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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Deceptus Wrote:Once you get a few levels (and runes) more I will be molesting you to jungle with Yi cause that's where he is awesome.

Join me, my disciple, and together we will rule the galaxy... er, jungle. lol

I'd like some tips on jungling with Yi. I have a very hard time with him. The first time I tried I died ... twice to monsters, which was quite embarrassing.


Would need to know what your Jungle Yi setup is in order to suggest changes. However I can tell you my Yi setup.

Attack Speed reds
Flat Armor yellows
Flat Magic Resist or Flat Cooldown Reduction blues

Then masteries, remember Yi is just DPS and not tanky at all.

21/0/9, taking improved smite + what I consider standard offense.

Smite (duh..?)
Flash (always handy)
Ghost (my current preference) Between Highlander + the later Ghostblade maybe this is too much and unnecessary though
Exhaust (you have no slow, you either need to hog red buff, get a phage/mallet, or get exhaust, personally I try having red buff)
Ignite (probably ok, would also help you killing Golem at level 1 I guess)
Fortify (nonononono! Bonus damage vs minions but not vs monsters)
Cleanse (Do they have Sion/Taric? Would only recommend this for draft mode)
Claivoyance/Fortify (stop trolling)

I always start at bkue with Yi and work the standard jungle path. It might be worth trying to Alpha Strike the enemy wraiths and then immediately coming back to your blue. Worst case scenario is you'll have 50 less health which won't hurt you much if someone leashes golem, best case scenario is a few 'crits' and a boost to xp and gold while slowing the enemy jungler.

Basic Cloth armor + 5 HP pots, Elixir of Agility + Pots on Yi used to be the fastest jungle but that was before the elixir nerfs. Look to get Madred's Razor as fast as possible

Skill order

Why this order? Yi in my experience is low on health after one jungle pass and isn't in good condition to gank. The 2nd point in Meditation should allow you to hang around in the jungle or lane long enough to get your madreds in your first buy. Alternatively you can take E instead of W at level 4 and try to gank or bluepill Level 2 of meditation + blue buff seems to be the point where Yi can jungle endlessly.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Thanks for the answer Dantski. I don't have many runes (AP reds, and MP5 yellow/blues) and am only lev 25. I take smite and flash usually. My problem was not being able to kill the golem at level 1... Is that because of lack of runes?

[Image: ohgoditsyi.jpg]

yi is #1 in POLAND ha ha ha!!!!! jungle yi owns like POLAND on wembley in 1973 TRUE POLISH FIGHTING SPIRIT

[SIZE="1"]*end parody of a typical Polish YT commentator*[/SIZE]

In all seriousness, I don't know how to do well with Yi, I mean - in this game, I got fed off a thousand ganks and after that I just mindlessly plowed through every teamfight with rightclick and Alpha Strike, and the fact that we lacked a teammate (my friend) for half the game was the only challenge we had. His jungling is really hard (I run Arpen Marks, Mana Regen/lvl Yellows, Attack Speed blues and quints) and I seem to never be on RNG's side when I try to use Alpha for jungling. I max QWE, R>E>Q>W. For teamfighting a decent initiation is needed, and that's hard to provide on solo queue, and even though our Shen was good I had to buy a QSS anyway.

I started at enemy Wraiths. Kind of funny that the WW called me a noob because I left one of his wraiths alone for XP denial. He just kept talking trash the entire game, so I used /ignore on him - best thing in the game. smile

Monkey King sounds awesome. I fear he'll be the one all noobs use tho, coz of the cool factor. I'd just get the same crap as when playing Yi. Well, tbh, I AM a noob. Only today learned to use Meditate to tank in teamfights or against Baron..

At what level will I be able to use Tier 3 runes?

Jowy Wrote:At what level will I be able to use Tier 3 runes?

I think you can use at lvl 1, but you need to be lvl 20 to buy them

I love Jungle Yi. You will die a lot, you will kill a lot, you will ruin everyone else's fun when you refuse to teamfight and backdoor all game long.

I run Armor yellows, attack speed everything else. Smite/ghost for the summoners. Start cloth armor + 5 pots. I start Q-E-Q-W, and then R>Q>E>W.

Unless the enemy is guarding it, I will always steal wraiths. If you get an Alpha Strike proc on the big wraith, go steal their minigolems as well (use smite). Otherwise, smite the big wraith and go clear your wolves->wraiths->minigolems. Look for ganking opportunities as you come back to your jungle and as you finish minigolems. Yi's early ganks are very strong especially if your team has CC. You can turn a small early skirmish into first blood quite easily, and most people don't expect the level 2-3 gank.

