now that the turnout for this Epic was really disappointing, I think we may need some new faces to prevent this tournament from dying off. Ideally, SG teams playing here should mostly consist of players who otherwise wouldn't have played the Epic - no sense in this if the teams would suck away the few regular players we still have.
When/if the next Epic will be announced, I'd be happy to organize teams, both at CFC and with players from here who know they won't be able to play the Epic alone. The question remains if the sponsor(s) like this idea or not. The Epics tournament was originally designed for single players who accept the rules, both written and unwritten, we follow here. SG teams might move this to a direction not desired by the organizers. And people might be scared away if they know they have to compete with whole teams, which would be the last thing we'd want to happen.
now that the turnout for this Epic was really disappointing, I think we may need some new faces to prevent this tournament from dying off. Ideally, SG teams playing here should mostly consist of players who otherwise wouldn't have played the Epic - no sense in this if the teams would suck away the few regular players we still have.
When/if the next Epic will be announced, I'd be happy to organize teams, both at CFC and with players from here who know they won't be able to play the Epic alone. The question remains if the sponsor(s) like this idea or not. The Epics tournament was originally designed for single players who accept the rules, both written and unwritten, we follow here. SG teams might move this to a direction not desired by the organizers. And people might be scared away if they know they have to compete with whole teams, which would be the last thing we'd want to happen.
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider