Elemental Strike Team Character Planning and Team Organization Advice
I thought I'd offer a few thoughts regarding playing the various roles
within the team. Players are of course free to choose any path they wish
within the bounds of the rules, and don't have to heed any of my advice
here. :)
Fire Sorceress
This character
is probably the least-handicapped of all the characters, as a Fire-only
sorceress can still be quite a force to reckon with. Inferno or Fireball,
though weaker than other options, would be the most friendly to group
frame rates. Meteor is the strongest path, bar none. I don't expect this
to change even with the spell timer in D2X. You will have a team help
protect you, and tanks to hold monsters still for you. Hydra, Blaze, and
Firewall are all very attractive, but talk with your team before you choose
these paths, to make sure everyone can handle the graphics load.
Lightning Sorceress
The strongest
combo here would be max allowed Static at any given time, and Thunderstorm.
If a Nightsmoke belt turns up, that could help make Energy Shield "pay
for itself". Planning your char out in advance is recommended, so that
you will know how many points you want to put where, and do so at the
earliest opportunities. Nova is a good option only if meditation will
be plentiful. Ask your paladin. Once D2X comes out, perhaps chain lightning
will become a viable option, as well.
Cold Sorceress
Mana is going
to be your greatest enemy. The cold tree does not generally function well
without some Warmth to back it up. Blizzard can be a strong killing spell
with high mana efficiency. The rest are ALL mana hogs, and even with help
from skull helms and other mana regen items like Lennymo or Civerb's Icon,
you'll be feeling the Mana crunch. My best recommendation is to conserve
mana and very sparingly chill or freeze things to assist others with kills
or safety, and then to unleash the full fury of your cold powers (with
applicable drinking of potions) at key moments only, when your strength
is really needed. Orb is viable only if there is meditation on hand. (You
should have seen the addiction factor for the original EST Cold Sorcie:
cryin the blues any time the paladin was away in town, or not available
to play).
Bow Amazon
Not really sure
what to advise for this role. High level Decoy would allow for cheap recasting.
Adding to Pierce will obviously help a great deal, now that elemental
effects also pierce in 1.03 and later. Things might be a little tricky
in the mana department, unless there is plenty of meditation on hand.
Frozen Arrow is incredibly powerful, though. The original EST bowazon
became a prime damage deal in Hell difficulty.
Javelin Amazon
Don't be afraid
to spend money on javelins, even early in the game. You're not here just
to provide another decoy. Your elemental skills and even some straight
throwing of missiles against key opponents, are vital to your role. Coordinate
with the team paladin to determine how much, if any, meditation he plans
to offer. The melee lightning skills (especially charged strike) become
more attractive if mana regen will be plentiful.
Barbarian Protector
all the restrictions on this character, there is still one option for
offense: a piercing scepter and the Goblin Toe boots. Gambling on Light
Plated Boots is cheap, and everyone will need nice rare boots sooner or
later. You can get a piercing weapon as soon as Act 3 Normal, at Ormus.
Piercing/Goblin Toe would leave you strong against general monsters, but
weak vs bosses and champs. Not too bad, considering your restrictions.
And this would allow you to avoid Dex, adding instead to Vit and Str.
There are other offensive
options, as well, if that one does not appeal to you. Pumping Battle Cry
could lower enemy defenses by so much, even a Necro could get hits. :)
Then you could use weapons with more damage on them. Or you could pump
defense, vitality and blocking, and try to play the role of pure tank.
The uberpath is the
support path: War Cry for stun effect (and some damage), high Battle Orders
to increase everyone's life, mana, and mana regen rate. This would probably
be the funnest way to go for many players, because it is the strongest
route available within the rules.
The right branch
of the war cries tree holds lots of options, too: Grim Ward, Find Potion
-- but unless both your cold sorcie and bow amazon opt out of freezing
skills, and stick to chilling ones only, you will effectively be shut
out of having corpses at your disposal. Coordinate your planning with
Finally, you will
need at LEAST four points into Leap if you are to have Range enough to
maneuver in places like River of Flame and Arcane Sanctuary.
Plenty of options here. One of them includes socketed scepters with bonus
to certain skills. Meditation would certainly aid the spellcasters. Smite's
stun effect and always-hits attribute are attractive. Lots of other options.
Be creative and have fun. :) Also, make sure to coordinate your char design
with your teammates. The single largest variable on the EST is whether
or not the paladin will be serving up mana regeneration. A lot hinges
on that choice, so talk with the team about it.

Not everyone who
applies will stick it out. Be choosy to begin with, or your chances will
be slim.
For the first EST,
I took a pool of applications through email, then weeded out those who
did not show up at two consecutive meetings. That left us with exactly
eight players (out of twenty or so to begin with), but two of them wanted
the same role and I flipped a coin. The coin-toss loser was not interested
in the other role, though he tried it for one night, then departed.
Of four eventual replacement
players, only one stuck through to the end for us, so don't put too much
stock in your ability to replace people.
* Figure out the most
dedicated players on your team and take care of them.
give the grease to the squeaky wheels, give it to your core team. You'll
be more likely to finish, even if some players depart along the way.
* Stick together.
tolerate lone rangers. If people want to run off and solo, they can do
that anywhere else. The EST balance functions best as a whole unit. The
only place you can't fit everyone into one place at one time tactically
is the Maggot Lair. Some allowances need to be made in the Arcane Sanctuary,
too, but you can cut problems almost to nil by making sure everyone wisely
stays to one side, never blocking the middle.
* Expect No Shows.
going to have to catch up some people on quests and such, probably frequently,
due to absences. Just be prepared to redo quests and don't hassle over
* Coordinate Gambling.
* Those Who Die the
Least, Hold the Most Gold
* Certain areas of
the game will take a few hours to complete. Make sure players will be
able to devote the extra time now and then.
* Full-clearing all
three difficulties is not only viable, but fun. The game's over when you
3dot, so what's the rush? Up to you and your team, though.
* Coordinate tactics
and skill use based on who is present. Ice transforms the battlefield.
It's lack will be keenly felt. FPS-eating skills have to be kept in check
most times. Lack of tanks will change things, too.
* If your Paladin
specializes in Meditation, as ours did, your sorcies can cut loose. If
not... they are going to have to manage their mana wisely.
* Get some sturdy
players for the Javazon, Paladin and Protector Barbarian roles. Those
are tougher to play in that they lack offense, must draw the team heat,
and require patience. They are also more likely to die in general, and
specifically when lag is bad. Some players just aren't happy with support
roles of this kind. Meditation is the uberpath for the Pally. The team
will find it tougher if he specializes in Defiance or Prayer instead,
but that could also be interesting. Battle Orders and War Cry are the
uberpath for the Barb. War Cry in combo with Meditation would give the
Protector a prominent role and allow him to shine. The Javazon's uberpath
is Decoy/Fury. Plague Javelin could also be fairly strong, but runs into
some conflict with the Necro, whose poison nova is weaker but has longer
duration. The team should decide whose poison attack should take precedence,
unless the Jav player opts out of Plague Jav altogether. An alternate
Javazon path could be Dodge/Charged Strike -- much more viable if there
is Meditation on hand. Other options are weaker, but might be fun.
Good Luck.
- Sirian
