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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

ssmagus Wrote:They only refund if you buy the champ 1 month before the price drop? I think.
Yeah so I've heard. But I gave it a go. I actually asked to just get the reduced amount of IP added to my account. So far the Champion Bundle's worth is 17k IP less than it was when I bought it. A pretty big difference imo, and if I could go back now I wouldn't have bought it with over 3k RP. I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes.

ssmagus Wrote:That Hotfix has fixed my LOL problems, So now I will rejoin in games!

Cool, maybe I'll try playing again as well. Maybe. I'm still frustrated they patch in lag like that and then fail to fix it for ages. I don't remember exactly, but I feel like it must be over a month now since the Riven patch. Going on a 9 game defeat spree because of not being able to land abilities in team fights still has me scarred.
"my big strength in this game is that I'm in my sheltered little corner of the map where Sandover can't reach me"

Well that explains alot.. I never used to lag before on max settings, but now even on the lowest ones I will have terrible lag whenever there's alot of things going on in the screen - team fights or even just clearing a big minion wave. And now in my most recent game, first I get the mouse glitch, in which you can't click anything, then later on in the game it completely freezes and I get my first ranked leave. Couldn't have happened in a better game though, we were completely dominating, but the people were annoying as hell. We win a teamfight at baron 5 kills 0 deaths, Lux got a penta kill and we get baron after. What does Lux do? Keeps whining about Nasus being an idiot and starts a surrender vote encouraging everyone to surrender. FML.

Sandover Wrote:Cool, maybe I'll try playing again as well. Maybe. I'm still frustrated they patch in lag like that and then fail to fix it for ages. I don't remember exactly, but I feel like it must be over a month now since the Riven patch. Going on a 9 game defeat spree because of not being able to land abilities in team fights still has me scarred.

Oh, that's why my creep kills were feeling off for some reason. I couldn't put my finger on it so I just started hitting them a little earlier.

So this guy picks support Zilean but doesn't take CV. I and the others call him out on it, but he claims he was 1800+ rating last season and that supports don't need CV. After the game, I checked his top rating and it actually was 1816. He even mained Soraka and Taric!

How many games had he played in ranked? Playing 10 ranked games is different then 100 or even 50.

Tyrmith Wrote:How many games had he played in ranked? Playing 10 ranked games is different then 100 or even 50.
Last season I think 2k+ games, this season only a couple so far.

Jowy Wrote:So this guy picks support Zilean but doesn't take CV. I and the others call him out on it, but he claims he was 1800+ rating last season and that supports don't need CV. After the game, I checked his top rating and it actually was 1816. He even mained Soraka and Taric!

Well, CV isn't mandatory, but it sure is useful. Especially if they have a jungler it's how you keep track of them, and in the late game it's great to spot their team members. But yeah, I can see how it's not essential.

What'd he take instead?

At 1800 CV might not be totally necessary. Meaning, people buy more than 1 ward per game wink

I think the better explanation was that at the reset elo he felt like playing support but also thought he'd need to carry, so he wanted another fighting spell.

I <3 ELO reset. I'm already over 1500 in just 5 ranked games.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

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