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by Cyrene
History The Lycanthrope was originally a farmer’s boy who grew up on the outskirts of town. Always a large lad who was skilled with weapons, he grew up fascinated by Lachdanan and the Knights of the King Leoric. Watching their training, he learned much of the art of war, and countless hours of solo training made him hard and swift. When the call went out from Archbishop Lazarus for a rescue party from the town, he was the first to volunteer. He spoke loud and long at the tavern that night, giving much unwanted advice to others as to the merits of the parry and thrust, and speculating endlessly as to what great deeds he would perform the next day. Tomorrow at last he would come into his own as a noble warrior and no longer be thought of as a simple farm lad! On the great day, he quickly moved to the front of the crowd, and confidently dispatched many minor minions of Diablo on the first level. Then, near the base of the stairs on level 2, he saw a large chamber with a large wooden door. He shoved it open confidently, but, as many, many, more who were to follow and open that door for the first time, he was in no way prepared for what lay behind it. The sight of the Butcher turned his courage to fear and set his legs in motion. Crazed with fear, he thrust Wirt, the town pick pocket, at the awful creature to give him time to escape. Then he ran for his father’s farm as fast as he could go. He was safe, but his father was never to return. He had betrayed his people, his father, himself. There was only one thing to do. He must go directly into the Church, kill the vilest monsters, and especially kill the Butcher, and bring back proof to town. Maybe then he could reclaim his name and sanity. The
Failed Quest of Redemption No one says a word, they just stare silently. You slowly gather your items, and go see Griz for a private chat. Though Griz will talk to you, he refuses to acknowledge you as an individual. No matter what you say, all he will do is offer services for money and offer insulting prices for your badges of honor. Coldly you do what business you wish with him, then leave the center of town, vowing never to return again. Ever. Neither will you ever seek out Wirt to apologize. You will instead go into the Catacombs to seek your own death. Enlightenment
by Death Your eyes lift and you behold a wisp of smoke over the hill. There, over the water, there is whispered to live a great witch with much knowledge in the black arts. Perhaps she will be more sympathetic to your approach, perhaps she will show the way; perhaps she will have the answers your soul seeks. Adria
becomes your Mentor General Rules of Play and Equipment Of the Wolf - You must always keep the first item of the wolf that you find—it is a sacred talisman. Once you have found one, you must always wear at least one item of the wolf. Town - Adria only. Period. You can buy anything legal from her she offers, and sell staves to raise money. Don’t even cut through the center of town, always go around. You will never show your face there again. Level Up Points - All to magic until maxed; you need all the magical powers possible for your transformations. Then they can be distributed between Dex and Strength as you wish. No points to vitality until all other stats are maxed. You will take the blood you need from your magic and from your prey. Equipment - All non-magic items allowed until a magic replacement can be found. Only items with the following properties are allowed: The
Animals: All animal prefix/suffix (Spider, Tiger, Bat, Wolf, etc.),
(beast)Masters, Kings(of beasts) Unless an item has a specifically forbidden prefix or suffix, any allowed prefix or suffix makes the item usable regardless of the other tag. Some resist items are specifically forbidden, all are discouraged. Unknown to traveling Juju men, magic resistances derived from baubles worn actually sap the power of your own spells. Resistance from other’s puny spells should come from your own magic aura and life blood. Forbidden: Items that remind you of town, happiness, light, or your youthful pride when you envisioned yourself as a young knight, or that block the effects of magic. Religious: Angels, Arch-Angels, Blessed, Heavens, Holy, Godly, Saintly Light and Happiness: Shock, Lightening, Thunder, White, Light, Radiance Soldierly: Warriors, Soldiers, Lords, Knights, Champions Resists: Pearl, Ivory, Crystal, Diamond, Topaz, Amber, Jade, Obsidian, Emerald, Special: SILVER!!!!! Always forbidden to equip, plus special instructions below. Uniques: You ought to be able to judge, follow the guidelines. Most are acceptable. No lightning effects, plus light, or "good" names (Celestial Axe, Holy Defender) that remind you of town allowed. Constricting Ring specifically encouraged after rank of Beastmaster is attained. Spells: No lightning based spells - you have rejected the forces of light to rule below. No holy bolt - you use the UNholy to bend the dungeon to your will. Some quests have specific spell restrictions. Co-Op: All other adventurers who unite with you to rid the dungeons of their foul inhabitants