus...Butcher...' was all he said before dying of his wounds.
Otrere knelt and closed his staring eyes.
more death to avenge,' she said and entered the dark temple.

3 -- Explorer
A chill
went up the young Amazon's spine as she stood at the foot of the stairs
inside the chapel. Otrere put away her bow, the scroll had instructed
her to find a sword and shield, possibly some armor. Then she would search
this temple for the one called the Butcher and avenge the dead villager
outside the temple, then search for the one they call Lazarus. He had
slain one of the children captured from Otrere's home in some ritual sacrifice
and led the dead man and others apparently into a trap. Slowly she explored
the foyer, searching for clues to what may inhabit this ruined place.
She found several booted footprints in the dust on the floor, obviously
several people have come this way before.
a torch from its place in the wall, Otrere quietly stepped to the only
door in the room and pressed her ear to it. She heard the sound of twigs
rattling, as if in a windstorm, through the door. ‘Must be another entrance
to this place she said as she slowly opened the door to peer inside. A
bony hand grabbed the door and ripped it from her grasp. An axe-wielding
skeleton swung at her head as she started to back into the foyer. Otrere
grabbed the haft of the axe and pulled the skeleton into the room. Still
holding the axe, she dropped to the floor and flipped the skeleton over
her and into the wall. The walking bones shattered on impact, as did the
axe. Continuing to roll to her feet, Otrere prepared herself for the next
skeleton to enter the room. Staying low, the young Amazon kicked the feet
from under the skeleton and cracked its skull with her elbow. She noticed
a club lying on the floor and grabbed it in time to parry the axe of the
third skeleton. Whirling she carried the attack to the skeleton driving
it back into the large sanctuary it came from then smashed it to oblivion.
to catch her breath, Otrere gazed around the room. More torches and braziers
lit this dust littered room. Several chests and sarcophagi were placed
about the room in no particular order. The sarcophagi appeared to have
been carried from somewhere else in the church. Curious, Otrere approached
one and setting down her club pushed on the lid. Inside she found a ragged
suit of leather armor, probably from one of the temples original guardians
laid to rest here then summoned by the unholy war to guard the church
again. Dusting the armor off, she put it on. ‘Some protection is better
than none,’ she said and continued to search the other coffins. Some contained
gold, others, blue or red potions. From the scroll she had learned that
the blue potions could be used to restore her magical energies and the
red would heal her wounds. Fortunately she had not received any serious
wounds, the blow to her head had been with the flat of the axe instead
of the edge.
So intent
on her searches, she almost didn’t hear the approach of several padded
feet. A band of small goblin-like creatures armed with wicked looking
daggers leapt at her. The first opened a gash in the Amazons leg and was
rewarded for his effort with a sound blow to his head. As he started to
fall, Otrere sprang after the next but the band of creatures was in retreat.
Shaking her head at the puny monsters’ cowardice, she bent to wrap her
wound. Then the band returned with a vengeance. Once again the first died
of a blow to the head and the others scattered. Otrere watched as the
remaining imps regrouped for another charge. Picking up a short sword
the last had dropped, she charged into the flank of the fallen one formation,
slaying two and chasing the third into a corner where he fell, Otrere’s
sword protruding from his chest after passing through his ribs.
the blade on the corpse, Otrere paused to prepare herself to continue
her exploration. This was going to be a lot harder than the 10-year old
had thought. She had never been in real combat before, just the mock fights
her teachers used to teach the use of weapons. When your opponent is really
out for blood it is a different fight altogether. Otrere sipped at the
healing potion she had found and gazed about the room. Recalling her lessons,
“When outnumbered, seek choke points,” she located all the doors including
the exit. To avoid becoming lost, she carved an ‘X’ on this door and arranged
the bones of a skeleton so its hand pointed to the door. It would not
do to die of starvation in this place. She searched the room for anything
that could be used as a weapon or armor and then resumed her hunt.
her time, she moved through the temple. When creatures attacked her, she
retreated and faced them either in a doorway or amongst a cluster of barrels.
Once she carried on a running battle that went through several rooms when
she inadvertently ran through a door escaping another attack. Lesson learned.
Never retreat in a different direction than where you came, better to
stand and fight than to run into a pack of trouble you may not be able
to handle.
and fighting her way through the first floor of the church, Otrere found
several more potions to restore life and magic, as well as a few libraries
where she learned to cast some basic spells, firebolt and heal. She also
found some shrines at which she said a quick prayer to Athena for guidance.
Soon, she had mapped the layout of the floor and located a staircase leading
deeper into the church. She had improved her equipment, locating a magical
short bow of high durability and along with a helm, buckler, and some
leather armor. Vowing to locate the Butcher, she descended the stairs.
A mixed
group of skeletons and imps greeted her shortly after entering the first
sub-basement of the church. Remembering the earlier habits of the imps,
she concentrated her attacks on the skeletons. Sure enough, as a skeleton
fell, all the imps retreated. Soon, Otrere was finishing off the last
of the imps and exploring this new place. She saw a group of dog-like
creatures in the distance, accompanied by a larger specimen, which had
an arcane glow about it. The pack swarmed and Otrere swung wildly at the
creatures. Soon her shield fell from her hand, damaged beyond repair and
another of the creatures leapt at her throat. Horror filled her as her
life’s blood spilled to the floor. Another creature ripped through her
armor and opened a gash just above her waist. Then came blackness.
woke beside the stream and listened to the song of the birds nearby. She
gazed at the sky and smiled as the sun shone on her face. Suddenly a shadow
passed in front of her. Opening her eyes, she saw the dark-haired woman
standing in front of her frowning.
go to fast child,’ she said. ‘The life you save today, may be the life
you need later in our battle. But then the first one is the easiest to
lose and you shall lose others.’
stared dumbfounded. ‘What life? Lose how? I don’t understand what you
are saying.’
