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Macabre variants (The Face of Horror, The Plague, The Grim Reaper) -
Part 2 of 3

The Plague

Classes: All. Although much harder for sorceress, partying with pal with auras and barb with war cries will help ease the pain.
Tag: Pla

Snob – Unique items only – no unique jewelry fits the item requirement except the Viper Amulet
SetSnob - can use all allowed Sets and individual legal set items. Nothing else

Basically, any items with poison attributes are allowed. Items without any poison attribute (Prismatic is not considered as a poison attribute. See below) are not allowed. New character startup items must be discarded because none of them meet the requirement. The only exception to the rule is throwing weapons since none of them can be magical. The following is a list of affixes/attributes the items must have to be considered as legal:

Add Poison Damage
Blight - Adds 2-7 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
Available on - Weapons(5), Wands(5), Staves(5), Bows(5), Rings(45), Amulets(45)
Venom - Adds 4-14 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
Available on - Weapons(15), Wands(15), Staves(15), Bows(15)
Pestilence - Adds 12-28 Poison Damage over 4 Seconds
Available on - Weapons(25), Wands(25), Staves(25), Bows(25)

Poison Length Reduction
Remedy - Poison Length Reduced by 25%
Available on - Armor(7), Shields(7), Boots(7), Gloves(7), Belt(7), Rings(7), Amulets(7)
Amelioration - Poison Length Reduced by 50%
Available on - Armor(18), Shields(18), Amulets(18)

Defiance - Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Available on - Armor(25), Shields(25), Amulets(25)Poison

Resist - (Fight poison with poison, you wish! The Plague is ready.)
Beryl -
Poison Resist +5-10%
Available on - Armor(5), Shields(5), Scepters(5), Staves(5), Bows(5), Boots(5), Gloves(5), Belts(5), Rings(5), Amulets(5)

Jade - Poison Resist +11-20%
Available on - Armor(12), Weapons(35), Shields(12), Scepters(12), Wands(35), Staves(12), Bows(35), Boots(12), Gloves(12), Belts(12), Rings(35), Amulets(12)
Viridian - Poison Resist +21-30%
Available on - Armor(18), Weapons(55), Shields(18), Scepters(18), Wands(55), Staves(18), Bows(55), Boots(55), Gloves(55), Belts(55), Rings(18), Amulets(18)
Emerald - Poison Resist +31-50%
Available on - Scepters(25), Rings(25), Amulets(25)

Prismatic (resist all does not count because its just a part of normal immunity, nothing special) You would have to determine if the Poison resist is part of the Prismatic prefix on rare items

Vileness - Prevent Monster Heal
Weapons(9), Wands(9), Staves(9)

Hit Blinds Target - A symptom

Socketed and Exceptional Items
Socketed Shields and Weapons
socketed with emerald for poison resist (shield) and poison damage (weapon) are allowed with the Mutant Title
A few variety:
To socket for heavy poison damage – 3 perfect emeralds for 5.85 dmg each. The poison dmg is worth at least 5 more skill points over the other socketed weapon choices.
One perfect emerald and 2 perfect skulls for 5 poison dmg, 6 mana and 8 life Steal.
One perfect emerald, 1 perfect skull and 1 perfect sapphire for 5 poison dmg, 3-6/7 cold dmg and 3 mana 4 life steal
One perfect emerald and 2 sapphires for 5 poison dmg and 6 seconds worth of cold duration

Exceptional Items - not allowed until after the Anomaly title (except throwing weapons).

Set Example: Iratha FineryYou may not use Coil. Cuff or Cord without using the complete set, while using the Collar by itself is ok because of its own attributes. See item stats below.



Skill Restrictions

Attacks must do physical damage.
Offensive skills and Offensive Passive such as
Barbarian - Combat Masteries (all). Combat Skills (all)
Amazon - Critical Strike, Penetrate, Pierce, Valkyrie Multi Shot, Guided Arrow, Strafe, Jab, Impale, Fend, Poison and Plague Javelin
Necromancer - Amplify Damage, Iron Maiden, Iron Golem, Skeleton and Golem Mastries, Revive, Poison Dagger, Poison Explosion and Nova.
Paladin’s Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Thorns, Sacrifice, Zeal, Smite and Charge
are regulated by the Skill Restriction -
Slvl is determined by adding up all the (minimum portion) poison damage you do and then divided by two.
Slvl =< Total Min Poison Dmg / 2
Poison damage from skills does not apply
Example: if the following +poison damage items are equipped:
Venom Ward 7-9, Snakecord 4-6 and Rakescar 18-28
The total minimum poison damage = 29, divided by 2 and rounded down = 14
This means any or all of the restricted skills can now be raised to slvl 14

Be careful before allocating skill points - taking item(s) off that violates the Skill Restriction is prohibited unless you replace it with equal or greater min poison dmg.

