Jude... I appreciate the sentiment... but aside from this not being GW forum... #6 isn't really anything. These are tournaments run 3 times a day, with 3-4 brackets of 64 players, and at least 16 of those drop out from the first round because they don't even show up. (My first win was a bye from such a forfeit) I could easily hit top 8 at least every other tourney I play, if I played more. (I had planned this before finding out the reward points were about worthless.) This is from someone with less than 80 HB games, so it's not a feat that requires a whole lot of skill. The game mode has serious flaws that prevent it from being highly competitive, for example watch how much running and little actual fighting happens in most of the games on observer mode. So most good players get frustrated and leave instead of sticking around to pwn noobs like me. But then I'm not a leet PvPer, and am just having some fun.
Now, #6 in say the monthly championship, might be worth something. It would have to look better then our GvG performance anyway.
I must say that I, for one, like the occasional game-related comment being posted in the general forum. I don't tend to follow the subforums for games that I don't play, but I do like to hear about special things that RB players are up to, whether it's Tetris, DDR, or Guild Wars. I might miss that stuff if it was in a subforum, but I think it can help the community if from time to time it's posted here.
I realize that this is the opposite philosophy of most forums that have subforums, but that's my take on what works for this community, anyway.
I can see the value of that. Even more reason then because people who don't play GW, don't understand that this is nowhere near the accomplishments discussed in that thread. If I ever place #6 in the championship and win an IPod I'll let you all know. Maybe.
P.S. we love ya jude, but my modesty won't allow this outrage to go unqualified.