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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Cull Wrote:I've never heard anyone respond well to the Law of Large Numbers in regards to ELO in LoL solo queue. Try?

Not only that, Karma/Xin is probably one of the better lanes in regards to v a traditional ad/support esp if that support is a passive one(soraka, sona). Don't complain about a lane that has the potential to work especially in an ELO such as the <1500 range. Positive attitude wins more games if you're near your "true" elo than crushing faces with a "lol bot lane lost gg n00bs".

Of course I didn't rant during the game LOL. You gotta be a fucking idiot to whine during ranked games, it's the number one reason why a team loses! On the other hand though, positive attitude increases your chances so much. Only played a couple of ranked so far on EU, but about half of my wins would have been losses if not for me cheering up the team when they thought we were done for, and me trying to tell people to chill out when they start bashing eachother. Oh, and little luck is always involved, but still a positive attitude can go a long way. Unfortunately in ELO hell sometimes it simply doesn't matter how good your attitude is or how well you personally play.

Whether Karma/Xin is actually good or not remains to be seen. I've personally only seen that lane once, but haven't watched tournys in a while. Was supposed to watch the one this weekend, but "had" to go out for a two day cruise lol. But the time I did see that lane, in that 1400 ranked, the lane got crushed. Maybe I'm wrong, but if they had chosen Taric and Caitlyn instead, they would have done much better, even if they are terrible players. Not only I think Taric+Caitlyn is more effective, but it's definately easier to play than Karma+Xin.

Just picking good combinations like Taric + Cait won't win games, people need to know how to play together, I played the Taric in such a lane the other day with a random guy playing Cait and not once did he trap an enemy right after I stunned. After 1-2 non trappings I did point out he should trap after a stun but he never did... That Cait ended up with 69 CS after 30 minutes, not sure what you can do as a support when that happens.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:Just picking good combinations like Taric + Cait won't win games, people need to know how to play together, I played the Taric in such a lane the other day with a random guy playing Cait and not once did he trap an enemy right after I stunned. After 1-2 non trappings I did point out he should trap after a stun but he never did... That Cait ended up with 69 CS after 30 minutes, not sure what you can do as a support when that happens.
Yeah true, but you'll still have a better chance with a good combo like Taric+Cait than with some random combo. Though it's not really set in stone that only certain characters work in each role. If you've played ALOT with a character and really know how to play it, then you could and should prioritise that over something that is ranked high but you don't know how to play. In my case, I've had two ranked losses, in one of them bot was Twitch+Soraka and in the other Xin+Karma, both against a more traditional lane comp. Neither got any farm and both fed the enemy alot of kills without achieving any themselves. Sure, alot of it is to blame on the player's skills, but still, I can't but wonder how well we would have done if we had more traditional picks.

Oh and one good example of a horrible lane comp beating a traditional one was our Karthus+Vlad bot winning their lane and ultimately we won the whole game. But still, I'd say 9 out of 10 times we would get our asses kicked with that comp.

Jowy Wrote:Oh and one good example of a horrible lane comp beating a traditional one was our Karthus+Vlad bot winning their lane and ultimately we won the whole game. But still, I'd say 9 out of 10 times we would get our asses kicked with that comp.

Just remember that on this occasion you probably got 2 better players than the other team, soloqueue helps just as much as it hinders on average.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

wooo Kog'Maw Free! Bot stompin' easy mode.

Anyone know when are the IGN pro league finals tonight? I thought they'd start in 50 mins, but CLG vs Dignitas is streaming right now on "Bally's" stream, the second one on the stream site. Is that a rerun or something? When are the other games? What's the bracket?

It's the semifinals right now. Game 2 (of best of) 3 Dignitas versus CLG, and then EG versus TSM right after. The winners of those two will face each other in the finals, which is probably not for ~4-5 hours. I don't know the exact schedule, but here's the bracket:!/lol/main

Watching Dignitas versus CLG (or anyone) is really worth it. Their level of coordination at every level of the game: picks, counterpicks, dragon control, team fights, etc, is a sight to behold. Every game they seem to have a questionable teamfight that they appear to be losing but somehow they end up killing 4 and losing no one. It is really incredible.

Very good matches! Final starts in 1 hour right?
E: apparently they will start even sooner, atleast if the interviewer chick is to be believed.

Finals coverage begins in 3 minutes, starting with picks and bans of course. This whole tournament has been pretty impressive: no restarts and all matches starting smoothly and on time.

IPL3 Caesar's Palace LoL finals right now
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
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