After reading Sullla's writeup of his Hydra Sorceress (with Nova as the backup), I've got the urge to give it a shot myself.
First thing I did though, was to wipe my save files, save for the trapper assassin who I actually wanted to continue now. This included the shared stash, so my 2.5 start was a "semi-clean" slate. Semi-clean because the blue items in my sassy's private stash were still there, not that they'd matter much aside from tedium reduction.
At any rate, as my BlueTurrets (supposed to be part of a "blue items only" team where I lost interest after the 7th run through act 2) blazed through act 3, 4 and 5, heckled Baal a few times for experience, and then did the same in Nightmare, taking care to visit the Countess at every opportunity for her generous rune donations to The Cause.
BlueTurrets' biggest experience was the low point with death sentry failing to do much besides being a burden, forcing a respec (from the experiment) back to and committing to a lightning sentry based build: Fully powered Lightning and Charged bolt sentries, with Fireblast and maxed Shadow Warrior to take advantage of the quick-cast added in D2R, improving my fireblast power without taking up my valuable trap limit. I'm not sure how high I want Shadow Warrior to be, and how much I want in Shock Web (my original idea was that Shadow Warrior would throw shock webs and fireblasts like me, but I got to like her throwing mind blasts and help out with crowd control this way.
After that, every run I made to Baal or Mephisto made me feel the desire to have teleport on me, so that's how Lerny (named after Sullla's Lernie) became the star of the show.
For the first four acts of normal difficulty, Lerny did the same thing as Cinderella: Some points in energy, the rest in vitality, and ignored strength altogether on principle. The skill of choice was Firebolt, and as expected it was a lot less powerful without taking the time to full clear everything. On the other hand, I still got through the acts a lot quicker than with the full clear pace, and had plenty of time to soak up experience in Act 5, clearing up to Anya with just her trusty starter skill.
At that point however, I was curious to try out the 1 pointer pre-reqs to improve her clearing speed, and a +1 blizzard +1 cold skills staff made her an impromptu blizzard sorc. With that she managed to finish getting to level 30 in a flash, and got her Frozen Orb and Hydra.
What followed was what T-Hawk referred to as the backup overshadowing the main skill, because I just couldn't help myself, it's been so long since I played Frozen Orb to it's "full" potential. I respecced Lerny to focus more on Hydra and Frozen Orb, gave her the Spirit sword BlueTurrets spent a socket quest to make, alongside an Ancient's Pledge large shield (base from Fara) and Lore helm (random 2slot circlet for good looks), and spent all my points onwards on Frozen Orb, never looking back at Fire Bolt.
Nightmare went by in a flash. Lerny had comparatively little health, lacking a whale belt for one, and was on middling resists too, but it was practically impossible to hit her when she was teleporting through acts like a maniac. In Act III, she spent about five minutes teleporting through the jungle and grabbing waypoints up to travincal. Then of course she cleared a few areas when I forgot which layout to look at. Same way through act 4, although she was enjoying clearing much of it with Frozen Orb. Hellforge rune was a fal, which, combined with a Lum cubed up from three Io-s, made a Lionheart in a Cuirass. However, when teleporting, faster cast is a form of defense in itself, as I learned to experience by being daring in countess runs. This made me reluctant to give up Stealth's faster cast. What I wanted was in fact Skin of the Vipermagi.
Which dropped right around the time I was thinking about it!
And it was ethereal, damnit. 13 durability doesn't even last that long, unless I play something like a summoner.
That is of course just one thing, and I still had 11 durability to burn. If only I had someone who used an act III mercenary...
Enter Winny, a pure summoner druid I made not long before Lerny. Winny was Winnie's successor, my first to experience a variety of wolves and the grizzly fight together, who just changed mercs at the end of normal difficulty, from Fire Rogue to Fire Iron Wolf. As of 2.4 and onwards, Fire act 3 mercs have Enchant, which helps all my wolves and bear against dual immunes. On top of that, the firebolt/fireball damage is decent enough with modest gear (Spirit, Skin, Lore, Sigon's shield)
A bit more about Winny: I built him to be as offensive as possible, minimizing Dire Wolf points, and going into Poison Creeper and Rabies (for synergy only!) as a third damage type, making him the only character with four damage types going in tandem. I wonder how it'll turn out, but for now, in early nightmare the going is quite fast. Dire Wolves eat up corpses, Poison Creeper does AoE, and Spirit wolves also help with the occasional shatter. I wonder how it'll look like when going to hell, since Spirit Wolves are lacking in the damage department right now, and Poison Creeper likes to die all the time.
Anyways, Winny is waiting for his turn right now, because I enjoy Teleport + Frozen Orb a bit too much. Lerny is beating up Baal with the "moat trick" of teleporting across the gap to the corner of the T-shaped platform at the worldstone, and popping down a full set of 6 hydras, and then popping back, being safe from all sorts of nastiness Baal throws and tends to kill the merc with.
![[Image: image.png]](
So yep, as T-Hawk predicted, the addition of Bnet runewords made the early-midgame into a one-size-fits-all of Spirit and Insight. Similarly, with shared stash and a couple mules, it was all too easy for me to fall into a hoarder mindset, starting to lose track of what I got so far. (It took a big mental effort to get rid of a bonesnap for example, as I'm not playing mainly-melee characters at all)
I don't mind it though, much of it is still novel for me.
Another "for-fun" toon is SirGuy, a holy fire paladin: Holy Fire was buffed significantly, to the point where I heard stories of people clearing whole screens of enemies in hell while walking by. I have much more modest goals for him, to grab chipped gems and fuel my rune cubing. I also intended him to be a hammerdin before that "need" presented itself, so maybe he'll be a holy fire + blessed hammer hybrid, after I run the numbers of course. I'm also open to other ideas, except for holy shock because that means that some of my hardest enemies would be lightning enchanted bosses, which I don't want on a pally.
He's my first (modestly) twinked character, with 16000 gold granted to him from a shared stash wallet to buy himself a +3 Holy Fire scepter, Arctic belt and gloves, and a Steelclash. He played through Act I in /players 5 as a result, destroying most normal mobs in 1-2 pulses.
First thing I did though, was to wipe my save files, save for the trapper assassin who I actually wanted to continue now. This included the shared stash, so my 2.5 start was a "semi-clean" slate. Semi-clean because the blue items in my sassy's private stash were still there, not that they'd matter much aside from tedium reduction.
At any rate, as my BlueTurrets (supposed to be part of a "blue items only" team where I lost interest after the 7th run through act 2) blazed through act 3, 4 and 5, heckled Baal a few times for experience, and then did the same in Nightmare, taking care to visit the Countess at every opportunity for her generous rune donations to The Cause.
BlueTurrets' biggest experience was the low point with death sentry failing to do much besides being a burden, forcing a respec (from the experiment) back to and committing to a lightning sentry based build: Fully powered Lightning and Charged bolt sentries, with Fireblast and maxed Shadow Warrior to take advantage of the quick-cast added in D2R, improving my fireblast power without taking up my valuable trap limit. I'm not sure how high I want Shadow Warrior to be, and how much I want in Shock Web (my original idea was that Shadow Warrior would throw shock webs and fireblasts like me, but I got to like her throwing mind blasts and help out with crowd control this way.
After that, every run I made to Baal or Mephisto made me feel the desire to have teleport on me, so that's how Lerny (named after Sullla's Lernie) became the star of the show.
For the first four acts of normal difficulty, Lerny did the same thing as Cinderella: Some points in energy, the rest in vitality, and ignored strength altogether on principle. The skill of choice was Firebolt, and as expected it was a lot less powerful without taking the time to full clear everything. On the other hand, I still got through the acts a lot quicker than with the full clear pace, and had plenty of time to soak up experience in Act 5, clearing up to Anya with just her trusty starter skill.
At that point however, I was curious to try out the 1 pointer pre-reqs to improve her clearing speed, and a +1 blizzard +1 cold skills staff made her an impromptu blizzard sorc. With that she managed to finish getting to level 30 in a flash, and got her Frozen Orb and Hydra.
