-The hero level up dialog now shows the hero abilities when they improve, including the new abilities. (This feature was removed when the new abilities were introduced due to compatibility)
-The hero level up dialog now shows when the hero gains or not gains resistance, instead of displaying the placeholder “+0.5” for gaining 1 every 2nd level
-The hero level up dialog now shows the sum of all stats and abilities gained from multiple levels if the hero gained multiple levels, instead of only one of them.
-Fixed bug : When a volcano is raised at the corner of the map, some nearby ocean tiles turn into land.
-Towers have 1500-3900 points of monsters in them instead of 1200-3600. This amount is subject to possible further change, for now it's meant to counter the loss of additional monster points based on difficulty.
-AEther Binding has an improved casting picture.
-Fixed bug : Historian is still scrolled during Time Stop if the edge of the graph is reached.
-Fixed bug : Scouting range of Dark Elf units created at the start of the game is wrong
-The AI will cast Focus Magic more often if it has unbuffed Wraiths, Death Knights, Demons, Efreets, Djinn and Cockatrices.
-Fixed bug : AI prefers noncaster units with Focus magic instead of Caster units.
-Horsebowmen cost 45 instead of 40
-Fortress now generates double power for books after the first 8 to improve wizards with fewer retorts.
-New outpost growth modifiers for some races :
Dark Elf +20
High Elf +20
Orcs -10
Lizardmen +30
Beastmen -5
-Dark Elf basic units are now cheaper (unit costs now match High Elf)
-Nightmares are now cheaper (240->200)
-The AI cannot pick Gnolls or Barbarians as the starting race if they are playing a Lawful or Peaceful wizard.
-The AI cannot pick Halflings as the starting race if they are playing a non-Lawful, non-Peaceful, non-Charismatic wizard or one that is non-Peaceful Militarist or Expansionist.
-Cathedral now costs 400.
-Artificer now reduces the cost of all Arcane spells by 25% instead of Runemaster.
-Specialist and Runemaster dispel resistance no longer protects spells from being Countered. (Node auras, Counter Magic, Suppress Magic)
-Runemaster now grants +150% dispel resistance instead of 100%.
-Fixed 3.1 bug : Game is crashing during AI turns if the AI is researching Spell of Mastery and no one knows Spell Blast.
-The AI now prefers to BUY for gold more in cities that have Adamantium, Orihalcon or Mithril.
-The AI now prefers to BUY for gold more in cities that are in enemy territory, if it is producing a unit.
-The AI now prefers to BUY for gold more in cities that have insufficient number of defenders.
-The AI no longer prefers buying a Sage's Guild for gold more than other buildings.
;-Completely new "AI select production" procedure with major improvements! Priority system used is now similar to the combat spellcasting one - semi-random, semi-determined.
;-AI will not build Triremes in cities that has a Ship Yard
;-AI will not build Galleys in cities that have a Maritime Guild
;-AI will build units more often in cities that have a working Adamant, Mithril or Orihalcon
;-AI will build units more often in cities can build magicians and have Orihalcon
;-AI will build units more often in cities that have Iron or Coal
;-AI will build units more often in cities located on enemy continents
;-if enemy cities outnumber owned cities on the continent and the city has a Fighter's Guild, the AI will only build units there
;-AI will build Stables as the mandatory early military building in place of Fighter's Guild in Gnoll cities
;-AI has a lower priority to start buildings that take over 10 turns to complete, unless it's a building the AI prefers to rush-buy anyway
;-Only one settler production ongoing at a time, and preferred settler race restrictions are now limited to the same plane only
;-Normal and Easy difficulty had a larger random factor in building selection
;-Units with a higher figure count receive extra priority for each level expected for the unit (Barracks, War College, Altar of Battle, Crusade, Warlord)
;-Magical ranged units receive priority for available Orihalcon if Alchemist's Guild is present
;-Units with no Magical ranged attacks receive priority for higher figure count if Mithril or Adamantium with an alchemist's guild is present the same way as from levels
;-Flying and Swimming units gain additional priority if no enemy city is present on the continent
;-High Elves now recognize Forester's Guild as a Military building (Longbowmen)
;-Alchemist Guild gains priority if Adamantium, Orihalcon or Mithril is present
;-Alchemist Guild loses priority if wizard has Alchemy
;-Wizard's Guild counts as a Military building for races that can build Magicians
;-Military buildings gain priority if Adamantium, Orihalcon or Mithril is present
;-Military buildings gain priority if the continent is mainly controlled by enemies
;-Preferences of buildings for each objective :
;Food (minor)
;Research (major), Power (very minor)
;Military, EXP, Economy (minor)
;Military, Naval, Flying
;Production (extreme), Economy, EXP, Food
;-Military and Power buildings have a somewhat higher base priority than other types of buildings (unchanged)
;-Unrest buildings gain priority if unrest is higher
;-Production buildings gain priority for Dwarves or if Chaos Rift is present
;-Research buildings gain priority is Spell of Mastery is being researched
;-On impossible difficulty, Food buildings gain priority if Famine is present
;-Religious power producing buildings are priorized if Cult Leader or Dark Rituals
;-Research buildings are priorized if Sage Master
;-Alchemist Guild, Amplifying Tower and Wizard's Guild priorized if Uranus' Blessing
;-Experience buildings are not built if Altar of Battle is on the city
;-Neutrals now use the same base unit preferences as wizards, but ignore all additional logic. Chance of unit is 75%, building is 25% regardless of garrison size.
;-Library further priorized if Mithril, Orihalcon or Adamant to unlock Alchemist's Guild faster
;-Expansionist wizards prefer flying units and Fantastic Stables
;-Production buildings are preferred more on higher difficulties
;-Production buildings are preferred more if Mithril/Orihalcon/Adamant/Iron/Coal available