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[Spoilers] Sian goes underground

a mountain? ... ... okay

thats kinda evil ... faster Worker (which will snowball) or sheep

SIP seems reasonable with PH on side, 4 hills, wet wheat and a handfull of riverside grasslands for cottaging

1s which is the most logical move, loses: Mountain grassland forest, grassland, plains, plains forest and grassland riverside (and 2h city)

wins : 2 grassland riverside (1 of them forested), PH, Grassland forest, Plain riverside forest and grassland sheep ...


Settle on wines is also an option, for early commerce. Being riverside loses the 2h plant but gives you more hills and a levee.
I have to run.

IMO Levee is the most overrated (non-UB) building in the game ... not that it aren't good, but its simply to late to do much but enlarge the snowball

but yes ... settling wine is an opinion as well ... *goes thinking*

Sian Wrote:IMO Levee is the most overrated (non-UB) building in the game ... not that it aren't good, but its simply to late to do much but enlarge the snowball

...I like levees

Of course I'm from New Orleans lol

FWIW, moving 1S gets an additional forest in the BFC.

hmm ... scouted 1e and noticed something interesting ... 3e of wine is sea ... and given that the coast curves SE, and doesn't look like theres coast just north of me, i'm guessing that i'm somewhere west (relatively) from everyone ...

hmm ... counting closely ... even when settling 2 off the coast theres only 1 ocean tile which i can't take with a city ... reasonable bet ... Settling Wine it is

[Image: ddstart0000.jpg]

and we allready got our second Happiness within reach ... got a (Jungled) Sugar within reach ... would probably have been better to settle at a later point but alas ...

as you might be able to see ... my theme this time around is D&D (3.5e if you have to know) ... Cities are going to be named after classes, military units is going to be named after weapons, and Workers is going to be named after Different misc items

Tech path ... Argiculture (Wheat) -> AH (Sheep) and then BW, aiming at being able to revolt into slavery while our first settler is walking, followed by targeting Writing ...

as for scouting, i'm thinking counterclockwise, starting with 1e-1ne

sounds reasonable?

BTW ... noticed something interesting when checking Demographics (as little as it shows as of yet) ... TT settled on PH without freshwater

not much happened

decided to go just directly to the north instead of first going for the coast since i remembered that the borders whould pop and going in halfcircles counterclockwise (starting with going 2ne probs)

also found a tentative contender for city 2 allready, 2s3e, which would be getting at least pigs, and a inner sea harbor

[Image: dd20000.jpg]

anyone that's able to help out a wee bit with C&D?
[Image: dddemographics10000.jpg]

from what i can see i believe i'm the only one not settling on PH (unless someone settled off, and works a grassland forest/plain wheat now that i think about it), which at least proves that they aren't mirrored given that noone have water in inner ring

going to move tile next turn so i work the sheep (for another commence, no reason not to) ... would it be worthwhile going 2workers -> Warrior (till size 3?) -> Settler? or is Worker->Warrior (till size 2) -> Settler better?

this haven't gone that fast so we're only at turn 12 as of yet and just found the first interesting thing (replaying the save to get screens so) ...


[Image: ddt12horses0000.jpg]

As seen i've also marked where the city is to be ... with Creative its no loss that the food is in secondary ring

otherwise Dagger (warrior) is going to follow the coast for a century or three before turning inland again aiming at somewhere southeast of Barbarian

found another interesting thing

Fishes in the inner sea, and more importantly, a fake visual of land in the middle (the tile north of fish is workable from somewhere) ... i believe i got my second city after building one near horses

[Image: ddt12overview0000.jpg]

otherwise my plan is that at size2, i'm going to get another worker, and then chop a settler asap, followed by growing to 5, where i'm starting to spam settlers/workers from the capital, while the secondary cities is going to handle the military needed for some time

had a long chat with Mackoti yesterday and he suggested another way to tackle this ... change tech to aim at Pottery ... after worker is done, mine Plain hill (start square), followed by pasturing sheep, and pasturing pigs ... Barbarian, when it reaches size 2, is going to build Settler>Settler (working Wheat & Mined PH), first city settling 3w1s (working Sheep) building a worker from the start, and the second city is going to be placed south of Pigs, building 2 Work Boats, one for netting the clams and one for exploring the inner island ... at this point i should be able to build graneries, and grow to max, while continueing to research BW, Writing (and prehaps Sailing depending) and then beelining Monarchy

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