‘I would
be surprised if you did understand. Let me explain.’
of us has a certain number of lives that we can use in any manner we wish.
When we die, we lose one of these lives and continue on with another.
I think it has something to do with this Sin War, but anyway. If you lose
all of your lives, you don’t get another, you are no longer able to fight
in this war. Your tribe’s queen is one of those who were living her last
life when Gorash’s army attacked your village.’
any of my tribe still alive?’ the youngster jumped up. Clutching her head,
Otrere collapsed on the grass again, weakened by the shooting pain in
her skull.
I said earlier, child, “You go to fast”. You just lost one life, and are
still recovering from the effects. Check you pack and see if you have
more healing potions. Good take one of each and sit still while I lecture.’
about the evil of this place does not allow humans or creatures to die
completely when they are slain. A small portion is lost to the Cosmic
Balance, then a new body is regenerated to allow the recently deceased
to continue with a new life almost where they left off the last one. Granted
anything you are not carrying in your pack is lost including armor and
jewelry. But you have another life to live and continue the fight another
day. Granted when you come back you are weak as a lamb, as you just found
out, but in time you recover faster. Until one day you don’t come back.
All your lives have been used.’
about your tribe. Yes some escaped and live a good distance from here.
One has undertaken the task of becoming the next queen but she is so filled
with doubt, that even if she succeeds, she will not feel she is worthy
of the honor. You on the other hand could become a queen of great power
as long as you don’t lose your last life first. Now before I send you
back into the dragon’s teeth, you need to rest then we will work on some
combat techniques that you need to know.’
that the dark-haired woman waved her hand over the young Amazon and Otrere
drifted off to sleep, dreaming of her tribe, her combat lessons growing
up, and herself wearing the crown of a queen.

4 Training
dodged right as the arrow sped towards her and raised her shield to deflect
the bolt. As the arrow struck, she ducked the hurling axe and chopped
at the skeleton's knees with her mace. Slamming third skeleton back into
its sarcophagus, she loosed a firebolt at the archer and smiled when he
shattered into dust. Looking around the large room, she noticed a small
antechamber with two stands holding magic scrolls on them and a bookcase.
Shutting the door, she picked up the scrolls, Identify and Town Portal,
and glanced at the book, Firebolt. Unfortunately the book contained more
knowledge than she could understand so she returned it to its shelf. Sitting
with her back to the door, she considered how she had gotten here. A tear
trickled down her cheek.
Her tribe
had been attacked by soldiers of this labrynth and she had been captured.
After escaping and witnessing the death of all her friends, she had returned
to her village where she met a strange dark-haired woman who had told
her of the Sin War and the part Otrere was playing in it. The woman explained
many things about the war between heaven and hell and how it had come
to the world of Man. She learned of the Horadrim, the ancient sect of
wizards who had sealed the Three in soul gems. Now one of the Three was
trying to escape and had been responsible for the death of many humans
in the land around Tristram. This village, situated right in the middle
of the Evil, had aided the Dark Lord by not interfering or confronting
his minions. Indeed, the High Priest of the town, one Lazarus, had led
his own kinsman to their deaths in the temple outside the village.
So many
deaths to avenge, so little time.
training had begun in earnest after her first foray into the temple. The
dark-haired woman told her of the strange regenerative powers in the area,
but they had their limits. Otrere vowed not to discover what that limit
was so she followed the advice of the Amazon scrolls and the teachings
of her strange mentor. That one rarely smiled, and was even less often
satisfied with her pupil's progress. The morning after her first sortie,
Otrere was wakened by the smell of rabbit over a fire. As she approached,
she heard a blood-curdling scream and recieved a kick in her ribs. Rolling
with the blow, she rose to her feet facing her opponent. It was the dark-haired
are you doing?' asked the young Amazon.
want to eat? Get past me,' was all the woman said.
The woman
faced her unarmed, hands held out in front of her. Otrere looked around
for a suitable weapon to use and noticed that her pack, which she usually
slept on, was across the camp from her. The youngster approached her mentor
cautiously, waiting to see what reaction she would get. Suddenly she found
herself thrown back ten feet and looking at the sky. Otrere never saw
the other woman move yet the bruises on her arms where she had been seized
were already darkening. Crouching, Otrere gathered her strength and with
a shriek, exploded from the ground and sprinted towards the other woman.
Again, the youngster found herself looking up at the sky, this time trying
to catch her breath from the kick to the stomach she had received. After
a bit, Otrere rolled on her stomach then stood. The dark-haired woman
still stood between her and the rabbit. Otrere jumped at the woman, swinging
her fists wildly, hoping to land a good punch that would knock her tormentor
out of the way. But each swing was blocked and soon the youngster had
exhausted herself while the dark-haired woman just stood patiently waiting.
For the next hour, Otrere tried to defeat or trick the woman to no avail.
Finally the woman walked to where Otrere's bow lay and picked it and an
arrow up.
this arrow and when you return you may have what is left of the rabbit.'
that the woman shot the arrow away from the camp into a cow pasture. Otrere
ran as fast as she could to locate the arrow. She had seen how fast her
companion could eat and knew if she didn't hurry, none would be left.
After searching for an hour, the young Amazon located the arrow and walked
back to camp. When she arrived, the rabbit was still on the spit, granted
it had been moved farther from the fire so it wouldn't burn too much.
The woman walked over to her and landed a punch to Otrere's jaw sending
the youngster again to the ground.
you do that?' asked the girl.
you gave up. In this battle, the winner is not always the strongest. It
can be the last one fighting. As long as there is someone still willing
to fight, still driven to win, the battle continues and only if you are
willing to be that person can you win. When you walked back to camp, you
gave up on having any breakfast. Eat now and think on what I've said.
Today we'll work on your hand to hand fighting skills before you attempt
the labrynth again.'