Note: While Poison Explosion and Nova may not do direct physical damage, it is allowed because the nature of the skill.

You cannot use a disallowed skill. One point only if it is a prerequisite for an allowed skill.

Class Specific Skills
Valkyrie – Same restrictions as necromancer’s summoning skill. While not restricted from use, you may want to think hard before investing in this skill. Your Valkyrie must do Poison damage or else it must be destroyed right away. This can be a fun gambling-like element if you can afford the mana.
Disallowed: Power Strike, Lightning Bolt, Charged Strike, Lightning Strike, Lightning Fury, , Magic Arrows, Fire Arrows tree, Cold arrows tree

All Weapon Mastery and Attack Skills must obey the Skill Restrictions
Disallowed: War Cry, Grim Ward and Howl (we want to kill them, not scare them away)

Summon Skills – Same restriction as Amazon’s Valkyrie. While not restricted from use, you may want to think hard before investing in these skills. Your minions must do Poison damage or else it must be destroyed immediately. This was fun in testing – an army of green skeleton mages is a sight to behold.
Revive - monsters with poison attack only.
Iron Golem - can only be made with items with poison damage property.
Disallowed skills – Corpse Explosion, Teeth, Bone Spear, Bone Spirit, Terror (we want to kill them, not scare them away)

Conversion – allowed on monsters with Poison attack only.
Disallowed Skills: Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Holy Bolt, Vengeance, Fist of Heaven, Blessed Hammer. Sanctuary

is going to have it tough. No offensive spells are allowed.
Cold armors including Chilling Armor is allowed - The ice missile is passive and an automatic response out of your control.



Mutant - Kill Andariel in Normal difficulty
Reward - Evolution by design. You may now design and use socketed weapons and shields socketed with at least one emerald.

HellPlague - Kill Andariel in NM, prepare for Hell.
Reward - You may use the Hellplague if you choose. The Hellplague’s 28-56 poison dmg alone is worth 14 in restricted skill points, and the 5% mana and life steal isn’t too bad either.
For other classes or characters who choose not to use the Hellplague as their weapon, they can still get the bonus as follow.
The character must find the sword himself (found in coop is okay)
You must keep the sword (in your inventory or stash).
The, you may allocate restricted skill points as if you are using the Hellplague. The poison damage of your real weapon is not to be included in the calculation.

Anomaly - (? Something that will tie in with exceptionals) Kill Diablo in Hell Difficulty
Reward – You may now use Exceptional items with allowed affixes.




Hint: Learn how poison damage works and how they stack 'Scoop on Poison Damage

Allowed Uniques - I have include the item stats so you don’t have to look them up ;)

Venom Ward - Breast Plate
Defense: 65-68
Required Strength: 30
+2 To Light RadiusEnhanced Damage
5% To Max Poison Resist
Poison Resist 15%
Adds 7-9 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
Darkglow - Ring Mail
Defense: 45-48
Required Strength: 36
+3 To Light Radius
5% To Max Poison Resist
5% To Max Cold Resist
5% To Max Lightning Resist
5% To Max Fire Resist
+25 Defense VS. Melee
+10 To Attack Rating
All Resistances +10

- Field Plate
Defense: 126-130
Required Strength: 50 - Requirements -10%
Damage Reduced By 3
Poison Resist 50%
+25 Defense
+5 To Strength

Undead Crown
- Crown
Defense: 44(varies)(Base Defense: is 25-45)
Required Strength: 55
Half Freeze Duration
4% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 50%
+8 Defense

Coif of Glory
- Helm
Defense: 15-18
Required Strength: 26
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 4
Hit Blinds Target
Lightning Resist 15%
+25 Defense VS. Missile

- Bone Helm
Defense: 33-36
Required Strength: 25
+1 To Necromancer Skill Levels
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 25%
+10 To Mana

Hand of Broc
- Leather Gloves
Defense: 2-3
3% Life Stolen Per Hit
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 10%
+20 To Mana

