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tried it and got 16:37 with 5 towers lost, 12:xx is a bit discouraging
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sunrise089 Wrote:I really miss the MP civ meta, even though I like LoL the game a lot. In civ MP if a rival player defeated you with what was considered an inferior civ+leader people would claim bad combat luck or lack of team support. In LoL it seems like the response is to ban that champ in the next game, because no matter how good their player was or how strong the matchup, people conclude that game outcomes are only due to basic champion strength.
I see it a bit differently, since LoL is still a young, evolving game, and it evolves just like StarCraft still keeps evolving.
I played Warwick when the basic way to play him was to get a Bloodrazor as a core, often rushing it. The game shifted a bit and I started adding things like HoGs and Spirit Visage to my build. Suddenly, though, my Warwick builds Wriggles and finishes a Bloodrazor very rarely if ever. Note as well that Warwick has been overshadowed by other jungling champions and while he's still definitely solid and has many strengths (such as safety - playing Olaf against an Evelynn player is definitely quite an exercise, Warwick doesn't have to fear anything unless a lane goes completely MIA), he is no longer a total god (although he's still ranked high and provides lots of utility, unlike, say, Shaco, who might be a master ganker [and fun to play], but he's pretty weak otherwise [especially in my hands], and Nocturne is a better pick anyway for a "ganking" jungler)
Evelynn was really underappreciated for a while too. Or Swain.
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I'm taking some credit for the fact that the world and his wife is now using my *exact* Ashe build as the optimum way to play her (Greaves, IE, PD, LW/BV). Alright, part of this was the fact that Infinity Edge got a huge buff. But in any case, it always felt like the correct way to play Ashe, and it's nice to be vindicated
Team RB had great fun last night playing against a team of all tanks/tanky DPS (I think it was Xin/Rammus/Morde/Shen/Blitzcrank), all of whom took teleport/fortify as summoner spells. We were way ahead in kills, of course, but they were ahead in towers for a long time. Whenever one of us poked a tower, up would come the fortify shield -- it was very frustrating! After a long and arduous fight I (as Ashe) eventually farmed enough for an IE, PD, LW and BC -- and we also had Janna and Nunu on our team for further buffs -- which, of course, melted even the tankiest of tanks. I think I took down Shen in about 5 hits towards the end, critting at 70% for something like 700 damage. We aced them, they burned through all their fortifies, and we won the game
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Deceptus Wrote:Evelynn was really underappreciated for a while too. Or Swain.
I always hated Eve. But that might more be a function of having teams that wouldn't buy wards/oracle.
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Hallo. Ich bin ein Nazi-Seyruun. Ich bin ein Psycho. Du bist verloren der ranked-Krieg von League of Legends. Originalen Seyruun ist kaput. Mich Deutsch ist scheisse, ist dich die Polen Vorstellung auf die Deutsche sprache.
Ich hätte gut daran getan, alle hochrangigen Offiziere liquidieren zu lassen, wie Stalin! Ich war nie auf einer Akademie - und doch habe ich allein auf mich gestellt, ganz Jungle erobert.
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These noobs ! Everybody knows that a true ranked Shen player must use Clarity & Rally !!!
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As I now have access to level 3 runes I am trying to work out a good set of quintessences that will be useful on most characters. At the minute I am pretty much torn between Flat Health, Flat Health Regen and Movement speed. Movement speed is probably the most fun but possibly the least practical. Out of the other two I always though health was better but now I am not sure. 2 Health runes will give an extra 52 health but the health regen runes will regen that much every 48 seconds. Any thoughts?
Also I was having a look at some high profiles to see what their rune pages looked like and came across this gem from a ~2200 Ranked game. Anyone want to guess the champion?
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Enoch Wrote:As I now have access to level 3 runes I am trying to work out a good set of quintessences that are useful on most characters. At the minute I am pretty much torn between Flat Health, Flat Health Regen and Movement speed. Movement speed is probably the most fun but possibly the least practical. Out of the other two I always though health was better but now I am not sure. 2 Health runes will give an extra 52 health but the health regen runes will regen that much every 48 seconds. Any thoughts?
My opinion on quints is
AD carry: Armor Pen
Jungle: Armor Pen or Attack Speed (depending on jungler)
AP carry: Movement Speed / AP / Health
So it really depends what kind of role you play the most. I personally believe you need at least 1 rune set for every role, sometimes even one for a single champion.
(For example, when playing my support Taric bottom lane and just babysitting a carry and letting him get all the minions, after reading a theorycrafting post I have recently switched to gold/5 Quints and mastery, so I get the gold to buy an extra ward ~every 3 minutes).
But if you really want 1 type of Quints for all champions I'd probably go flat health. Then again, I am not good at this game so you might want to hold back on purchasing until the better players here have commented
June 5th, 2011, 10:05
(This post was last modified: June 5th, 2011, 10:25 by Enoch.)
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Yeah I know I need specialised sets but they are so expensive when you like to impulse buy champions instead! Although I have stopped myself doing that until I have at least a couple of good rune pages. I am just looking for something that is reasonably effective on lots of champions and then I can branch out and optimise more as I get more IP.
For a bit more info I mostly play jungle or support because that is what teams always seem to need. My main champions are
Jungle: Nunu or Warwick (working on amumu)
Support: Sona and Zilean mainly sometimes Janna
Ap: Nidalee, Ryze or Sion
Tanky Melee: Nasus or Warwick
Tank: Cho'gath
Also I will take all advice self-deprecating or otherwise
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Generally if I'm taking health quints I go flat health, mainly because the early game is when runes will matter most, and flat health can make a difference in those "oh if I had 10 more hp I would have survived and gotten 1st blood fight" kind of fights in the early levels.