Sorry, I've been sick, so I missed the deadline. I hope this can still count anyway, if not, oh well, hopefully someone at least finds it interesting or entertaining.
Please see the attachment for my report. The first page goes over my interpretation of the rules. The report begins on the second. Here is the scoring-relevant information, copied and pasted from page six:
Please see the attachment for my report. The first page goes over my interpretation of the rules. The report begins on the second. Here is the scoring-relevant information, copied and pasted from page six:
Quote:In the 2549-2550 election, I win the game. Of 48 total votes, 33 go to me (humans 5, myself 28 ) and the rest (15) to the Psilons (themselves 9, Darloks 3, Sakkra 2, Bulrathi, who were really getting mauled near the end, 1). This is a Domination win as, without the Humans, I had more than half but less than two thirds of the votes.
I chose to not accept the ruling and enter the Final War, then it occurred to me that I’m not sure if I’m allowed to do that. I didn’t think that counted as “voting for myself”, it’s a quite different question. On the page that follows, my account of the Final War begins, but here’s my scoring information both with and without it (it only affects the 23 planet milestone).
Scoring information:
• Won? Yes
[INDENT]o (2550 Domination if Final War disallowed, 2599 Extermination if Final War counts.)[/INDENT]
• Moonshot? No
• 6th planet: 2367
• 12th planet: 2435
• 18th planet: 2540, two other planets taken in same turn
• 23rd planet:
[INDENT]o If Final War doesn’t count, never.
o If Final War counts, unknown year prior to 2570.[/INDENT]