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Chamelion / Schizophrenic - by Charis       
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Like to try something a little different but not like a loon? Here is an odd character that comes in three flavors, with the same basic idea -- from game to game the character will be acting completely different, although completely sane within a given game! The chamelion does so in order to blend in with his surroundings and partners, and is a true jack of all trades. The character with multiple personality disorder is not aware that his different sides exist, while the schizophrenic has some additional neuroses.

Premise: choose a character class and a set of ~4 variants that provide a wide range of playing conditions. The chamelion will choose from one of these each new game. The MPD randomly selects one each game (or in the most severe cases, with each death). The Schizophrenic's arsenal of classes extends beyond that which is normal for his class, and while coherrent and seemingly sane, is a little unsure about who he is.

Examples, but choose your own set. Note some pretty standard variants, and the fourth choice being one that is sorta 'out there'. For chamelions and MPDS:
Warrior: BAR, BNW, MGKT, Avenger(A)
Rogue: BNR, AMZ, SUM, Nightshadow(NTS)
Sorcerer: BNM, Elem.Wiz, MM, Moor

A schizophrenic character will have something from each class, maybe something like:
Warrior: BAR, ARC, BNM
Rogue: BNR, Elem.Wiz, Death Knight
Sorcerer: SNOB, BAR, AMZ

These are, of course, just suggestions, feel free to add a Thief, Evoker, Paladin, Cleric, Executioner, or whatever you like to the mix.

Note that whatever is chosen for that game, the character should play exactly how a XYZ of that level would play: regardless of whether previous 'quests' were done or not, acting surprised if someone said he was not an XYZ; with the gear setup as close to what such a class would use. The Chamelion can either pretend they are always that character, even changing his designation for that log-on, or try to let his coop'ers guess what he is for the game, using a designation of (???). Multiple personality characters may wish to use a designation of (MPD). If their condition falls into the schizophrenic category, that will soon be evident to all. Again, try to be as helpful and stable *within* a game as is possible for your coop'ers sake.

Equipment: The full equipment rules of the current class hold for that game for these characters. This will require carrying around a very diverse set of equipment, likely including a full set of 'good' gear, a complete complement of jewelry, and as many items as will fit that are cursed/non-juju/role-specific. Although an MPD will not know *why* he is carrying around such odd equipment, he will feel very attached to them, seek out new similar items, and not just consider them junk and sell. The Chamelion is dedicated to Xswcz(FOM)/Oddmaster and Ziffy/Batchick


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