What followed was what T-Hawk referred to as the backup overshadowing the main skill, because I just couldn't help myself, it's been so long since I played Frozen Orb to it's "full" potential. I respecced Lerny to focus more on Hydra and Frozen Orb, gave her the Spirit sword BlueTurrets spent a socket quest to make, alongside an Ancient's Pledge large shield (base from Fara) and Lore helm (random 2slot circlet for good looks), and spent all my points onwards on Frozen Orb, never looking back at Fire Bolt.
Nightmare went by in a flash. Lerny had comparatively little health, lacking a whale belt for one, and was on middling resists too, but it was practically impossible to hit her when she was teleporting through acts like a maniac. In Act III, she spent about five minutes teleporting through the jungle and grabbing waypoints up to travincal. Then of course she cleared a few areas when I forgot which layout to look at. Same way through act 4, although she was enjoying clearing much of it with Frozen Orb. Hellforge rune was a fal, which, combined with a Lum cubed up from three Io-s, made a Lionheart in a Cuirass. However, when teleporting, faster cast is a form of defense in itself, as I learned to experience by being daring in countess runs. This made me reluctant to give up Stealth's faster cast. What I wanted was in fact Skin of the Vipermagi.
Which dropped right around the time I was thinking about it!
And it was ethereal, damnit. 13 durability doesn't even last that long, unless I play something like a summoner.
That is of course just one thing, and I still had 11 durability to burn. If only I had someone who used an act III mercenary...
Enter Winny, a pure summoner druid I made not long before Lerny. Winny was Winnie's successor, my first to experience a variety of wolves and the grizzly fight together, who just changed mercs at the end of normal difficulty, from Fire Rogue to Fire Iron Wolf. As of 2.4 and onwards, Fire act 3 mercs have Enchant, which helps all my wolves and bear against dual immunes. On top of that, the firebolt/fireball damage is decent enough with modest gear (Spirit, Skin, Lore, Sigon's shield)
A bit more about Winny: I built him to be as offensive as possible, minimizing Dire Wolf points, and going into Poison Creeper and Rabies (for synergy only!) as a third damage type, making him the only character with four damage types going in tandem. I wonder how it'll turn out, but for now, in early nightmare the going is quite fast. Dire Wolves eat up corpses, Poison Creeper does AoE, and Spirit wolves also help with the occasional shatter. I wonder how it'll look like when going to hell, since Spirit Wolves are lacking in the damage department right now, and Poison Creeper likes to die all the time.
Anyways, Winny is waiting for his turn right now, because I enjoy Teleport + Frozen Orb a bit too much. Lerny is beating up Baal with the "moat trick" of teleporting across the gap to the corner of the T-shaped platform at the worldstone, and popping down a full set of 6 hydras, and then popping back, being safe from all sorts of nastiness Baal throws and tends to kill the merc with.
![[Image: image.png]](
So yep, as T-Hawk predicted, the addition of Bnet runewords made the early-midgame into a one-size-fits-all of Spirit and Insight. Similarly, with shared stash and a couple mules, it was all too easy for me to fall into a hoarder mindset, starting to lose track of what I got so far. (It took a big mental effort to get rid of a bonesnap for example, as I'm not playing mainly-melee characters at all)
I don't mind it though, much of it is still novel for me.
Another "for-fun" toon is SirGuy, a holy fire paladin: Holy Fire was buffed significantly, to the point where I heard stories of people clearing whole screens of enemies in hell while walking by. I have much more modest goals for him, to grab chipped gems and fuel my rune cubing. I also intended him to be a hammerdin before that "need" presented itself, so maybe he'll be a holy fire + blessed hammer hybrid, after I run the numbers of course. I'm also open to other ideas, except for holy shock because that means that some of my hardest enemies would be lightning enchanted bosses, which I don't want on a pally.
He's my first (modestly) twinked character, with 16000 gold granted to him from a shared stash wallet to buy himself a +3 Holy Fire scepter, Arctic belt and gloves, and a Steelclash. He played through Act I in /players 5 as a result, destroying most normal mobs in 1-2 pulses.