Cousins to the
Barbarians of the North, the Southern Aboriginees have through
their isolation developed several skills and traits that
help them in combat. The Aborinee people have several factions/castes
that bring variety, from the Serpentine Witch
Doctors, to the Craftsmen, to the Aborginal Barbarians. Common
to all is a simple tribal lifestyle, a love for quality
workmanship, and a superstitious nature. In
the Tristram region, there were no less than 9 castes. Yet
in the East, rumors of the emergence of five have surfaced.
Class: All
Tag: (ABO)
Common features:
Striving for highest 'quality', most have high
strength to wear exceptional items - Abo Mages often aspire
for Chaos Armor. All 'metal' prefixes are allowed, as
are piercing, puncturing, balance, stability, quality, craftsmanship,
fast case, and all reptiles. If an item does
not possess these properties, it is not worthy to be
worn. Some are superstitious about wearing duplicate affixes,
and would wear one platinum, one gold and a silver rather
than three golds, for example. ABO's consider maxing resists
as less important as choosing quality gear. Shrines?
They're too superstitious to use except for the gem shrine
and skill shrine, which are 'quality-improvers'. Crystal
swords are a disgrace and are never used.
All Aboriginees revere
the Snake and are delighted to use Snake
items of any kind. Reptile items more powerful than 'Snake' can
only be used by ABO's who have defeated Fangskin, the viper boss in
Act 2 Viper Temple. Most ABO's will wear the Viper Amulet for as long
as they can. The mages typically have a distinct green hue. Gems
are allowed, but socketing less than a perfect gem, resulting in
a flawed weapon, would be unheard of. (D1
Abo's had to struggle with low AC and low resists, while to hit
was good. There may be more restrictions later for D2 ABO. In D1
the quest for usable DR, like AFPoHarm, was attainable)
- Elitist -
those of noble birth, keepers of Arcane knowledge
- Barbarian Soldiers
- the most distrustful of magic
- Serpentine Viziers
- harness the power of Reptiles
- Craftsmen -
metalworkers of unsurpassed excellence
Huntress - rare women who take up the call to the hunt
-- Barbarian Soldiers - Class: BAR
These warriors may
also use Warrior's, and Soldier's weapons.
Unlike many others, they actually value a steely defense.
Iron Skin is a key skill, and is to be pumped. Shout
likewise should not be neglected. The sight of a Whirlwind Bar
scares these superstitious folk, nor do they use leap attack
(lvl 1 of each is fine for situational use). The main attack
forms are Frenzy, Berzerk, Concentrate and Stun. If
a shield is used, it is chosen for defense and quality, not
block percentage. Fast weapons and fast movement characterize the
Aboriginee Soldier. Warcries are allowed, except Grim Ward (too
superstitious). Natural Resist, and Masteries are helpful.
-- Craftsmen - Class: PAL
Defenders of the noblemen
and craftsmen, Knight's and Lord's weapons
are allowed, in addition to Metallic prefixes. A
shield is normally used, with a solid and frequent Holy Shield to
back it up once an exceptional shield is found. The power of steel,
and an attitude of Definace, are characteristic. A variety of
combat skills are allowed and used. Might or concentrate are virtually
neglected, favoring auras like Fanaticism, Conviction, Defiance,
and Salvation. Some choose high speed weapons.
-- Huntress - Class: AMA
The rank-and-file Aboriginee,
they form the backbone of defense in the
jungle. Some wear much lighter armor for quick movement. They
do not use spears or javelins, but bows or wpn/shield are good.
They take good care of their bodies, and will distribute to
keep STR equal to DEX until STR is 55. Those going S/S should get
str to at least 110, if not higher. The bows of the huntress, unlike
the D1 rogue, are sturdy, and need no repair.
-- Serpentine Viziers - Class: SORC
The most magic using
of the Aboriginees, they may use staffs, Snake's
items from the start and Serpent's items after Fangskin is killed.
The Salamander is a joy for the Serpentines to use. Fangskin
is their arch-enemy, and any item dropped when Fangskin is defeated
solo may be used. The focus of the Vizier magic is on Static
Field and the Magiks of Nature- Blizzard, Thunderstorm, and
Meteor. Nova spells are viewed as an aberration of nature, and not
used (learned for prereq only). Blaze and Ice Blast may be learned at
low lvl for survival. The early years are difficult, until the higher
magiks and masteries are learned. Most choose to wear several fast
cast items and at least one hit recovery item, to be as fast as
the Cobra. Energy and Strengh are the most common pumped. The
Hydra is a serpentine form, and some choose to push this to a high
level. At least lvl 1 in Hydra, Blizz, TS and Meteor is highly recommended.
One sect, the Scorpions, has a particularly odd attack style.
They wear many blight items, spray the foes with Static Field,
and finish them off with a lethal poison strike.
-- Elitist - Class: NEC
The nobles of the Aboriginee
tribes, disdain common and low quality items,
and will only wear uniques, rares and sets. Some are SNOBs, and
wear uniques only. The very key skill is Iron Golem, the zenith
of Aboriginee magic. As high quality materials as possible are
used for the golem. (One reason 'magic' items aren't worn, so they
can be used for this) Other high quality skills are used, such
as Bone Spirit, Life Tap. The do not ever traffic in undead - so
no skels, skel mages or golems other than Iron. Low end skills
like Teeth and Corpse
Explosion are avoided. Some Noble ABO's take fancy
to the Poison path, out of reverence for snakes and serpents. What
better belt to wear than Snakecord?! Venom Ward is also popular.
October 3 2000
