Currently venturing bravely into ranked, plunged down to 1150 almost immediately.
It's depressing to watch your teamates make all the mistakes you used to make when you first started.
Opinions on the best way to rise?
Currently I'm concentrating on playing junglers and tanks because that's what the team 90% of the time needs - they all autolock squishies and look to each other to fill the tank and jungle roles. Typically I have to cover both, but at least at these ELOs Trynd and Mordekaiser get banned over Shen quite often, so I get to romp around in the jungle with him.
Unfortunately that results in the crucial carry roles being assigned to the selfsame muppets that can only play their one squishy. Frequently it ends in disaster.
So I'm starting to pick a decent carry and insisting on mid, and then if things go well and my opposite on the team is a little lacking, I can drag the team (feeding Gangplank/AP Maokai/Yi/AP Ashe/the Pantheon that was once 15
06 ELO and so this 0/7 score is totally a fluke and because you guys are not supporting me) over the line.
Opinions/past success stories welcome.
On the subject of Ashe, I direct you to
this thread Terror, for the community's current opinion on Crit Ashe.
I understand that with crit runes it's undoubtedly viable, but their comments about a thornmail/armor having a magnified effect do sound right.
I'm still of the view that the first dmg item on Ashe apart from Doran's blades should be a BF sword -> Black Cleaver.
It's got everything you need, Dmg, AS and ArPen.
For today's funny troll thread, I direct you to
Make sure to read the hidden, downvoted comments too!