September 27th, 2011, 01:16
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Sir Bruce Wrote:The presence of well-defined roles and objectives is essential in making a fulfilling competitive game. Right now it feels too haphazard and random, even with the 4 top-1 bot approach.
You sure as sugar can't just zerg every single point that becomes available or risk your point structure.
It's basically all about keeping the 3-to-2 situation for as long as possible, the safest possible play. A team comp needs defenders, pushers and other stuff to work, I can already see that even slightly coordinated teams work better than "racing for points" and "oh yay we got a quest fulfill it immediately" teams.
Dominion has some nice depth to it and it's pretty awesome, it's pretty fast and it's fun.
Also, Elealar believes Rammus is overrated on this map. Also, getting minion kills still very desirable. So I think there's still some stuff to think about.
(Oh, and so far Catalyst start bottom lane Heimerdinger has never failed me.)
September 27th, 2011, 03:12
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Two major points I like about dominion:
1. Almost no farming. I understand why there has to be some farming in SR, but from an e-sports spectator viewpoint it's terrible to watch AD/Carry +support sit in bot lane and farm. When the first blood occurs around the 15 minute mark and all the commentator can announce is "Oh, Caitlyn is ahead 128 to 124 minion kills" it doesn't really catch my interest.
2. As several people have mentioned: A greater comeback potential. Now, I understand that SR needs some sort of snowballing because a game lasts longer and if you have been outplayed for 40 minutes you don't deserve to swing the game because of one good play. At the same time, I feel snowballing could be slowed down a bit, since (despite all the never surrender talk) there are games that are clearly lost for one side, yet it takes 15 more minutes until it's over.
September 27th, 2011, 03:24
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Dominion will be a fun alternative game type for whenever you don't have time for an hour long game or just need to switch it up a little bit between Summoner's Rift games. I personally can't take Dominion seriously. If I die in Dominion, I shrug it off and move on. If I die in Summoner's Rift, I'm like OH FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
September 27th, 2011, 04:39
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Gustaran Wrote:1. Almost no farming. I understand why there has to be some farming in SR, but from an e-sports spectator viewpoint it's terrible to watch AD/Carry +support sit in bot lane and farm. When the first blood occurs around the 15 minute mark and all the commentator can announce is "Oh, Caitlyn is ahead 128 to 124 minion kills" it doesn't really catch my interest.
September 27th, 2011, 04:50
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Gustaran Wrote:1. Almost no farming. I understand why there has to be some farming in SR, but from an e-sports spectator viewpoint it's terrible to watch AD/Carry +support sit in bot lane and farm. When the first blood occurs around the 15 minute mark and all the commentator can announce is "Oh, Caitlyn is ahead 128 to 124 minion kills" it doesn't really catch my interest.
I would say this as an Ashe main, but I disagree. I like farming in Summoner's Rift -- I even like watching the pros doing it. I think they've handled it quite well in terms of keeping everyone balanced throughout Dominion, but like Cull I really like the laning phase in SR. It's essentially where the game unfolds; if someone gets strong, or someone gets far behind, it has a big effect on the outcome of the game.
September 27th, 2011, 06:29
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I think the idea that there is no farming and laning in dominion is somewhat incorrect. For the characters that are defending bottom there definitely seems to be a laning phase at the beginning of the game.
Also you can't neglect farming minions, they are worth a lot of gold! For instance in one game I played last night the Ashe on my team was defending bottom and farming the minions. She ended up with 3 kills, a couple of assists and 3 point captures whilst I had 14 kills and 6 captures yet she had a 1000 gold more than me in a 14 minute game. That sort of gold advantage adds up.
I think it is too early to say that there is no strategy and no different phases. The game has only been out 2 days We will have to see what will emerge from it.
September 27th, 2011, 10:46
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Enoch Wrote:The game has only been out 2 days We will have to see what will emerge from it.
Nerdy biology analogy (note: not a biologist, so making this up) - true, but Dominion games are much shorter. We should expect Dominion strategy to evolve/adapt much quicker than summoners rift since you can fit 2-4 more generations of games in the same time period.
September 27th, 2011, 11:25
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v8mark Wrote:I would say this as an Ashe main, but I disagree. I like farming in Summoner's Rift -- I even like watching the pros doing it. I think they've handled it quite well in terms of keeping everyone balanced throughout Dominion, but like Cull I really like the laning phase in SR. It's essentially where the game unfolds; if someone gets strong, or someone gets far behind, it has a big effect on the outcome of the game.
I would expect nothing less from an avid Ashe player. For some people the game could probably end at the 30-minute-mark and whoever has the most minion kills wins the game. Joking aside, of course a longer laning phase may appeal to some people, but I believe it's not very interesting for majority of players, including the average e-sports viewer.
September 27th, 2011, 11:42
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sunrise089 Wrote:Nerdy biology analogy (note: not a biologist, so making this up) - true, but Dominion games are much shorter. We should expect Dominion strategy to evolve/adapt much quicker than summoners rift since you can fit 2-4 more generations of games in the same time period.
That is true but I still think 2 days is a bit too fast. For example it can take the general community months to catch on to the fact that a champion is strong on summoner's rift. More specifically think how long lane Warwick was considered a troll before it became overpowered and in need of a nerf!
September 27th, 2011, 13:30
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The laning phase in a super high elo tournament game usually does not last more than 12 minutes or so. They start fighting over buffs, dragons, wards, and other team goals around that time, and prior to that, there are always numerous gank attempts. Characterizing the first 20 minutes of tournament games as boring is just generally not true.
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