Whats the matter, Charis, YELLOW?

We use no lab animal
in our researches.

A picture to die
for - A quick Laz run turned into something that lasted for almost
an hour. I have always thought it beautiful with all 3 colors of Bloodstars
crisscorssing the screen but I never managed to stop and smell the roses.
So I thought to myself, I am going to grab a few screens if it kills
me. I wasnt satisfied after a few grabs, something seem missing...
so I decided to invite the 3 unique ladies as well, afterall, what kind
of a party would it be without the trio. Now all I needed is a grand ballroom
and I found one fitted for an all stars cast. Can you spot the 3 uniques?
Dont ask how
many times I died for this picture :p

A blast from the past - 1999 Greetings