And so
the weeks went by, mornings spent learning different combat techniques,
afternoons spent trying them out on the denizens in the old church. Otrere
did track down the Butcher, a hideously bloated demon that chased her
through the temple until she trapped him in a room and shot him with her
bow. The creature dropped a wicked looking sword called the Executioner's
blade and the young Amazon made good use of it while she hunted for an
axe that she needed for the next part of her Amazon training. She made
good use of her training, learning to shield bash since no axe had become
One day
she happened upon two rogues hunting in the catacombs beneath the church.
After following them for a while, she approached them and joined them
in their quests. One wanted to find items of a cursed nature which Otrere
found odd, the other moved through the hallways like a snake, striking
her opponents with deadly accuracy. During this exploration, she located
the Holy Shield of the Amazon, the Blackoak Shield. Her new friends let
her take it with her, and she repaid them with some of the rings she had
found. Eventually she found an axe and tracked down the leaders of several
packs of creatures, finishing with the Undead King, Leoric, and defeated
them with the axe. Artifacts of power were dropped by several of the monsters
and when an emissary of the Great Queen Charisena, a marshall named Tachyon,
aided her in finding shrines to enhance her spell abilities and repair
her equipment, she was able to repay him with a wizardspike dagger. After
defeating the Skeleton King, her mentor performed a small ceremony, promoting
the youngling to Amazon Warrior. They then devoted most of their training
on sword and shield combat. Soon Otrere would venture deeper under the
church, into the caves.
The Amazon
entered the caves cautiously. This was completely new territory. From
her training scrolls, she knew some of the creatures to expect, but when
the balls of magma started landing around her, she nearly paniced and
ran. Instead she ducked around a corner and allowed the magma creatures
to approach single file. The Executioner's blade lived up to its name
as one after another of the creatures shattered into puddles of molten
rock. She located the stairway down and since the creatures she hunted
were not on this level, she descended. Her reward was to hear a bellow
and be knocked across the room as a Mud Runner slammed into her shield.
Otrere rolled to her feet and closed on the creature. Soon he was dead
at her feet, but others could be seen manuevering for a position to charge
her. She could see one of the Runners standing behind the pack. This one
seemed to be directing the attack, Breakspine. Otrere located a suitable
place to meet the pack one at a time and chopped her way through the creatures
until only Breakspine was left. He wasn't smart enough to run away. Otrere
hunted the rest of the level then went down another stairway to hunt for
Blackstorm. Her luck held and soon the Obsidian Lord was dead at her feet.
Exhausted the Amazon returned to camp with her two trophies, the horns
from the beasts.
The next
day, Otrere set off early to the caves to try and locate Plaguewrath's
pack, Oozedrool, Flayer, and hopefully Bluehorn so she could complete
her set of horns. The stairs to the level Plaquewrath was rumored to hide
were found quickly. Otrere checked her potions to make sure they were
handy and started searching for the poison spitter. She soon encountered
one of the devil dog's minions and dispatched him, then another approached.
Suddenly the air was filled with poisonous globs of spit. Casting a firewall
to block the dog's approach, Otrere retreated to check her pots again.
Having defeated Brokenstorm earlier, she loosed a lightning bolt at the
packs' location, then another. She knew she had to defeat the leader with
her sword so she cautiously approached the remains of her firewall. Once
again the air filled with spit, too much for her to block or dodge, quickly
she drank her restorative potions and tried to retreat. The dogs followed,
continuing their blistering attack. Then Otrere found herself drifting
above the floor.
She awoke
in camp with the dark haired woman. Gone were her sword, shield, jewelry,
and armor. Otrere checked her backpack. At least her mace and bows, including
the Holy bow of the Amazons, were there. She would need to find replacements
for her losses before she ventured into the caves again. Her mentor said
nothing as they ate their breakfast and after, Otrere set off for the
Church to gather healing and mana potions for her search.
the tear from her cheek, Otrere opened the door and set off in search
of the Butcher. Rumor had it that he had struck another village and mutiliated
the children there. One day she hoped, she wouldn't have to avenge another

5 The Mage and the Raptor
had been watching the village for several days while the burns she had
recieved from Plaquewrath healed. Men in armor, looking more like turtles
than humans, carrying swords and shields or staves, women dressed almost
identically, some bearing the mark of the Amazon nations, yet having dealings
with the townsfolk. How could they have been subverted? Was this part
of the Sin War to corrupt the Amazon leaders so they lead their people
to ruin? She watched as night fell and the people went into the town's
tavern and the streets cleared. She hoped Farnum was able to find a room
with the gold she gave him, but he would probably just spend it on liquor
as he usually did. She tried. He was the only person in town she trusted
since most of the townsfolk and travellers avoided him like he had the
She was
just about to return to her camp, when a strange pair caught her eye,
a man in robes was following what appeared to be a large lizard. From
her vantage point in the rocks just outside the town, Otrere could barely
hear what the two were saying, and the lizard's hiss was almost unintelligble.
Curiosity got the better of her and she creapt out of her hiding place
and sprinted around the town to the cemetary outside the old church and
hid behind a wall there. From this point, she would be able to catch the
pair if they entered the front door or took the entrance to the catacombs
that was hidden in an old crypt in the cemetary. Soon the pair walked
past her to the front entrance of the church.
going to die I tell you,' said the mage.
hissed the lizard. 'As long as we keep our wits about us we shouldn't
have any problems.'
noticed that the lizard wore no weapons and the mage carried a well used
sword. Surely there must be something wrong with these two to be so concerned.
Otrere stepped from her hiding place.
I can be of some help,' she said.
the lizard crouched into a defensive posture while the mage succeeded
in drawing his sword and throwing it twenty feet to his right. Otrere
stood still, her hands extended in front of her, palms up.
'I mean
you know harm,' she began. 'And from what I've heard you may need my help.
I have had some experience with the creatures dwelling in this place and
may be able to aid you.'
