I gave this a whirl, because I wanted to see the map. I started by founding my first city to the SE of my capital, with horses in first ring. That reveals my game plan:
That was my first "real" offensive, I harassed my neighbours with chariots while researching horseback riding. My chariots razed a few weakly defended AI cities. Here's a random image from later, my horseback army racing southwards:
It turned out one of the opponents was on another continent, so my conquest plan was foiled. Therefore, I set the slider to 0%, my city builds to wealth, and spammed settlers:
That quickly led to this:
Now in true form I misread the rules again, and somehow thought it was okay to build roads, so I built a few of them - maybe 10 tiles . Chalk me up for another shadow game.
That was my first "real" offensive, I harassed my neighbours with chariots while researching horseback riding. My chariots razed a few weakly defended AI cities. Here's a random image from later, my horseback army racing southwards:
It turned out one of the opponents was on another continent, so my conquest plan was foiled. Therefore, I set the slider to 0%, my city builds to wealth, and spammed settlers:
That quickly led to this:
Now in true form I misread the rules again, and somehow thought it was okay to build roads, so I built a few of them - maybe 10 tiles . Chalk me up for another shadow game.
I have to run.