and prepare your future kingdom are welcome allies. By fighting in the Dungeons they have proven themselves much greater than the townsfolk, and deserve respect not given to normal weakling humans. There is much to learn from the Sister’s skill with the bow, the Barbarians power without magic, and the traveling Juju man’s destructive powers without using weapons. Beware conversation with the strange juju men of the sect MM who wear heavy armor and disdain perfectly good magic; they will try to corrupt you with tales of steel. The Butcher: You reserve a special hatred for the Butcher who ruined your life and killed your father. Kill the Butcher every chance you get. Take pride in your work - kill him as many different ways as you can think of. Kill him S/S, kill him with a 2-hander, kill him with each of the spells you know, kill him as a Werewolf, kill him in his own chamber before he can get out - just kill him often! King Leoric: King Leoric is a special case. Somewhere in your heart, you still admire him for the man he was. He is also a very difficult case for the Werewolf - he is tall, and strong with no flesh to rip and tear. Worse, he emits a powerful light, and wields a fearsome silver-ish sword forged by Grizwold. Avoid Leo (do not kill) until the Quest of Mastery of the Curse of the Wolf Laz: Lazarus is a skilled magician whose defeat demands special preparations. Clear level 15 completely from the Pentagram to the Betrayer’s Chamber. Go to the center of the Sacred Red Pentagram, conduct a Rite of Power, and (once able to) summon up a beast from the floor of the Dungeon itself (golem). Join your creation, dispatch Laz, and claim his altar for your own. You now have a center of magical power from which to strike at Diablo. The Curse of the Full Moon: Like most apprentices to the Black Arts, mistakes have been made. Somewhere in your pursuit of the Art of Lycanthropy, you have unwittingly invoked the spell without understanding it and cursed yourself. Upon every full moon, you turn into a Werewolf! Casting aside your weapons, you rush into the Dungeons ripping and tearing through the foul demons with abandon. All art, craft, and language escapes you as the Wolf’s red rage fills your heart and eyes. You only escape the grips of the werewolf spell when you die and restart in town, puzzled by your condition. In practice: Two circumstances will trigger a Werewolf run. Once you find an item of the Wolf, the next and every subsequent item of Moon, Stars, Zodiac, or Wolf identified (I would suggest only IDing at Adria’s for obvious reasons) triggers a Werewolf run. OR, the second item of the Moon that you find, and then every subsequent item of the Moon, Stars, Zodiac, or Wolf. Drop everything but your item of the Wolf (if you have it yet) and the new Moon/Stars/Zodiac item, enter the dungeon, and go berserk, blindly attacking anything you see with your bare hands. No spells allowed but heal (animals have marvelous instinctive restorative powers). One belt of blues is the limit (you are too far out of your mind to remember your pack). Throw in a few howls for good measure. Once dead, restart in town, re-equip as normal, and return to your death site to reclaim your items and pick up anything interesting that was dropped on the first run. Note also that starting your Werewolf run where you were when you found the item is not required - feel free to start at any dungeon entrance, especially if playing alone. The point is to have a little fun, not to lose equipment. Likewise, if on b.net, it would be wise to pack anything valuable and carry it with you instead of leaving it laying around at Adria’s for the lag monster to play with. A special dispensation is also allowed for the very end of co-op games late at night where a Werewolf run would annoy your partners instead of adding fun. In this case, do it first thing in your next game. After completing Quest of Mastery of the Curse of the Wolf, the format alters. Now you understand the power of the Spell, and invoke it at a time of your own choosing. You can become a wolf at any time you want, and with fewer restrictions. You still must do a Werewolf run with each new Moon/Stars/Zodiac/Wolf item before using it normally, however, to break it in to the ways of the Wolf. Your goal is to eventually become so good a Wolf that you can abandon your warrior ways and fight exclusively as a Wolf. The Quest of Mastery of the Curse of the Wolf On any normal Werewolf run after you have at least one item of the Wolf equipped, begin in the un-cleared Church. Clear to the stairs to dlvl 2, and find and kill the Butcher barehanded. Clear to the stairs to 3, and find and attack Leo as well. Once you have defeated both the monster that caused your humiliation and the fearsome Wolf-bane Leo, you will regain your mind while still in wolf form. Now you fully understand the spell and how it works. You gain the title Lycanthrope (no more Apprentice). Now that you are using the Spell instead of it using you, you can hunt with the power of the Wolf and the mind of a warrior. Limited magic is allowed: the power to use your magic to protect yourself (MS), the