The lizard
seemed to relax a bit. 'You merely startled me. Had you been armed, you
would have been dead.'
same for me too.' stated the mage from where he was trying to pull his
sword from the dirt.
smiled. Something about these two unlikely partners made her want to join
them in fighting the darkness beneath the church.
keep that in mind. By the way, my name's Otrere
'I am
called Raptor,' replied the draconian.
here' said the mage, still trying to pull the sword from where is was
stuck. Raptor strode over to it, grasped the hilt with one hand and pulled.
Then fell immediately to the ground.
Rap, I always have trouble when my Clumsy sword of the Fool gets stuck.'
heard a sound she hadn't heard in a long, long time. Then she realized
she was laughing uncontrollably at the sight of the draconian lying on
his back while the mage calmly takes the upraised sword and resheathes
it. Wiping her eyes and catching her breath, she motioned to the pair
to follow her into the church.
have made other sorties into the church, but haven't had much success
in getting to the catacombs,' stated Dwalin.
'I fought
in the caves beneath the catacombs. If your goal is to reach the catacombs,
I will aid you but not carry you,' replied the Amazon.
enough,' hissed Raptor and he took the lead from the stairs.
Otrere found work for her blade. She allowed the pair to go where they
would and followed them, always watching their flanks to make sure they
didn't get ambushed. Skeletons and fallen ones fell to the claws of the
draconian and blade of the wizard. Otrere had always thought that mages
preferred spells in combat, yet this one only cast when he seemed about
to be overwhelmed. The trio soon arrived on the second level below the
church and Otrere told the pair of her vendetta against the Butcher. Working
together the trio soon located the vile beast's lair and Otrere kicked
the door in and sliced the bulging hulk to ribbons with a sabre she had
picked up. At one point, a lone skeleton attacked the group and Otrere
and Raptor talked of their people and what had brought them to this place
while Dwalin fought with the skeleton. After ten minutes, the pair noticed
that the skeleton was chasing the mage around the room while he was yelling
that he was going to die. Otrere knocked and arrow and finished the skeleton
and after the mage rested, (and the others were done teasing him) the
trio continued their journey to the third level.
something had snapped in the mage, for on this level magic flew freely
from his fingertips. Even the Skeleton King fell to the onslaught of holy
magic that Dwalin threw. As clumsy as he may be in a hand to hand fight,
the mage was a force to be reckoned with in a magic battle. Otrere began
to respect the mage a little, he was a man after all. No more teasing.
On the
fourth level below the church, the trio separated to hunt the Dark One's
minions with more speed. Otrere began to use some of her meager magic
to suppliment her sword play, skeleton archers were torched with firebolts
or lightning when they stood close together enough. Raptor continued to
claw his way through his opposition, hurling broken bodies from him with
reckless abandon. Soon they gathered at the stairs descending to the catacombs
and after a brief conference, entered the fifth level below the church.
The three
stayed closer together as creatures came from every hallway and door.
Standing in a triangle they defended themselves from the onslaught of
the Flesh and Stone Clan warriors. Glooms swooped down on them and Blinks
appeared and disappeared around them. Otrere and Raptor fought to keep
Dwalin from being overwhelmed and after a time even they began to tire.
Otrere suggested that they return to their camps to rest, then try again
from the hidden entrance to the catacombs at a later time. The others
agreed and returned to town through Otrere's portal.
at Otrere's camp, the dark-haired woman sat staring into a bowl of water
humming. In the water, she could see Otrere and her companions battling
the creatures in the catacombs. 'So the youngster is learning to trust
again. She just might make it after all.'

Tale Chapter 6 -- Raptor and the Hounds
The dark-haired
woman woke to the smell of rabbit. Otrere stood by the fire stretching
her limbs and tying her headband in place to keep her hair out of her
eyes. The teacher rose and approached the fire to sample the morning's
repast. Suddenly she found herself flying from the camp. Tumbling in mid-air,
she landed on her feet.
are you up to child,' the dark-haired woman asked as she straightened
her robes.
'I thought
we'd try a role reversal today,' smiled the young Amazon. 'You want to
eat, get past me.'
The dark-haired
woman approached Otrere cautiously. There was something different about
the youngster today. She seemed more confident than the woman remembered.
The fire was still in her eyes, but a glint of mischief was also visible.
Their morning training sessions had honed the youngster's skills, but
now there needed to be a lesson in overconfidence. The elder woman launched
a series of blows to the head and stomach of the Amazon. Each was blocked
and a counter attack ensued. A punch landed on the cheek of the teacher
and she back-flipped out of the way of more punches. Quickly she cast
off her robes to free her arms movements, and prepared to defend herself.
Otrere stepped back and smiled, then assumed a defensive posture. The
woman stared for a second, then remembered that she was the one who needed
to get to the rabbit.
kid,' growled the dark-haired woman. 'Let's see what you have inside.'
The attack
began slowly, easy to block, then started to increase in speed. No change
in the pattern just tempo. Otrere blocked the assault, but could not find
an opening to launch a counter offensive. Soon a foot was added to the
hand assault, but Otrere was able to protect herself from this new attack
as well. Then there was a jump in the speed of the attacks and Otrere
matched it with her defense. The contest continued through the morning
and into the afternoon. The dark-haired woman hadn't worked up a sweat
but had still not landed a punch to the Amazon, while Otrere was starting
to wonder just how long this would go before her opponent gave up or she
passed out.
'It is
a shame you let this meal burn, Otrere,' came a hiss from the fire.
WHAM! A fist landed on Otrere's brow spinning the Amazon to the ground.
'We'll talk,' sounded in her head and when she looked Raptor was sitting
by her fire, now smoldering, poking the blacked rabbit with a stick staring
at the fallen woman. Otrere quickly glanced around the site but her mentor
was gone, even her tent.
long have you been here?' asked Otrere.
long,' replied the Draconian 'I was watching you workout. How do you achieve
such concentration?'
'I guh
bihmry... I've had a lot of practice,' Otrere struggled. Why hadn't she
been able to say that there was another here she was fighting with? And
why hadn't Raptor seen the dark-haired woman? She wanted to talk to her
mentor who had vanished without trace but figured that she wouldn't return
as long as there was the Draconian was present. Otrere walked to the wash
basin to clean herself before eating the dryed rabbit. The face that gazed
back at her from the basin was her mentor's. It winked and motioned the
Amazon to silence then faded. Startled, Otrere finished washing her face
then sat down beside Raptor.
had met the Draconian a while ago and, along with a wizard who had an
affinity for cursed items, had raided the old church and part of the catacombs
beneath it. She had taken a liking to Raptor more out of respect for the
creature's fighting abilities than anything else. The Draconian seemed
to have little trouble dealing death with his bare claws and teeth.
did you find me?' asked the Amazon.
replied Raptor raising his nose in the air and inhaling. 'Young female,
taste for rabbit over fire, needs a bath. This nose never misses,' he
laughed deflecting an incoming stone with ease.
'I see
you've started a necklace of charger horns,' mentioned Raptor pointing
to Otrere's pack.
the leaders' horns, the rest aren't worth keeping. I've included Fangspeir's
and Flayer's fangs as spacers, only one more horn to collect and the neckace
is complete. Of course, I'll finish the set with a nice belt made from
Plaguewrath's hide,' grinned the Amazon.
enough. Let's go finish your jewelry then,' replied the Draconian and
he rose and started trotting to Tristam. Otrere grabbed her gear and hurried
to catch up. Then the two settled into an easy lope that put miles under
their feet without effort.
the village, the two approached the entrance to the caves below Tristram.
They could hear sounds of haggling coming from a small camp that a boy
had set up to sell items of questionable origin. Otrere hoped he wasn't
dealing with the dark forces beneath the town, but if he was, she would
have to end his business one way or another. The Amazon checked her belt
for the healing and mana pots she might during thier hunt and led Raptor
into the openning between the rocks and into the caverns.
rivers flowed back and forth across the cave giving light to all but the
remotest corners. Otrere armed herself with her Sword of Leeches and a
shield she had found in the church above and the pair began to look for
the stairs leading to the poison spitter's lair. The pair encountered
some toad demons before finding the stairs, but the creatures were little
match for the sword and claws facing them. The stairs were found relatively
soon and the pair decided to explore some more before descending. Winged
demons awaited them and at times the pair were surrounded. Neither seemed
to be in real danger as the creature's attacks were too weak to harm them
and the duo's counter offensive soon put them to retreat. Bolstered by
their success on the ninth level below the village, the two proceeded
to the tenth, Plaguewrath's lair.
after entering the next cave, the pair began to encounter poison spitters,
possesed canines that could spit and acid that ate through armor. The
beasts came at them in small groups which were easily dispatched until
Otrere noticed the glow she had come to recognize as a beast of exceptional
power. Cautiously she approached the beast when a wave of acid spit washed
across her sending her to oblivion. Helpless she felt her soul rise from
her body, yet it did not leave as it had when she had been slain. As she
watched, Raptor cast a town portal directly on her corpse. Silently screaming
a warning to her friend, she felt something drawing her back into her
body, then transported back to town. Quickly running to check her cache
of equipment, Otrere found everything she had left behind. Raptor had
placed the town portal in such a way that the ressurrection spell sent
her through it and away from the spitter pack.
with her blackoak bow, Otrere entered a portal she had set up upon arriving
on the tenth level and made her way back to the pack from a different
angle. She saw the items she had dropped when the pack had slain her,
and the glow of Plaguewrath and his pack remained where it was. Raptor
was no where to be seen, but had moved back from the spitters. As she
peeked around the corner, the pack jumped her again. Having no defense
she fell.
her scream, Raptor went to the church to find a scroll to ressurect her,
and upon returning defeated the pack and cornered Plaguewrath. Then the
draconian restored the Amazon and drawing her sword again, Otrere faced
and defeated the vile beast. The two then returned to Otrere's camp and
celebrated before Raptor returned to whence he came.
Otrere washed herself and was almost asleep when a hard kick awoke her.
The dark-haired woman had returned. Fire burned in her eyes.
'So you
think you have moved to the next Ascension? You're an Avenger now?'
is gone. I've slain the necessary leaders in the Caves. I've earned it.'shot
back the young Amazon.
'If I
catch a rabbit and hold it for you to kill, do you learn how to catch
a rabbit?'
the scrolls only say he dies by my sword.'
Avenger,' snapped the woman. 'You'll have no further aid from me.' There
was a flash of light and the dark-haired woman was gone.

7 Fall from Grace
sat staring where the dark-haired woman had stood. She had always known
there was something different about the woman. Otrere thought back to
when she had first encountered the woman outside Gorash's camp after escaping
from the knight's men. The woman had somehow tracked the Amazon to her
village and taken her under her wing, leading her to the village of Tristram,
and starting her Amazon training. Then, after slaying Plaguewrath with
the help of Raptor, the woman left in a flash of light. Otrere knew the
woman was a dangerous opponent in combat, and when Raptor had not seen
her as the pair trained. Then the woman appeared to Otrere in a bowl of
water to tell her to say nothing to the draconian. Now, the dark-haired
woman had been offended declared Otrere unfit to wear the title Avenger
and left the girl to ponder her fate.
again, the youngster was alone. This time she was not a helpless little
girl, she had been trained in combat, she had slain several of the sub-leaders
beneath the village of Tristram. She would show the dark-haired woman
that she was worthy of the title Avenger, and slay necessary beasts to
achieve Huntress status by herself. Arming herself with the Civerb's Cudgel
and a shield she had picked up, Otrere set out for the crack in the Earth
behind Pepin's Hospital.
seeped from the crevice, Otrere had never smelled anything so bad, even
her village after Gorash's army didn't smell as foul. She went to the
nearby stream and soaked a rag in the water. Finding a flower, she wrapped
the petals in the rag and used it to cover her nose and mouth. Carefully
she worked her way down the crevice into the dark pit. Once out of sight
of the entrance, Otrere paused to let her eyes adjust to the dim glow
from the rocks then she began the long trek down.
she located the final staircase to take her onto the thirteenth level
below Tristram. Checking her armor and weapons, she proceeded slowly down
the stairs. At the very bottom was the corpse of a man, obviously trying
to gain the stairs, face down on the ground. His back looked as if it
had been slashed and torn by razors. Otrere tightened her grip on her
shield and hefted her mace in anticipation of a surprise attack. Apparently
the creatures responsible had moved on to another room, and Otrere cautiously
searched the perimeter to see if any lurked nearby.
