(April 2nd, 2014, 20:40)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: 1. What do you think of the final position if Russia NMR?
Turkey and Italy have no home SC any longer so they can't build any Units. Italy's best chance is to ally with Austria and help Austria to get former Russian SC to stop France (Austria can build Units) and maybe get his homeland back. England gets BER, STP, MOS and maybe WAR. Then it depends if England stays friend with France then France gets the solowin. If they fight then Austria can grow strong enough to play a role again (via killing off Italy).
(April 2nd, 2014, 20:40)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: 2. What made you sure scooter would attack SER?
A reliable source told me so
(April 2nd, 2014, 20:40)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: 3. Now that you've probably read about how TT rage-quit has your opinion changed?
About TT ragequiting? No. First off IMO scooter handing him his homecenters is far worse because scooter could have defended easily. You OTOH were out of position with most of your units (helping France into MUN was bad in that regard). You could have defended better (by retreating into PIE instead of BOH) but that would only mean that TT has it easy to get your SC instead of France and I'm sure TT would not quit over someone getting the cake he envisioned for himself
(April 2nd, 2014, 20:40)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: And what were the questionable things TT did that you alluded to earlier?
In Spring 01 he stabbed scooter. Yes I know he sold it later as cunning plan but that is BS. Moving into UKR, SEV and BLA is not only a clear attack towards south (anti-turk) but it also moves your units from any other targets.
In Fall he turned around and stabbed us 2. That didn't gain him anything at all (He would have gotten RUM anyway) except he was now forced to use all his units in the south+middle had 2 enemies and that with having troubles in the north (Germany bouncing him in SWE). Had he stayed true scooter would gain no SC. TT could use his new build and/or one of his armies to guard the north and crush Turkey with his 2 allies. He could later ally with either Italy to kill Austria or with Austria to kill Germany/Italy.
The reason why he was still a player in 05 was that Italy stabbed Austria in 02 and Turkey handed him his SC's.
BTW MJW I don't know how much I influenced it but I did invest some work to get him to stab you: