I serredipitously recieved China. I suppose it fits given that I live in Beijing.
Now I am not going into this completely cold. I have started a few games but none have gone past T110 at this point. So this game should be my first attempt past that point.
I loaded up the game and checked out China's characteristics. Wonderbuilding sounds good for my current plan. I want to have China culturally take over the world. I feel that will be the best option for a longer game that explores most of the game. Particularly the wonders. So that's the plan.
Open the save. Settle in place. The map seems to agree with my opinion, there is some stone. And lots of food and lux? Great!
Warrior went north to explore. Set scout build, and Mining tech, though really it doesn't matter that much since I'm not building a builder for a while.
Hmmmm, two horses? Maybe the map doesn't agree with me... Early horseman is easy domination victory, I mean I used heavy chariots to kill two civs before t100 in another game, horses would way to easy.
But I guess I still have to settle them, if only to ensure others don't get them.
T7 Scout is born and goes south. All sorts of goodies. I start another warrior. My plan is to explore ASAP and warriors are just so useful the earlier you get them.
Found some barbs
Found my first city state. Military one.
Found a tribal village, but I'm not sure its worht it if my scout is in the dead end of the pangea. I have chosen my exploration path poorly...
I like starting with GodKing to get that first Parthenon, But later the Urban planning is just so useful.
A barb horseman on T17... Seriously Bro?
So here is the barb outpost. See that horseman? That's the SECOND horse. The first moved over to where my cursor is... Also you may notice a third barb outpost in the East WTF.
My god. The scout has come in now and I just built a builder... that now has to sit while I build a slinger... and then another warrior.
Okay, two outposts destroyed, but another horse archer spawned up top. At least the horsemen ran away and didn't kill my warior. I don't know if it's going to survive or not, but the outpost had to die.
Ahhhhh not sure what to do. Run north and hope the Horse up top isn't there? Heal and hope the horse doesn't kill him and he gets a promo? I'll sit and hope I guess.
He survived go tthe promotion, but now... well I'm going to give him the tortise promo I guess...
Yay, the horse came south after my slinger, the ha hit my warrior for small damage and I'm still alive
Killed the Archer, Chased the horseman, and I was wrong that other outpost isn't an outpost but marble in the fog. They really need to work on that UI...
I was hoping to get the kill with the slinger... Should I kill it with the warrior or wait... I'll wait a turn.
Also I have now improved the rice, the stone and the cow.
The next turn It turned out I had to kill it with the warrior, c'est la vie.
Yay got that slinger kill
Oh hello!
Hello indeed!
So I'm building a new builder. I have the first one with one build left. I'll throw him into a wonder. Going to grab stonehenge and Hanging Gardens if possible. Need to build a campus next though to tricker the boost for State Workforce and the wonder +% build policy. I think I might chop into the campus even.
Whelp lost stonehenge. HG is on the way though. I haven't met any other civs so its slowing my research.
T52 I meet another civ >_> Egypt!
T53 Hanging Gardens. I will have to build the pyramid after I get 2 settlers built. CHanged my policy to the settler bonus one.
Ah Barbs whhy you no leave me alone.
Yay natural Wonder!
New city!
And a new settler on the way as well.
I think I will try to pink dot Egypt up here. And build a third settler to go south.
New city in the south! Get that iron...
Also Check out that trapped barb scout. DIE
Next turn I'll plant here too. 4 cities on t76
Pump out a few builders right now with the +30% builder civic and then onto wonders next civics change.
My city states are doing ok. I still have only met two civs.
T84, I'm winning in Science, but nothing else. Gotta build some wonders I guess.
Roosvelt and Kongo? Declared war on me out of the blue. I don't even see any units around me. XD
Sure I'll recruit a great person.
T95: Is that a tribal Village? Yes it is! +60 Faith
Pyramids baby.
Oracle Baby T108
T118: It looks like Roosevelt is finally coming for me, better build a spear.
Also at this time, I'm feeling like maybe I don't have enough cities? Maybe I should build more settlers? Not sure, it's hard to figure out a direction.
Great Library! Mostly useless. hahaa
lol I've already killed 2 of his chariots. Let's kill some more.
Next turn 2 more chariots down. Poor Teddy.
Yay Colossus!
Teddy feeling the burn, thx bud.
T140 I find my 3rd civ: Japan
New City up in Japan's grill.
Took me 15 turns to get that settler there...
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”