A hiss
came from the west as a pair of Fire Drakes charged into the room. Otrere
backed to stand beside the stairs up and blocked thier first onslaught,
countering with the Cudgel and felling both creatures in four blows. Smiling
she stode to where the drakes had attacked from and look for more drakes
to smash. Four more drakes fell to her attack and she pressed on to the
next level down when the stairs appeared. This was where her quarry hid.
drakes attacked. Some with gold scales and some with red. Otrere retreated
to a small room and withstood the attacks and gradually turned the tide
to her favor. Soon she was chasing the drakes through the labrynth. Occassionally
one or two would turn to slow her advance, but she consistantly pushed
them back.
A voice
rang in her ears. 'Leave a way for them to escape.'
you chose to hold me back when the battle is nearly win?' retorted the
brazen Amazon. 'Where are you now old woman? This night I will be Huntress!'
she stepped into a hallway. The air became filled with red bolts of magical
energy. Some she blocked but a few got past her shield. Retreating around
a corner, she took out the Holy Bow of the Amazon and waited for the prey
to approach. One. Two. Three witched tasted its sting. A hiss came from
behind her. More Drakes! Quickly switching weapons, Otrere launched a
counter offensive driving the lead drakes to their doom and giving herself
room to run if she had to. Then she noticed the Drake in the back, Fangskin.
Shouting an Amazon warcry, Otrere rushed the pack trying to get the the
lizard demon. The first drakes fell to her attack but the pack began to
surround her with amazing speed. She fought to retreat then her shield
shattered. Another drake fell to the holy mace, then four drakes leapt
on the girl and crushed her under their attack.
She awoke
just outside town with nothing but the two bows she had found and the
Blackoak Bow.
'I refuse
to let her beat me.' she muttered and sprinted for the door to the church.
through the upper levels of the labrynth, Otrere collected potions and
weapons that might help her in her next assault. She paused in a library
to read from one of the Amazon scrolls she carried. It mentioned a Retribution
Quest. She would go all the way down through the maze until she found
and defeated Fangskin then carry the battle deeper. Excited by the possibility
she entered the catacombs and continued to gather supplies. Fortune smiled
on her by providing an Eldritch shrine and she was able to convert several
potions to rejuvenation potions. Bolstered by her luck so far she entered
the caves.
immediately she came under attack by lava lords. Sheathing the sword she
had found in the catacombs, Otrere returned their missile attacks with
a deadly stream of arrows then ducked down the nearby stairs to the tenth
level. Not far from the stairway, a group of Storm Riders jumped her,
but they proved little more than a nusiance to her defense position in
a nook of the wall. Switching from sword to bow she cleared the level
of the demons and their companion Mud Runners. Pausing to catch her breath
and adjust the straps on the chain mail the creatures had dropped. Otrere
noticed that she was starting to run out of potions.
a good time to start being conservative, girl,' she mumbled to herself,
then descended the stairs to the eleventh level.
group of Lava Lords and Storm Riders greeted her, and switching to bow
and spell, Otrere fought to a stand off with the pack diving down the
stairs when her belt emptied. Dusting herself off. Otrere gazed around
the twelfth level. She had never been here before. Nothing in the scrolls
spoke of this place. Carefully she began to work her way around the cavern
looking for the stairs to take her down to what some called Hell. A large
dog ran across the room just at the edge of her vision. Then another.
Suddenly, two Lava Maws leapt out and attacked the Amazon. The sword of
the bat she had found served her well, slaying the monsters and restoring
her mana. Otrere switched swords to the Shadowhawk she had found in the
catacombs and slowly began to look more dogs, or any other creatures that
inhabited this level. Two balls of lava flew from a side chamber and as
Otrere blocked them, a pair of maws spat their vile acid at the Amazon.
Caught between the two groups, Otrere leapt behind a wall as another acid
ball slammed into her side.
have only one more chance.' a voice intoned.
do you mean?'
the Portal of Nightmares and defeat the Skeleton King. Break his sword
on an alter of Righteousness and your honor will be restored.'
found herself just outside Tristram.
The air
seemed heavier, harder to breathe. Clouds blocked all sunlight and smoke
from distant fires filled the horizon. Dark shapes could be seen flying
above the old church on the outskirts of town. Otrere ran to where the
town drunk Farnham usually sat, he was gone. Peeking around the corner
of the building, Otrere saw the old man by the fountain. He looked as
if centuries had past and left their mark on his face. She saw Pepin ministering
to a warrior, both seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on their
shoulders. Otrere started to wonder just what she had gotten herself into.
Checking her weapons, she found two bows still in her pack, the Blackoak
bow and a Short War Bow of Heavens, along with several potions of rejuvenation.
