Superjm has done this to me in the north:
Really pushing home how difficult it is to deal with Amurite mages on ships. I finally got some hawks out though(pretty short sighted of me not to get them in anticipation of the worldpsell tbh) and set up some payback.
These galleys are a pain in the ass. He had defended his city better last turn though. This turn he moved the galleys up, threw some fireballs at me and then back into the city:
Those 2 Beastmen were my only losses. I was pretty sure no amount of fireballs would break through Mardero, and I was right. This turn he has no Hosts guarding the city, and I've re-jigged the units in my boats so that they're all pretty expendable. He looks vulnerable.
One of my veterans from the Bob campaign deals with his only good defender, the archer. 5 Attackers for 5 defenders, it's all going well:
Until the last guy fails.
![frown frown](
That means I have to send in another galley with 3 more units who will die to fireballs. Still, it was to be expected that I couldn't win 5/5 at those odds. We send in a new galley and
Sweet revenge! For some reason there is also a single Amurite wizard defended by a Host of Einherjar on the pigs tile. I still have 2 more attackers. I lose a 77% roll on the Host but injure him enough for the wizard to defend.
Lose. Doesn't really matter, I have 6 move galleys and my final galley can move 3 into range and then 3 back into the city:
The mage finally bites it. So, 2 galleys lost each, I lost 8 units, 3 battlemasters, 1 veteran SoA, 4 green SoA for the city, 1 wizard, 1 archer, 2 warriors. Pretty good. Most importantly though, there are no more ports in the south. That makes it so much easier to defend this.
Dave retook both these cities, garrisoned by 4 warriors and 1 zombie. They all fell at 99% odds. I'm not bothered defending them, if Dave wants to repeat these lines, it's fine with me.