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Introduction -
CDCs are variants based on the 3 character classes of Diablo and the Monk of Hellfire. The goal of the variant is to make Diablo 2 gameplay more like Diablo 1, at least from the character's point of view.

Barbarian = Warrior or Monk
Amazon = Rogue
Paladin = Warrior or Monk
Sorceress = Sorcerer
CDW for the Warrior
CDM for the Monk
CDR for the Rogue
CDS for the Sorcerer

For Barb CDW, no dual-weilding. Also, items that are two handed must always be used in two hands. (i.e. no using two-handed stuff in one hand)

For Pal CDM, staff, hand-to-hand, or wand/non-hammer gfx scepter must be used for combat. No other weapons are allowed. For Barb CDM, dual weild Wands is allowed. Wand + Shield is also allowed.

Axes are always two-handed.

Spells and Skills
The CDC insists on using old D1 abilities to defeat Diablo, so none of these newfangled abilities will do! Also, the CDC refers to D2 skills as "spells."

Any prerequisite may be learned in order to get a useable higher level spell (such as learning Blaze to get Fire Wall). Reasons why some newer spells\skills are allowed and other notes on spells\skills are provided when necessary.


Classic Diablo Sorcerer

Fire Spells
Fire Bolt, Fire Ball, Inferno, Fire Wall, Super Fire Ball (Meteor), Guardian (Hydra)

Meteor was not originally allowed, but through playtesting I found that Fire Ball's damage just wasn't cutting it. The D1 Sorcerer had the obscenely powerful Fire Ball, afterall, so disallowing the heaviest-hitting fire spell in D2 would be like nerfing him.

Lightning Spells
Charged Bolt, Lightning, Chain Lightning, Nova

Nova is allowed to be learned because it can hit almost a whole room full of targets, much like the Chain Lightning of old. D2's Chain Lit is pathetic and can only hit up to 5 targets. Anyway, though Nova was not a learned spell in D1, the CDC may learn and use it.

Magic Spells
Mana (Energy) Shield, Telekinesis, Teleport, Flash (Static Field), Stone Curse (GSpike)

Both Flash and Stone Curse are limited to slvl 1. This is to preserve Flash's tiny radius and to make for an easier-to-use version of Stone Curse. Through playtesting it was found that Ice Blast (the original CDC "Stone Curse" spell) was much too much bother. Ice Blast could not be blindly used as Stone Curse could. What I mean by "blindly" is that you could cast it somewhere and it'd hit something. Ice Blast is much too slow, and thus inaccurate, to use in such a manner, so GSpike's radius will compensate for that.

Warmth, Fire Mastery, Lighting Mastery

Warmth is allowed because mana used to be buyable, but now it is not. Warmth replaces Adria's always-full potion stock.
Fire Mastery is allowed because fire was the most damaging type of spell in D1 and so shall it be in D2.
Lightning Mastery is allowed because D1 spells went down in mana cost, whereas most D2 spells do not. This allows for cheaper Lightning and Magic spells.


Classic Diablo Rogue

Fire Arrow (Fire Arrow), Ice Arrow & Freezing Arrow (Stone Curse), Exploding Arrow (Fire Ball), Immolation Arrow (Fire Wall), Strafe, Multishot, Valkyrie & Decoy (Golem), Magic Arrow (Blood Star), Lightning Bolt (Lightning), Lightning Fury (Chain Lightning)

Strafe is allowed because D2 Amazon's bow speed is extremely slow. Strafe is limited, however, to base slvl 1.
Mutlishot is also allowed. This is for tactical reasons. Only one arrow per Multishot can hit a specific target. You can thus use this skill if you want to hit a target that's behind something else (such as a Shaman behind minions). D1 didn't have annoying Shamans that would resurrect stuff (save single player Leoric), so Multishot may be used for tactical reasons and as another example of the Rogue's blindingly fast bow speed.
Both Valkryie and Decoy take the place of Golem. Only one Golem may be alive at one time, however. So kill your Valk before you set up a Decoy. Also, Valk is limited to slvl 1. Rogue's Golem hps were low in D1 anyway.
Lightning Bolt & Fury are Javelin-based skills. Javelins may be used only for casting these spells. You may not melee with Javelins, and you may not throw a Javelin unless Lit Bolt or Fury is being cast.


Classic Diablo Warrior (Paladin)

Smite, Charge, Holy Bolt, Prayer, Vengeance, Cleansing, Meditation, Vigor

Charge is Telekill.
Vengeance is a form of Stone Curse.
Might is Critical Hit ability. It may be learned to base slvl 7.


Classic Diablo Warrior (Barbarian)

Leap, Leap Attack, War Cry, Sword/Axe/Mace Mastery, Increased Stamina, Stun, Bash, Find Potion, Battle Cry, Battle Orders

War Cry is Apocalypse. Odd to see a Warrior use it, yes, but why not? :)
Battle Orders is Mana Shield.
Battle Cry is Stone Curse-ish in that it makes enemies easier to hit.


Classic Diablo Monk (Paladin)

Holy Bolt, Prayer, Vengence, Zeal, Charge, Meditation (Adria's replacement), Vigor, Cleansing, Resistance Auras (including Salv), Fanaticism, Defiance


Classic Diablo Monk (Barbarian)

Leap, War Cry, Double Swing, Frenzy, Whirlwind, Increased Stamina, Natural Resistance, Find Potion, Iron Skin, Shout

No masteries may be pumped. Period.

Whirlwind may not exceed base slvl 8.


The CDC insists that no matter how much training that you do, you just can't improve some things in short periods of time. CDC had max stats in D1 and so shall they be in D2! Because CDC has twice the leveling capacity in D2, CDC may have twice the maximum statistics.

Strength: 90
Magic (Energy): 500
Dexterity: 170
Vitality: 160

Strength: 110
Magic (Energy): 140
Dexterity: 500
Vitality: 160

CDW (Both)
Strength: 500
Magic (Energy): 100
Dexterity: 120
Vitality: 200

CDM (Both)
Strength: 300
Magic (Energy): 160
Dexterity: 300
Vitality: 160

Because CDC is trying to most closely imitate gameplay experience, only non-exceptional items are allowed. Some more rules...
-No set items (save Civerb's Cudgel)
-No gemmed items or socketed items. People who made their own items did it with vileness! (*cough* trainers *cough*)
-No Superior, Low Quality, Broken, Crude, etc. items
-No basic items with names that didn't appear in D1. For example, you can use a Great Axe but not a War Axe.
-Throwing Potions are allowed to anyone. Javelin class weapons are allowed to CDR only. Other than that, no throwing weapons.
-No Crossbow class weapons
-No Polearm class weapons
-No Spear class weapons
-Staves with +Spell may be used. They are the new form of spell staff.
-Throwing Potions are allowed to anyone. Javelin class weapons are allowed to CDR only. Other than that, no throwing weapons.
-Only the CDM may use Wands and non-hammer gfx Scepters
-Gloves and Boots may be used if they either correspond to the current armor or if they are lighter than the current armor. Light gloves\boots are worn with any type of armor. Chain are worn with medium and heavy. Plated are worn with heavy. Any gloves or boots may be used if you're armorless.
-You may put no more than 8 heal/mana/rejuv potions into a belt, but you may use any size belt. (Hint: Use the other spots for stamina, antidote, or thawing potions.)
-Any type of Mana, Health, and Rejuvenation potion may be used.
-Stamina, Antidote, and Thawing potions may be used.
-Any type of book may be used.

Magical Items
-Enchantments that have effects that have no counterpart in D1 are disallowed. (e.g. +Life regeneration, monster flees, cold damage, poison damage, prevent monster heal)
-Enchantments used must appear on items that they could appear on in D1. (e.g. Mana/Life steal rings are a no-no)
-Rares may be used so long as the enchantments on them may be used. In D1, the most sought items were almost always magical or unique. In D2, highly-sought items are generally rares and some particular uniques. Thus, to preserve similar gameplay in that you can use sought-after items, rares are allowed.
-A rare with the name of a D1 unique is considered to be unique and may be used no matter what enchantment is on it or what base type it is. (e.g. Stormshield- unique pavise, 10% damage goes to mana, etc.)


Horadric Knight subclass
Subclass of the Paladin Classic Diablo Warrior
Tag: HKT

Introduction - Though the Horadrim may have been a mage clan, this does not mean that they did not see the importance of physical combat. On the contrary, sorcerers quite enjoy muscle-brained meleers holding off enemies.

Deckard Cain, last of the Horadrim, knew of this training and soon after the heroes began arriving in Tristram he started to train those that would listen. These warriors learned from their mentor various forms of magical attacks and different ways to enhance their melee.

You are a warrior trained in the art of fighting by a mage. Hmm, this could get interesting...

Rules - Horadric artifacts (Malus, Cube, Staff) are treasured and, if possible, the Horadric Knight should save them instead of allowing them to become lost or fall into the hands of those not affiliated with the Horadrim. So try not to give Charsi the Malus. And, if in a cooperative game, see if you can get into Tal Rasha's Chamber without giving up the Horadric Staff. As would be expected, the Horadric Cube is a true treasure.

Cain must always be saved. He's your mentor, afterall.

If you have saved the Horadric Malus (or the Staff), you may wish to weild it in your battle against Diablo and banish him back to the burning Hells. May he know the power of Horadric Malice!

Spells - These warriors studied numerous tomes that they found within the Cathedral of Tristram. They can harness magical powers to use against their enemies. However, so not to seperate them from physical combat they have a unique way of casting such spells: Auras. Unfortunately, due to the passive nature of these attacks, the damage is somewhat minimal.

Horadric Fire (Holy Fire), Horadric Lightning (Holy Shock), Ethereal Zone (Sanctuary), Healing (Prayer), Meditation, Holy Bolt, Horadric Banishment (Fist of the Heavens), Horadric Malus (Blessed Hammer)

Horadric Fire, Horadric Lightning, and Ethereal Zone must all be learned to at least slvl 1 for they are the nucleus of your power.

Combat Spells - Smite, Charge, Holy Bolt, Prayer, Vengeance, Cleansing, Meditation, Vigor, Sacrifice, Horadric Seal (Holy Shield), Conversion

Sacrifice is your ability to imbue your weapon with the power of a Blood Star.
Use Conversion to show enemies the way of the Light, and the glory of the Horadrim!

Items - Items are the same as the other CDCs, but the HKT may not use evil items. Poison damage, prevent monster heal, and the Undead Crown are examples.


With much valuable input, ideas, and help from Charis, Foxbat_, Grarrrg, McFrugal, Pren



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