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Obsidian Lord - by Charis   
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He who stalks his prey to inflict the charge of doom sees a new challenge, and opportunity, in the East. Having vanquished Blackstorm, life was good as King, but now the unthinkable has happened! The king of stones, Obsidian, has all but disappeared! The Obsidian Lord must find out the cause of this tragedy, and restore the good name of his people...

Class: Pal

Role: D1 Variant based on the Obsidian Lord monster

Items: strong, strong preference for items 'black' in appearance, including skull items. Great helm, bone helm or Mask (horns) are required once found.

Key skill is Charge, and no ranged attacks allowed. Preference for the D1 +all gems: topaz, amber, jade, emerald, but may wear a prismatic ammy as well. Another focus is getting strong resists (mostly via resist all).

Example setup: Skull-Dia-Dia Pavise, Dual Skull Helm, Darkglow...

Salvation will be strong on this character.

Posted October 3 2000



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