Umbral Disk
- Small Shield
Defense: 26-28
Paladin Smite Damage: 2 To 3
Required Strength: 22
Hit Blinds Target
-2 To Light Radius
+18 Defense
+20 To Life
+10 To Dexterity
Snakecord - Light Belt
Defense: 14
Replenish Life +5
Poison Resist 25%
Adds 4-6/7/8 Poison Damage of 3 sec
+11 Defense
Deathspade - AxeOne-Hand
Damage: 11 To 11 (Base Damage: 3-11)
Required Strength: 32
+2 points of mana after each kill
15% bonus to attack rating
Hit blinds target
+8 To minimum damage
Skull Splitter - Military Pick
One-Hand Damage: 6 To 10
Required Dexterity: 33 - Required Strength: 49
Hit Blinds Target
Regenerate Mana 20%
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+25 To Attack Rating

- War Axe
One-Hand Damage: 8 To 14
Required Strength: 67
Poison resist 50%
Adds 18-28 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+50 To Attack Rating

- Battle Axe
Two-Hand Damage: 22 To 58
Required Strength: 54
Enhanced Damage
Poison Resist 30%
Cold Resist 10%
Lightning Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Slight attack rate increase

- Light Crossbow
Two-Hand Damage: 10 To 15
Required Dexterity: 27 - Required Strength: 21
25% Deadly Strike
Enhanced Damage
Poison Resist 30%
+40 to Attack Rating
+10 to Life
+10 to Dexterity

- Crossbow
Two-Hand Damage: 9 To 14
Required Dexterity: 33 - Required Strength: 40
Piercing Attack
Adds 7-9 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+50 to Attack Rating
+20 to Dexterity

Jade Tan Do
- Kris
One-Hand Damage: 2 To 9
Required Dexterity: 45
+75 to Attack Rating
Cannot Be Frozen
Adds 7-14 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

Soul Harvest
- Scythe
Two-Hand Damage: 8 To 20
Required Dexterity: 41 - Required Strength: 41
30% chance of Open Wounds
Adds 15-23 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
All Resistances 20%
+45 To Attack Rating

- Halberd
Two-Hand Damage: 12 To 40
Required Dexterity: 47 Required Strength: 75
Slows Target By 50%
+2 To Light Radius
15% To Max Poison Resist
Poison Resist 15%
Adds 7-28 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

Knell Striker
- Scepter
One-Hand Damage: 5 To 8
Required Strength: 25
25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
Poison Resist 20%
Fire Resist 20%
+35 To Attack Rating
+15 To Mana
150% Damage To Undead

Serpent Lord
- Long Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 2 To 8
-1 To Light Radius
Poison Resist 50%
Adds 2-37 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+10 to Mana

Culwen's Point
- War Sword
One-Hand Damage: 8 To 20
Required Dexterity: 45 Required Strength: 71
Poison Length Reduced By 50%
Faster Block Rate
Faster Hit Recovery
+1 to all skill levels
+60 to Attack Rating

The Patriarch
- Great Sword
One-Hand Damage: 12 to 18
Two-Hand Damage: 25 To 42
Required Dexterity: 60 Required Strength: 100
Hit Blinds Target
Damage Reduced By 3
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
100% Extra Gold From Monsters
The vilest of all - There is no cure
Blacktongue - Bastard Sword
One-Hand Damage: 6 To 18
Two-Hand Damage: 20 To 28
Required Strength: 62
Prevent Monster Heal
Poison Resist 50%
Adds 14-18 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
-10 To Life
The Grim Reaper - War Scythe
Two-Hand Damage: 15 To 32
Required Dexterity: 80 - Required Strength: 80
50% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
5% Mana stolen per hit
-20 to Life
Special quest item reserved for Hellplague title
Hellplague - Long Sword
One-Hand Damage: 3 To 19
Required Dexterity: 39 Required Strength: 55
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Adds 28-56 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
Allowed Set Items
Berserker's Arsenal - (Set Bonus)
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Adds 4-9 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
Iratha's Collar - Amulet
Required Level: 15
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Poison Resist 30%

Death's Hand -
Leather Gloves
Defense: 2-3
Required Level: 6
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Poison Resist 50

Iratha's Finery - (Set Bonus)
10% To Maximum Poison Resist
10% To Maximum Cold Resist
10% To Maximum Lightning Resist
10% To Maximum Fire Resist
All Resistances 20%
+15 To Dexterity

Milabrega's Regalia (Set Bonus)
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
+2 to Light Radius
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
Poison Resist 15%


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