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Caster of Magic Release thread : latest version 6.06!

(October 4th, 2017, 20:23)Impy Wrote: Is it possible to rehost the latest version of this mod somewhere? I've been dying to give it a try, but the only download links seem to go Seravy's website, which I haven't been able to get to load no matter what. I've skimmed through the release threads and didn't see anyone else having this issue, so I'm guessing it's on my end. Please help me out, the mod's content sound super interesting and I'd love to be able to play.

That's bizarre, if your internet works. Are you using the CoM sub-site? It's got no graphic, so you might possibly have dismissed it:

Disable your Sophos or other protections system which blocks my site as a false positive. It was reported as false positive a few times but these engines probably use automatic systems and re-add it anyway for no reason at all - at least they don't specify one so I have no idea what part of the site they don't like.
That's what you get when you let AI handle the internet.
See :
If you use any of those top 3 things there, you won't be able to access the site.

Huh, it seems reporting it worked, question is will it get re-blocked again automatically later like last time...
Might as well send one to the third site as well....

I've tried it with different browsers and disabling my anti-virus. I get a "connection attempt timed out" error no matter what I do. I don't think I've encountered this anywhere else on the internet either. Only way I can access is via an archived version, but the problem there is that nothing can be downloaded. It's probably something to do with my ISP, but I'm honestly at a loss as to what the actual problem could be. I'm just hoping for a rehost of the files on some third-party file sharing site. If there's anyone lurking in this thread who's in the same boat as I am, perhaps it would help them too.

Ok, trying out the 5RC. I'm ... being attacked by a single gnoll raider swordsmen (neutral...) who has water walking cast on him. There hasn't been any rebellion special events, and no AI has been killed... I'm .. very confused.

rebelled city maybe?

(October 5th, 2017, 20:33)Impy Wrote: I've tried it with different browsers and disabling my anti-virus. I get a "connection attempt timed out" error no matter what I do. I don't think I've encountered this anywhere else on the internet either. Only way I can access is via an archived version, but the problem there is that nothing can be downloaded. It's probably something to do with my ISP, but I'm honestly at a loss as to what the actual problem could be. I'm just hoping for a rehost of the files on some third-party file sharing site. If there's anyone lurking in this thread who's in the same boat as I am, perhaps it would help them too.

I'll release 5.0 soon, in less than 2 days hopefully. If I don't forget, I'll upload that at an external place as well.

I suspect your ISP or government is censoring the site then but no idea why, it's not a political website...

Quote:Ok, trying out the 5RC. I'm ... being attacked by a single gnoll raider swordsmen (neutral...) who has water walking cast on him. There hasn't been any rebellion special events, and no AI has been killed... I'm .. very confused.

That's strange. Either an AI targeted a unit that wasn't his or it's data corruption, either way sounds serious. Can I have the save file from, say, 5 turns before it showed up?

Wait, was the swordsmen undead? If yes that it was caused by an attack to a new AI outpost by some rampaging monsters that included ghouls.

Oh I didn't check undead. But the gnolls in that area definitely had water walking gnoll swordsmen. I'll go with that.

I don't have that save file. Played (and lost) a lunatic game since then.

5.0 is finally released!

For those who haven't been using the experimental versions, a summary of new features:
-There is an additional difficulty level now in the middle. Levels have been removed to Easy, Normal, Advanced, Expert, Master and Lunatic, out of which Expert is the "new" level. Master is Extreme, Lunatic is Impossible. Advanced is a bit easier than Hard was.
-High end summons are now cheaper to cast.In general rare and very rare repeatable overland spells are cheaper but creatures are affected the most.
-The AI learned to build and use doomstacks. It's not as good as the human and it's limited to intercontinental movement capable units but it's much better than before. As the AI commits more powerful units on offense, its garrisons might be unfortunately a bit easier to defeat.
-The AI is smarter at using intercontinental stacks and picking targets for overland attacks in general.
-The AI has a completely new procedure for picking overland spells to cast so it's also improved in this area.
-Banished wizards can now cast spells in combat (at a major cost penalty) and receive power income but the other effects of being banished remain.
-Sorcery realm has been rebalanced - it should be slightly better in the early game and it should be slightly less overpowered in the late game, tho this will probably need further changed. Most importantly, it has an uncommon overland summoning spell now!
-In many ways I tried to make the game a bit more "player friendly" for example changed how the AI is allowed to use Spell Blast and removed Nature's Wrath from the game. Also, while changing designing the new difficulty levels, several diplomacy formulas have been altered to be less harsh towards the human player on higher difficulties. As the AI is now quite powerful, being forced into a 4v1 war is no longer results in a playable game on Master and above in most cases so it should happen less frequently.
-Very rare creatures gained the ability "Supernatural" which allows them to deal a bit of damage even if their damage would otherwise get reduced to zero. Note that this is not the same as Armor Piercing - it doesn't reduce enemy armor effectiveness, unless it would reduce the damage below this "minimal amount". This shouldn't affect most of the gameplay and is only relevant against high level heroes with top equipment - the only counter to those is supposed to be a large stack of very rare creatures but with enough defense they were able to take zero damage even from a Great Drake.
-There is a new racial unrest table, and it's no longer possible to change your starting race through Move Fortress.

