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[SPOILERS] Angel King Jowy IV

Final gameplay thoughts:

- Choosing to go for more cities but smaller pop was right, the game ended before I would have the happy cap to grow them big.
- Speaking of happy cap, I should have got HR or a religion to grow my cities quicker. It seriously sets me behind when every city is 2-3 pop smaller than they could be.
- As industrious, forges should have been built way earlier.
- Never built the northern fishing village.. That, and the southern one, both should have been up earlier.
- I read criticism on the location of Denerim (the one on top of horses). I chose that spot for two reasons: I saw the dry wheat as a relatively weak tile, and I wanted to make use of the second pigs in Denerim while it grows, and then let the northern city have the already-improved pigs once it's founded. The clam that I missed to the south would have been picked up by a fishing village. More feedback is welcome now that you know my thinking on it.
- As industrious with marble (and later Stone) I probably should have gone for more wonders. Even if I don't get them, the hammers to gold ratio from fail gold should be good due to the modifiers I have.
- The attack on Sian was a mistake. Okay, it went much better than it could have.. I got practically all the land between us (he only had one city towards me!), and it was relatively cheap at around 10 units spent on it. I also ran very thin defenses for most of the game despite being at war with him. But if he really wanted vengeance, he could have built 100% military instead of sailing to the new continent. I would win that war, but it would hurt me. So what did I gain? A lot of land that I didn't need. There was a whole new continent, and also plenty of land in the middle. I never claimed those because my economy couldn't afford it. If I let Sian have a slice of the lands between us, I could instead build towards the middle and on my half of the north, and still have the same city count that I had. Okay, I would have a stronger neighbor too that could one day go through me, but in this game it would have been a good thing because he could better stand up to Thestick.
- I still think there is some merit to having weak neighbors. But now that I know that a lot of RB players are ready to wreck their own game for vengeance, I don't think aggression is a good tool to achieve that. You can still have weaker neighbors, but you need to get them by making yourself stronger, rather than making them weaker. Only become aggressive when you can either finish them off, or when you know that you won't have any trouble dealing with them if they seek vengeance. I would personally prefer a meta where everyone plays to win no matter how pitiful their situation was, but I have to accept the prevalent meta and play with it in mind.
- There were some comments about the 1-tile inland sea island. How much of a mistake was it to not settle it?
- Optimizing play for GP use and Golden Ages would be a good idea. Even without PHI trait or Pacifism I was getting GP's much faster than I expected.

I think attacking Sian might have actually been a pretty good move, early warfare taboo be damned. You claimed pretty much all of the contested land between you, which was of very high quality. Finishing him off completely might have been your best option- having the land of two civs would have been a major boon, and you'd have been able to put it to good use much more quickly than cities on the other continent. I'm not convinced keeping him around as a buffer against stick would have been worth it- I mean, that's pretty much what you did end up doing, and stick was able to take three cities off Sian with a single Chariot (which was total crap, btw- Sian was a complete dick this entire game). Buffer states aren't any good if they're so weak that they'll collapse in the face of any aggression, which was the case here.

Not to be patronizing, since I'm hardly a BTS "vet" myself, but I think you played a pretty solid game up until the settler snipe. Certainly no worse than mine :P The running theme with your games is that you just need to A: not bite off more than you can chew, and B: if you're going to fight someone, you need to be prepared to go all-in. Never underestimate the ability of people to hold game-long grudges.

IMO, both the settler snipe and the Sian attack were fine moves. You just can't do both together. You only need 1 weak neighbour to take land off at any single time and you need all the other fronts as quiet as possible, don't annoy 2 people at once.

I don't think I would have went for the initial attack on Sian myself, but up to the point he used that combat settler it was going pretty well for you.

On the other hand, if it weren't for the war with Sian, I'm pretty sure I'd snipe Mardoc's settler too. You just have to defend your settlers a bit better than that.

Well, it certainly was also a mistake on my part. I misunderstood how the movement rules worked with Open Borders, at base - and I shouldn't have given Jowy Open Borders anyway, not just for 'goodwill' that apparently didn't actually exist.

But I still contend that punishing me for my mistake was itself a mistake. It not only provoked the later war, it also caused the shorter term things like trade routes being worthless and the skirmishing with Jowy's WC's and general arming of the border.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Out of curiosity, if you had been in the lead instead of 3rd or 4th, would you still have wrecked your own game just to avenge a single settler?

If I were in the lead, I think war would have made more sense, not less. We were on the edge of a knife there for a while; if I'd have a half-dozen more units at the start of the war or started it earlier with the same units, I probably could have eaten you totally. Or if you mean only that Bob and TheStick were in worse position? I'm not sure, but I think so.

Honestly, I'm not sure I did wreck my game for that war. It failed to catch me up to TheStick, but I don't think I'd have done any better to spend those hammers on markets and settlers.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Ok. If it was a move that you thought would be best for your civ, then revenge wasn't really a motive, just a bonus smile

I'm not good enough to know what's 'best' for my civ. There are several approaches I could have taken; revenge meant that war was the one I chose.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


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