power to freeze your prey in terror (SC), the power to summon beastly allies from the earth (Golem), and Infravision are now allowed. No weapon or shield allowed, but you can equip other slots with items of Wolf, Moon, Dark, or Night. Begin to collect a "Wolf Suit", one day your transformation will be complete and you will use it almost exclusively! Silver Items: Silver is a horrible cursed item for a Lycanthrope. Though a deadly bane, it is principally dangerous when you are in Wolf form. Still, you don’t want to leave such a dangerous item laying around. If you ID a Silver item, wrap it up tightly, and hide it in your pack immediately. At the first opportunity, hide it in the Butcher’s room - no one ever goes in there. BEWARE! If you ID an item that forces a transformation while a silver item is in your pack, you are in serious trouble. Begin your Werewolf run as normal, but, when you enter the dungeons, you will feel a horrible pain burning into your side. Frantically, empty your entire pack onto the dungeon floor, then run away howling, not to return to that level until another game. Titles and Quests required to get them: Title of: Beastmaster - Entitles you to wear Constricting Ring (gift allowed). Adria bestows this ring on you to remind you that all powerful magic comes at a great personal cost. Quest of Mastery - Kill D in Normal Difficulty following all other rules. Title of: Shapeshifter - Lord of the Beasts, King of the Beasts Use a different one of each of the following Quests to clear the Cats, Caves, and Hell. One tactic for each dungeon section. Which tactic for which section is up to you. This could be done in one game, but does not have to be in one game or day or millennium. A death in a section ends that sections attempt, but you may recover your equipment and try again as soon as you want. Spells are restricted to MS, Heal, and spells of convenience (Town Portal, TK, ID, etc.) unless otherwise noted. Due to equipment restrictions, borrowing/gifts allowed. The title of Shapeshifter is conferred for the cats clear, Lord of the Beasts for the caves, and King of the Beasts for Hell. Earned in: The Quest to Harness the Power of the Ancient Attackers (Animals of the Ages) Emulate the ancient deadly animals with multiple forms and attacks. Attack with the rush of of a monster, slash with your sharpened claws (sword), parry with your immense scales (shield), use the wings of the Gryphon to escape your enemy (teleport), and blast with the fire attack of the dragon. Sword and shield. Dragon’s Breech and Gryphon’s Claw may be used for this quest only. Teleport, Inferno, and Firewall, and Flamewave allowed. If you possess the magical power to call up smaller dragons from the floor of the dungeon, Guardian is allowed. No fireball - Dragons did not attack by coughing up fiery hairballs... The Quest to Harness the Power of the Bear (Animal of the Earth) Emulate the Bear. Let the enemy come to you, then use a powerful attack that knocks him back while inflicting damage with your terrible claws. Use no shield and a knockback melee weapon, The Grizzly is ideal. No additional spells. The Quest to Harness the Power of the Eagle (Animal of the Air) Emulate the mighty Eagle. Strike through the air from unexpected directions. Use Teleport/Phase and a bow, avoid close contact with prey. Eaglehorn is ideal. You quarry will not know which way to run when they see you swooping down, Stone Curse allowed. Title of: Adria’s Apprentice - Warlock, Master of the Arcane Arts This title demonstrates your mastry of the Arcane Arts. Earned in: The Quest of Mind Over Body: Use only pure magic and conjuring skills to clear the lower dungeon in Normal difficulty. Allowed spells are those of pure magic (Blood Star, Bone Spirit, and Flash), those that demonstrate your ability to conjure animals from the dungeon floor (Golem, Guardian), and that which allows you to freeze monsters blood with just the power of your mind (Stone Curse). Dress in normal Wolf attire except for weaponry—take none. Instead, grasp a staff with both hands firmly to remind yourself not to revert to tooth and nail combat. Use the staff only as a last resort to push monsters back to give you room to cast. Magical and Unique staves allowed as long as they fit normal Wolf guidelines (Mindcry and Rod of Onan spring to mind as particularly useful on dlvls 15 and 16). The title of Adria’s Apprentice is awarded for a Catacombs clear, Warlock for clearing Caves, and Master of the Arcane Arts for clearing all of Hell and defeating Diablo. These
titles must be earned in order. The Quest to Harness the Power of the Wolf - Equip your best Wolf suit: Wear only items of Dark, Night, Moon, Wolf. Using -LR and Infravision (night sight of the wolf). Enter the dungeon in the Church and do not exit until Butch and Leo are killed. You may then return to town to consult Adria. Enter Hell, and kill Laz (obviously) and Diablo. All monsters are felled with your bare hands (tooth and nail). Stone Curse is allowed. CyWolf(LYC),
Beastmaster, King of Beasts, Master of the Arcane Arts, Nightmare Werewolf
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