Feeling confident that she could defeat the Undead King Leoric, Otrere
trotted to the church to hunt down the Butcher first. Then the King would

8 -- Reunion and Introduction
clung to the ground like a fog as Otrere approached the entrance to the
church. A moan came from a mound near the entrance and the Amazon went
to investigate. A familiar face stared blindly up at her.
then the man's chest stopped rising. Otrere knelt and closed the man's
eyes as she had done so many times before. Was there to be no end to this
poor soul's torture? Some day this Lazarus would pay for his crimes. Otrere
straightened and gazed at the opening to the temple. She noticed the weather
had taken its toll on the place. Holes in the mortar allowed smoke to
escape, even from the ground where she stood, smoke could be seen. Otrere
felt a presence behind her.
'So this
is what is to be if the evil is not stopped,' she mumbled not turning.
child,' came an all too familiar voice. 'If the evil is not stopped where
you came from, the Portal of Nightmares will open and flood that realm
also. It may spill over anyway.'
this is my last chance.' Otrere turned to face her mentor.
do you know this, youngling?' asked the dark-haired woman.
related the tale of her trials in Hell and on the Quest for Retribution
and of what the voice had said before sending her here. The woman looked
surprised at the warnings that Otrere received and told the Amazon that
it was not her who had spoken to the girl warrior.
do you feel ready to do as this voice asked?'
I think I'm ready.' replied the Amazon.
good enough. You either are or you are not. No "I think so". Come here.'
The woman siezed Otrere by the hair and drug her to a nearby tree pushing
her to the ground. Otrere started to rise, but the woman kicked her feet
from under her and sat on her chest, pinning the Amazon's arms beneath
her knees.
for some insurance,' stated the woman, who produced a dagger and a bowl
from her robes. Seeing the dagger, Otrere started to kick but the dark-haired
woman's eyes seized the sight from the girl, and Otrere's mind spun into
woke to find the dark-haired woman singing at a bundle wrapped in a rag.
A small hand reached up to touch the hair of the woman and a smile came
across the teacher's face. Otrere rose and approached the pair, and the
dark-haired woman turned and held out the baby to the Amazon.
this?' asked Otrere.
Otrere,' answered the woman. 'This child will hold a portion of your soul
when you go into battle with the Skeleton King. In this manner we can
cheat the permanent death that voice warned about by restoring your soul
from this child.'
manner of witch are you?' snapped Otrere drawing her sword of the Shadowhawk.
The dark-haired woman's hand flew up and a bolt of lightning slammed into
the Amazon's chest.
call me that again,' hissed the woman. 'It is time you learned who I am.
Drink this.'
the healing draught from the woman, Otrere sat beside the tree and the
woman began her tale.

9 -- Fallen Angel
ago, before this world was formed, angels and devils fought in the heavens
for rulership over the coming races. One angel, Izual led a massive attack
against the stronghold of evil, the Hellforge. I don't know how long the
forces of good and evil struggled in this battle, time became meaningless.
Eventually, Izual and a small group of angels won their way to the very
gates of the Hellforge. The doors stood open before them and thinking
the entire citadel had been emptied to stop them on the battlefield, Izual
and his comrades strode through the gates. With a deafening clang, the
huge doors slammed behind them, and an army twice the size as they had
barely defeated stormed into the courtyard. Arcane power surged from both
sides and Mephisto himself joined the fray. Answering their cry, Izual
charged the demon and the two locked the combat, decimating all nearby.
At the height of there battle the great blade Azurewrath was broken and
its magic exploded across the court opening a gate to this world.
demon horde turned its attention there and Izual's comrades, deprived
of their leader moved to block the unholy army until the gate could be
sealed. One angel went through the gate, and the remaining five fought
desparately to prevent any demon from disturbing her work as she sealed
her friend's doom by closing the only escape they had. It took most of
the angel's power to seal the hole Azurewrath had created and in doing
so she also denied herself a escape from this world. She became mortal.
She also became attuned to the forces of evil at work in this world and
when the Sin War began, worked with the Mages in the East, the Horadrim
to capture and imprison The Three, all the while, hiding her existance
from Tyrael, lest he discover her pain.
have once sung with angels...'
were the angel, weren't you,' declared Otrere. The dark-haired woman nodded
and gazed painfully into the Amazon's eyes. Otrere began crying as the
story she had just listened to played itself out in the eyes of the fallen
'I wandered
the land helping the Horadrim locate The Three. I wept with the brothers
while we buried Tal Rasha in the far Eastern Desert. For a time I rested.
The evil had been defeated and I was able to enjoy some time roaming the
land and learning of its peoples. I returned to visit the Horadrim, but
they had passed on to the next life, their mission complete and then I
only wanted to respite from my curse. I learned that while I was mortal,
I aged extremely slowly thus you still see me as a young woman, not the
centuries old crone I should be.'
haven't you fought the evil here yourself?' asked Otrere stretching to
keep the Child Otrere from crawling too far away from the tree. Then she
paused. This baby had been growing at a very high rate. Now, able to crawl
when moments before it was barely able to lift its head from the dark-haired
woman's hand.
'I found
that while I could assist men in their battle against the evil invading
their world, I could not go into the strongholds of evil. Something was
blocking my way. So I sought champions to fight for me. Some, like Tal
Rasha, knew of me and I helped them directly. Others, I aided covertly,
bestowing luck on them and helping by sending others to aid them. Your
tribe's new queen is one such that received my aid without her knowledge.
I only wish she hadn't relied as heavily on the ones helping her, now
her confidence is not where it should be to defeat the Dark Lord in this
place. I chose you as I chose Tal Rasha. I found both of you when you
were young. Both of you had faced the evil and survived on your own. With
my guidance, Tal Rasha was able to defeat Baal, you will defeat Diablo.
voices said you must defeat the Skeleton King and break his sword on the
Altar of Righteousness or your last life will be lost. This child holds
that last life. Go. Defeat the king and break his sword. We will wait
for you at the camp.'
stood and wiped the tears from her face then looked again at her mentor
and the toddler now playing at their feet. The sky was much darker than
when she arrived. Night was coming and the inhabitants would be stronger
here than on the other side of the Portal of Nightmares. Waving to the
pair, she entered the temple to hunt the Undead King.

