The thing about Selrahc is that he has done very little to help the village beyond continuously trying to point out I'm suspicious because my character is an alien. I'm going to try and prove my point here by going through his posts:
His very first post sets the tone for the entire game. He says:
Selrahc Wrote:And just to brainstorm along that idea.. there are two obvious non-human threats that could well serve the purpose of other wolf factions. The Aliens and the Mindworms. The Aliens I would bet could be implemented as a Feuder type role, while the mindworms I'm not sure about. Recruiters who get to take over the mind of people like Cha Dawn and Deirdre?
Right. So from the very first post you are introducing the ideas of multiple factions. You are producing more things and more meta to confuse and taint the villagers perspective and create confusion.
The next two posts deal with whether or not we should name claim. Again this does little for hunting NAP.
4th post is a defensive delaying his vote post.
Post 5 he makes a move:
Selrahc Wrote:Tasunke's play is baffling.
The current post from Meiz really really makes me think that he has nailed it, and Tasunke is a mindworm who was *supposed* to use the back room channel to secretly influence and possibly recruit Lady Deirdre. Are Mind Worms necessarily bad? I don't know. But I would bet so. Tasunke is a country mile more suspicious than everybody else. Put together.
He uses Meiz argument here and then continues to push mindworms and recruitment. What important to realize is that he is actively pushing the idea of a recruiter and of innocent people turning into NAP or mindworms. But that would be severely unbalancing in a game like this considering the NAP are SMAC leaders and talents. That would mean a 3rd faction that grows strong while a second faction kills. It simply doesn't work. Instead this is part of the ploy to sow more confusion and suspicion.
Post 6 backs this up when he reiterates he believes Tasunke is a Mindworm.
#7 occurs after Night falls and Tasunke is revealed innocent. Selrahc immediately pushes everyone on thestick bandwagon. Personally I feel that thestick is just as innocent as Tasunke at this point. This doesn't help since again its a general accusation.
8-13 are after I have claimed. Selrahc immediately votes for me claiming that as an alien I can't be innocent or at least untrustworthy. He then talks about Aliens and how in the lore they cannot live with humans and that there is absolutely no way I could be village. And all of these are rather short posts. None are based in anything but possible lore and denial of any possibility I could be telling the truth.
14 is special:
Selrahc Wrote:Letme get something clear. I'm not necessarily saying that we need to lynch Lewwyn immediately. I'm not even sure that my vote is going to be on him come days end. I do however think that because of the lore attached to his claimed personality, we can't trust him in any way shape or form, pretty much ever.
I can see Novice and Maniac insinuating or stating that I'm probably Marr. I'm not. I'm just somebody who knows AC lore well enough to say that I doubt aliens are on the side of humanity. Are both of you happy to go along with Lewwyn's stories? His alien role doesn't make you trust him less in a game which explicitly calls a victory condition "Destroying the enemies of humanity"? I would call it naive to be anything less than distrustful.
Because I smell a fairy tale being cooked up by Lewwyn, and I think he needs to be pushed out of it. His gameplan to date is basically nonsensical, since he has apparently thrown away his big trump card(and only power) of "knowing that Marr is NAPper". After some fleeting questions on day 1? What? Call it an obsession if you like. I think this alien issue is by far the biggest concern I've seen today. And what Lewwyn has said is far too convenient to be allowed to stand.
This is important guys. This is the backpedal. This is the distancing post. The one that sets me up to be distrusted and at the same time gives Selrahc an out if I am lynched and revealed to be a villager. He knows I'm a villager so here it is.
15,16 and 17 are still in dialogue with me. He continues to harp about aliens and their untrustworthiness.
Post 18 we have the Novice reveal response where he votes for novice. And 19 is a 1 line clarification of said post
Selrahc then disappears for 3 days.
Post 20 upon his return he votes for Sareln and disappears. He then writes a case in post 21 against Sareln that is interestingly the very first post in the entire game that is NOT about mindworms or aliens and that could actually be attributed to wolf hunting. That is the only post that reads anything close to villagery so far.
After the lynch he comes back and talks about the drones in posts 22,23,24. Just questions to
Molach about being a drone and waterbed possibly being a name seer.
25 and 26 are posts to waterbed about revealing whether or not he's the name scanner.
AT this point Night Ends. And Day 4 starts. That is today by the way!
Posts 27 and 28 are the two posts he has made today voting for me and condemning me. In those posts he goes on again about aliens and about me. He also states that he does like Sareln and he also doesn't trust waterbat.
And there you have it! The sum total of Selrahc in this game. 28 posts. Of which most are meta or short fluff. He has given suspicions about Tasunke, all thestick
voters, Sareln, waterbed and of course myself. None of these suspicions have been really forcefully pursued except the one against me and that is only based in his distrust of aliens. To let that be the only thing he's focused on all game is simply laughable. He's easily contributed amongst the least of all the people playing. And that which he has contributed has been confusion spreading and meta distractions.
Selrahc has to go.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”