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[PB79] Just one more Game

The next wonder stands in Carthage.
And I found Iron in a mine.

In the south, I settled the stone island first.
Maybe a bit of an reach, but I was in the area, I have nearly enough settlers for the other areas and why not ? His is a reach for coldrain too.

In the west, I was 1,5 turns to late for the first island.
I will land 2 settlers the next turn, so this should still favour me ?

I will settle my second inland city in 3 turns. This should be the land border to Gira.

I still don't know what coldrains makes with this much food - or how ?
Land is a bit conzerning, I have more cities than everyone else and less land ?
Okay, Coast is a good replacemen for me, but still.

Miro's power doens't seem to grow much ?
I expect, Miro researched maschinery for Chokos - and then maybe a planned attack on Rick.

I should get the circumnavigation next turns - and then I plan to built Cothons in most cities.

On a general outlook, I want to get a piece of Rick and my next expansion should be Gira.
I hope to continue a stable sea border with coldrain and the East Indian can be a threat for my eastern islands.

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