Jowy Wrote:
Here you go
It's my latest game. Char: Nocturne.
First thing I noticed is that you didn't really leave the jungle, aside from one very half-hearted gank on Ashe, until about the 10:00 mark, after your second blue buff. This is not enough lane support. I would reconsider your jungle path, I think.
You could do a better job of talking to your teammates. When you jungle, you have the ability to type, since jungling is a pretty passive activity. I like to tell them, "ganking top after red," or "heading bot after i grab blue" or whatever. I find that it keeps my teammates a little more aware of the game, if they have some sort of short term objective. As the jungler, it is really your responsibility to lead the team, keep them organized, and direct the map objectives. You were too silent.
After your successful gank bottom against that tower dive, instead of backing, you should have taken dragon. You killed both bottom players, leaving you with a free dragon.
You figured it out right after you did it, but don't push someone's lane, except if their lane opponent has also backed, and you can push your creeps to their tower, denying them XP. Other than that, it just screws over your teammate.
When you take the red or blue buff, you should pull it into the bush for protection. It really sucks when the enemy jungler is able to sneak up behind you and smite steal it from you. Standing in the bush removes that element of surprise.
I think you should have leaned on bottom lane more this game. They were playing very aggressively, and could have been easy kills for you and your team.
Your ward placement at 15:42 was interesting. I prefer to put them at junctions/jungle openings. If you ward the ramp leading up to the blue buff, you get the same effect, plus you also get coverage of the river.
After you counter ganked mid and killed Akali, you should have pursued a map objective. The dragon was there for the taking, or you could have killed mid tower. Getting a "pick" is huge mid game, because it allows you to achieve other things that help your team snowball. Just ping the dragon and they will follow.
Random Horrible MF Wrote:Hmm, I wonder why I don't do damage?
Maybe because you built Berserker Greaves and a Zeal before a BF Sword...
At 19:30 or so, you tried to fight Ashe 1v1, and her team came and killed you. 1v1s are always too good to be true, unless you have huge burst.
I know you were probably frustrated because you just died, but you shouldn't talk trash to a teammate after you just fed two kills because of over-extending mistakes.
I think you are a little too quick to use your ult. You don't really want to initiate with it in a teamfight late game. You had a few really nice assassinations though, but once or twice you just blew up because you jumped into the middle of them. You weren't nearly tanky enough to be in there.
I stopped watching around 45 minutes. That game was long!
Anyways, my best couple tips are:
1) Talk more with your teammates in a constructive manner
2) Control Dragon better
3) Ward in more productive spots
4) Come out of the jungle a little more
5) Don't kamikaze into their whole team with your ult
That's it for now.