Welcome to the Graphic patch thread. Here i'll be posting updates to my project to fix, update and try and make some nice immersive new graphics for Caster of Magic. If you have ideas toward units with reused graphics or palette swapped I would love to hear your input. I'm mostly doing this for myself but I want to make it available along the way if some people wants to use it.
Plan of action:
Gorgon Summon GFX (Done)
Gladiator Battle Sprite (90% Done)
Spellserker ()
Knight Icon ()
The horse feels like a cow, I admit a cow riding paladin is awesome but I don't think that's the intended design
Lizardman Ship()
Doombat Summon()
DOWNLOAD HERE for version 5.54c : https://drive.google.com/open?id=12cFuf1...nVDnSW4l-I
What do yo guys think, it's far from everything that needs updating, but it's a start. I want to focus on barbarians and then work my way across the races changing things that feels redundant. i would also love to change the champions to turn them into unique units but I ain't there yet.
If you guys want to help feel free to do so, it's always fun to get feedback.
PS. Moderators, you can delete my other post about the gorgon graphics it ain't needed anymore ill be migrating here.
Plan of action:
Gorgon Summon GFX (Done)
Gladiator Battle Sprite (90% Done)
Spellserker ()
Knight Icon ()
The horse feels like a cow, I admit a cow riding paladin is awesome but I don't think that's the intended design
Lizardman Ship()
Doombat Summon()
DOWNLOAD HERE for version 5.54c : https://drive.google.com/open?id=12cFuf1...nVDnSW4l-I
What do yo guys think, it's far from everything that needs updating, but it's a start. I want to focus on barbarians and then work my way across the races changing things that feels redundant. i would also love to change the champions to turn them into unique units but I ain't there yet.
If you guys want to help feel free to do so, it's always fun to get feedback.
PS. Moderators, you can delete my other post about the gorgon graphics it ain't needed anymore ill be migrating here.