If there are no ganks, recall, buy boots and more pots, then do a full jungle clear from your own blue. Keep looking for ganks. Yi loves early ganks. Go for them. You can tower dive like an idiot using W to tank tower hits as well, and then Q a creep to reset tower aggro and run away. Don't initiate with Q, save that for when they try to ghost or flash away and you need to catch up. Just run in and hit them with E and red buff and hope your teammates are mildly competent. Pinging like mad when you're on your way to gank helps.

You can dragon easily with Wriggle's and an attack speed dagger.

Once the game enters the teamfight phase, you want to stop to ganking or teamfighting (read below). Just farm and push lanes. If a teamfight happens, see if you can clean up kills from people running around with half health - Yi excels at this. Otherwise, ignore everyone and farm and push towers in. Everyone will hate you but you will win more often than not. Once you're at max items (easy with Yi) you can backdoor towers even without creeps. Do this too.

Basic Build :
Wriggle's Lantern
Attack speed dagger
Avarice Blade
Brutalizer->Ghostblade (the active plus your E = a tower destroyed in one creep wave)
Merc Treads/Berserker Greaves/Mobility Boots (depends on team comps and how well the game is going)
Zeal or 2
Iedge/Bloodthirster/Phantom Dancer/Whatever

Honestly, Yi is a bad champ - one of the worst teamfight champs in the game. He melts almost immediately if the enemy has any hard CC. You WILL feed with him against decent opponents. He can farm and chew through towers like no one's business though, so he's good for carrying low level games. Doing this teaches you all sorts of bad habits and is basically PvE. Play Nocturne or someone else instead. There are plenty of champs that can farm and split push and can actually help teamfight. Choose them.

Jowy Wrote:Only today learned to use Meditate to tank in teamfights or against Baron..

Huh, I thought that if instead of tanking you should be probably highlandering out of the fight if things go dicey, or just keep autoattacking and hoping that the lifesteal will help you in the fight. One Ignite or someone building an Executioner's Calling seems enough to force "lol" out of the enemy team on all chat.

Sir Bruce Wrote:IMPORTANT:
Honestly, Yi is a bad champ - one of the worst teamfight champs in the game. He melts almost immediately if the enemy has any hard CC. You WILL feed with him against decent opponents. He can farm and chew through towers like no one's business though, so he's good for carrying low level games. Doing this teaches you all sorts of bad habits and is basically PvE. Play Nocturne or someone else instead. There are plenty of champs that can farm and split push and can actually help teamfight. Choose them.

Hmm, wouldn't go as far. Yi takes a lot of skill not to feed with, but it's not like he's completely unviable - Strelo did manage to hit 2k ELO while being an exclusive Yi player. Your item list doesn't feature any Quicksilver Sash(es) as well, and they seem crucial for the (better than) Cleanse effect.

Deceptus Wrote:Hmm, wouldn't go as far. Yi takes a lot of skill not to feed with, but it's not like he's completely unviable - Strelo did manage to hit 2k ELO while being an exclusive Yi player. Your item list doesn't feature any Quicksilver Sash(es) as well, and they seem crucial for the (better than) Cleanse effect.

All champs are viable and Yi is fun. Your odds of success are lower with him than other champs though.

QSS is a waste on Yi, imo. He is fast enough to run away from anyone with CC, especially if you have Banshee's to prevent the first one from hitting you. If you decide to actually get in the middle of an AOE/CC teamfight with Yi, then QSS might be a good idea.

Deceptus Wrote:Huh, I thought that if instead of tanking you should be probably highlandering out of the fight if things go dicey, or just keep autoattacking and hoping that the lifesteal will help you in the fight. One Ignite or someone building an Executioner's Calling seems enough to force "lol" out of the enemy team on all chat.

Hmm, wouldn't go as far. Yi takes a lot of skill not to feed with, but it's not like he's completely unviable - Strelo did manage to hit 2k ELO while being an exclusive Yi player. Your item list doesn't feature any Quicksilver Sash(es) as well, and they seem crucial for the (better than) Cleanse effect.
Hmm.. Again, I just discovered using Meditate, but it seemed to work fairly well.. Enemies kept focusing on me and we manage to get a couple of them down while they're doing that. The way I fight is Q skill to a squishy, then pop all CD's to take one down, then move to another etc., usually getting killed in the process at one point or another. We were against Baron without a tank so I tanked, woulda died halfway thru if I hadn't use Meditate. I'm not sure how much damage migitation the +300 armor and magic resist translate to, but add the healing to that and you're pretty invulnerable for as long as it lasts. (PS. Disclaimer, I'm a noob, I'm probably wrong lol)

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