10 -- Hall of the Skeleton King
upon entering the ruined church, Otrere felt as if the weight of the building
was pressing down on her shoulders. Slinging her Blackoak bow over her
shoulder, she began to hunt down the inhabitants of this place. A slight
grin came to her face as she saw a fallen one approaching from the shadows.
He carried a sword that she would need in order to save her better weapons
for the Butcher and Skeleton King. The creature lunged at her and she
punched it in the face. Burning pain seized her as the back swing of the
creature’s sword caught her on the cheek. Otrere kicked the creature in
the neck and caught the beasts sword arm as it swung back at her again.
Stepping back a bit, Otrere drew her Shadowhawk and prepared for the creature's
next attack. When the creature charged her, the Amazon stepped to one
side and slashed the fallen one's rib cage, cutting through bone and flesh
as the blade drank the life from the creature and passed it to the sword's
The Amazon
paused and checked for other creatures in the vicinity. If the fallen
were this powerful here, how much stronger would the Butcher and Skeleton
King be. Ordinarily she would enter the evil temple bare-handed and collect
the equipment she would need to complete her quest, but this time, Otrere
armed herself with her best weapons and proceeded to hunt the entry to
the church for potions to sustain her life and magic. Gaining the staircase
to the second level, Otrere armed herself with the Holy Bow of the Amazons
to hunt the Butcher. She knew he would be much stronger here than before
and prepared to slay everything else on this floor before approaching
him. Skeleton archers and captains sought to deter her and by retreating
to doorways and switching back to sword and shield, she minimized the
wear on her beloved bow and dealt with the melee creatures before giving
the bowers lessons in archery. Locating the stairway to the Skeleton King's
lair, Otrere sought out the Butcher.
The Amazon
had prided herself in the variety of methods she had used to defeat the
hulking brute, bow, sword, mace, shield, staff, and hand. She was confident
he would fall and hoped she would defeat him in this nightmare world before
he left his chamber. Taking up her bow, Otrere kicked the door to his
chamber and leapt inside. Firing rapidly, the warrior was stunned by the
speed of the Butcher's attack. He was worse than she expected. Diving
out of the chamber, Otrere drank a yellow potion and ran for the down
staircase, she would trap the creature. Once again he surprised her with
his speed, staying so close to the girl, she could feel his breath on
her neck. Dodging barrels and leaping over sarcophagi, the Amazon led
the slayer of children to her trap. Ahead loomed the stairwell that would
spell the evil beast’s doom. She stumbled on a loose tile and the Butcher
leapt on her with an unholy zeal. Burning pain gripped the Amazon as she
sought to escape the demon’s onslaught. Summoning bolts of fire, she battled
with the creature driving him back, then turned and vaulted to the other
side of the stairway. The beast, driven by the scent of her blood, charged
the Amazon and wedged himself in the walls of the stairs. Otrere calmly
drank another of her rejuvenating potions and knocked her bow.
over the Butcher’s body, Otrere entered the Skeleton King’s realm. She
hoped he would be with more skeleton captains so that she could deal with
his minions first, then the Undead Lord himself, without having to dodge
arrows at the same time. Luck was with her as she hunted her prey, the
skeletons appearing were either skeleton captains or axe wielding horrors.
Both types easily dispatched with the morning star she had picked up near
the entrance to the church. Then a large party of skeleton captains surged
from the far side of the hall she entered. An eerie glow danced behind
them, Leoric had found her. Retreating to the nearest doorway, the Amazon
made her stand, switching weapons to the Shadowhawk blade that she might
recover from the skeleton attacks more quickly. Otrere checked her belt
to make sure she had a full complement of potions and awaited the storm.
As the
first skeletons approached, Otrere launched a stream of firebolts. She
was not surprised when none of the skeletons fell to her magic, and quickly
quaffed a mana restorative and prepared her healing magic. Then bones
flew, treasures dropped, and blades sang as the skeleton warriors faced
the Amazon in the doorway. Otrere began to tire from the onslaught, blocking
two skeletons with her shield and dispatching the third with her sword.
She stepped back to narrow her attackers to one at a time and tripped
on a bone under foot. Three more skeletons poured through the doorway
and behind them their leader. The Amazon warrior backed to a corner to
face the new threats and soon only the Skeleton King remained. King Leoric
stood back from the Amazon and pointed his bony finger. ‘Know this Amazon.
This day I shall feast on your soul.’
Skeleton King’s voice rang inside Otrere’s head and she nearly blacked
out from the pain. Then the Undead Lord’s sword crashed down on the Amazon.
Quickly, Otrere raised her shield and blocked the blow. Before she could
counter attack, another blow from the massive skeleton shattered her already
weakened shield. Rolling from the impact, Otrere loosed holy magic to
stop the creature and watched as the bolts went wide of their mark and
the King approached again. Otrere quickly switched to her bow and loosed
a rapid stream of bolts, while draining another potion from her belt.
Leoric closed with her and she swung her bow at his forever-grinning skull
only to have it shatter against the wicked blade he carried. His free
hand closed on her neck and began to squeeze.
Live Diablo!’ rang in her skull as the Undead Lord’s blade stabbed through
her armor and into her heart.
blinked and looked around her. She gazed up at a clear cloudless sky,
small birds wheeled in tight formation trying to decide which way to fly.
The sound of laughter from the town's pub drifted in the wind. Otrere
checked the string on her short bow and headed towards the evil temple.
This day the Butcher would pay for what he had done to the children of
her village.
As she
approached the entrance, she noticed a man, obviously in a great deal
of pain, lying beside the path. She knelt and took his outstretched hand.
dead...' Otrere sensed that she had seen and heard this man before now
but couldn't remember where. He didn't look like any of the peddlers that
had come to her mother's hut, yet there was something familiar about him.
She would ask her mother when she returned from her hunt.
