My OCC experience is limited to a single game ages ago where I lost to Zara in a Space Race by 4 turns. This game turned out better... slightly.
I didn't do a lot of planning for this one, although I did set up a sweet Worldbuider layout of every single resource improved on a grassland. Unfortunately, I lost that picture, along with a lot of my other ones, so I excuse me if this isn't exactly a super-detailed report.
I quickly decided that the best food everz were lake-fishies, being 7/1/2 tiles when fully improved [of course, this required Moai; more on that later]. I decided all the rest of the tiles should be flat grasslands so that every tile supported itself, and thus hastily threw together this:
I didn't really look around in Worldbuilder, so I didn't know what civs I was facing and where. This ended up hurting me because I decided to go for Hinduism [on the way to Oracle, which I slingshotted CoL with; I was so proud of this at the time, and then I read SOMEONE's ridiculous Education slingshot!

], while Isabella landed Buddhism; and then I ended up accidently founding Confucianism and Taoism, while Izzy founded Christianity [and Islam was irrelevent]. This left the entire other continent to be a giant Jewish orgy of teching trading!

I had a really strong Hannibal in my game, with Cyrus supporting him with techs and Charlemage mooching off them both.
Early game, I went for population booming [as much as pre-Globe happiness would allow], and added in Representaion/Caste System later on using Pyramids [which I built in advance but didn't actually really use until all my tiles were being worked].
Shaka DOW'd me around Turn 100, and he had way enough units to kill me easily, but I accidently exploited an AI glitch with my lake choke-points. I parked a few Dog Soldiers 1E of the city, trying to get Shaka to waste his cats killing the stack, and he decided to RETREAT and move all the way around the lake to attack from the south! Naturally this saved my butt, and eventually I got Sury to DOW Shaka, which left me in peace.
I made a major mistake with the National Wonders; I mis-remembered my previous OCC game that you were allowed SIX national wonders instead of five, so I in addition to Globe I built National Epic, Moai, and the Heroic Epic [which was useless because I genereted over-overflow and the extra production went to waste

], thinking I still had enough room for Oxford AND Ironworks. Well, obviously I didn't, so when I went to build the latter, BLAM! I never even thought of building National Park, because since I rarely think of it anyway, and I didn't quite realize how big of a problem health would be.
I spent most of the middle game just cruising along in a nondescript way, until the other continent finally bothered to find me. That did not end well. Charlemagne had relatively modern tech [thanks to Hannibal and Cyrus], so he immediately began gobbling up Isabella. Sury couldn't/wouldn't help because he wasn't particularly fond of me and he was gobbling up Shaka anyway [they warred on and off pretty much continously until in the late, late, late game Sury finally prevailed]. This left Cyrus and Hannibal, who both hated me, and who both eventually declared war! They attacked with cavalry, which I obliterated [I had been building up a force of tanks just in case], and eventually landed tanks when I had modern armors, so I won there too. But all the while, they would simply NOT make peace, and sent the entirety of their navies to pillage and blockade my coastal fishing boats!

I was too busy by this point building space parts to build enough ships to fight back, so I really got hit in the food.
About this time, Hannibal started soaring forward alarmingly in techs, until he was actually EQUAL to me! I couldn't attack him, because I was desperately building space parts and his navy was too powerful. And even though I managed to discover every space tech first, Hannibal built literally every part unlocked by the tech within 2-3 turns. I simply couldn't keep up.

We both launched really close together [at this point I don't remember the details and lost the pics], but in the end, he was first, and I lost to a Space Race victory to Hannibal by
two turns.
And if I had JUST remembered the correct number, I would have avoided Heroic Epic, built Ironworks, got all those space parts out faster and WON. So close! [yeah, yeah, I also could have won if I had improved my gameplay a little, but we're not remembering it that way

This was a great scenario, thanks for setting it up, T-Hawk!
I shall continue my quest to win an RB adventure; onto FFH ADV 2!
Played in: PBEM 4 [Formerly Jowy's Peter of Egypt] | PBEM 10 [Napoleon of the Dutch] | PBEM 11 [Shaka of France] | EitB XVI [Valledia of the Amurites] | PB7 [Darius of Rome] | Diplomacy 3 [Austria-Hungary] | PBEMm/o vs AutomatedTeller