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Mentat - by Drasca
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A Mentat plays the role of advisor to royalty, strategist and sometimes assassin. He is familiar with all forms of poison, tactics and stealth. He is a formal, logical man, but cold and calculating. He shall set traps, blind his enemies and eliminate them without suspicion or evidence. Failure to do so means assured loss of rank and position of advisor for his royalty.

Mentat - A Dune based Necromancer variant
(For those of you familiar with Frank Herbert’s novel Dune would realize that Dr. Yueh Wellington was not a mentat however he is one of my favorite characters of the novel)


Items: Always carry a dagger class weapon.
Imbues disallowed until Ancient Kaa the Soulless (found in the false tombs of Tal Rasha) and the Dark Elder (found in the Lost City) have both been assassinated.

Skill Preferences: Blind Enemy (Dim Vision)
Using his vast chemical and electrical skills, he simultaneously dims his own presence with stealth and blinds the enemys’ awareness.
For effective use of Dim Vision, Several Points are recommended.

Summoning Tree Banned:
-About Minions: A remote construct would only be clunky and betray his presence. He cannot afford such blatant idiocy around.

Poison Dagger (1 point required)- Knife-fighting is for the arenas, but by learning of the various deadly and efficient poisons, one can knock out his enemies in a few hits.

Demolition/Traps (Corpse Explosion)
-Mentats, knowing that their enemies attempt to recover the bodies of their wounded, plant and activate small tactical explosives on the bodies of the slain. More powerful and sophisticated parts can be found and used when one goes deeper into enemy territory.

Corpse Explosion skill is limited to 1/2 point per act.

Other Restricted Skills:
Bone Spear, Bone Spirit, Summon Skill Tree, Iron Maiden.

Recommended Tactics:
Med-Level Dim Vision is very useful
Use Attract as a diversionary and clustering skill.
Low level CE is extremely useful with few players in the game. Even more so when combined with Attract, but note Attract’s small radius of opportunity.


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