More details :

-New AI disjunction targeting procedure - priority is now different for each treaty status with the target.
-New AI overland spellcasting procedure
-Massive rebalancing of summon spell costs
-Banished wizards can now cast spells in combat, but at a 4x range penalty
-Banished wizards now receive power income as normal, but Spell of Return costs 1000 to cast.
-AI wizards can now do diplomacy with each other even while the human player is banished.
-AI intercontinental stacks will consider ranged enemy units as though they had twice as much ranged attack power, to simulate the advantage of the defender being able to shoot first. This should cut down on attacks where 1-2 lone flying unit attacks a bunch of archers and never gets a turn somewhat.
-Implemented the same for ground stacks as well.
-Suppress Magic now has a 100% success rate at 500 MP instead of 1000 MP.
-Nature's wrath now triggers on spells costing 301 or more MP instead of 333 or more.
-The AI now has a mechanism to build an intercontinental doomstack, using their best 9 units. (excluding the capital)

-The AI will not use the early game swordsmen that are meant to garrison settlements for doomstack building instead.
-The AI now recognizes Stasis and skips those units in the doomstackbuilding procedure.
-Wall of Fire now has the correct 10 strength again (4.01 BUG)
-Fixed : ”Orihalcon” granted by Mystic Surge can be dispelled in combat and displays “Call Centaurs has been dispelled”.

-Fixed bug : Some of the AI's overland casting priority modifiers were applied wrong, severely reducing performance.
-Priority of “Magic Spirit” category is raised (50->120)
-”Spam cheap buffs” category can't activate before turn 120 - “cheap” buffs are actually really expensive compared to available early casting skill. Summoning more units results in better expansion speed and is generally superior. If the AI does not have summons, they will cast buffs instead of them anyway, so the tactic will be used through the normal buff category.
-Divine Order will only raise “cheap buff stacking” priority if the category is actually enabled.
-Perfectionist raised priority for buffing is activated gradually, maxing out on turn 120, instead of immediately - buffing instead of summoning is a massively inferior early game strategy for the AI (as an entire new unit has more strategic combat power than the bonus added by buffs)
-Water Walking and Wraith Form are now low priority buffs (they are used through the “intercontnental travel needed category anyway”)
-Wraith Form, Water Walking, Planar Travel will avoid targeting units in a wizard's capital instead of simply not preferring them.
-Banished wizards now show up on the MAGIC screen, their treaties are shown and they can be right-clicked for information, but you can't talk to them. To make their status obvious, their gem appears colored, but without a portrait inside.

-Fixed bug : AI with spell blast is unable to use it or attack a player if they are casting Spell of Mastery.

-AI now considers Black Sleep a spell worth using even if the enemy army is stronger if the AI has enough ranged units to expect to kill a sleeping target, or if the enemy army is a single unit. Also, it does not add the “antifly” bonus if the target is not a flying unit.
-During Time Stop the AI will always put the summoning circle to their fortress. This should help in making sure they don't get banished and can stop time again. Summoning for garrisoning other cities is less important when the human player doesn't get a lot of turns. As all units are summoned at the same place, this should also make it easier and more likely to have many of them in the same stack.
-The AI now requires 100% of the target's strength for a continental attack instead of 75%. (Intercontinental attacks already required 100% albeit they use a simplified calculation)
-The AI is now allowed to use stacks of 1 or 2 units for continental attacks - previously these units failed to attack even an undefended city. However, at least an army power of “45” (1 and a half orc halberdier) is required if the target's power is nonzero - to prevent the enemy from killing the unit on turn 1 with a spell, wasting the attempt.
-Mystic Surge now correctly overrides the unit being a Chaos or Death creature if they were granted that realm by Chaos Channels or being Undead/Animated into being an unaligned fantastic creature that cannot heal.
-When the AI moves the summoning circle into the selected “frontier town”, it'll now use (non-owned cities on continent*40+Continent tiles+500 if main action continent) instead of (non-owned cities on cont. - owned cities on cont.) - This should prevent the AI from summoning to irrelevant small islands, and should help them to strengthen their primary invasion if one exists.
-When the AI moves the summoning circle into the selected “frontier town”, outposts are now considered a valid target.
-AI direct damage target selection improved.
-AI doomstack building : Nonhero normal units will no longer leave cities or nodes for building the stack.
-AI doomstack building : Fantastic units will no longer leave cities if owned by a Maniacal wizard after turn 100 - however if they are leaving it in any other way, they can still join the doomstack, so this only enforces the required garrisoning which doomstack building otherwise ignores.
-AI will not shift plane with Shadow Demons - these units are more effective to be kept in the main armies and garrisons than to send out to a new plane.

-AI will prioritize casting flight or wraith form if a high value melee unit is stuck inside a flying fortress as a defender and can't leave.
-Fixed : Game is crashing when AI is casting Summoning Circle.
-Fixed : Black Sleep doesn't remove flying movement from units if Flight was cast on them during combat.
-Adjusted garrison priority of Great Wyrm and Behemoth
-Minor changes to the research cost of a few common spells

-Unit offensive rating (AI/Strategic combat) - thrown/breath now has a multiplier of *20 instead of *30.
-Flying Fortress now grants flying movement to all units defending the enchanted city. This flight cannot be removed by Black Sleep and Web.
-Unit offensive rating (AI/Strategic combat) - First Strike now doesn't apply a bonus to thrown/breath rating.
-Fixed : “Cheap buff stacking” addressed the wrong spell table so it didn't use the correct spells in correct amounts.
-Reduced additional “curse priority” from Divine Orders from +40 to +25.
-Great Drake costs 500, Hydra costs 480, Death Knights cost 420.
-Doom Bat gains +2 armor
-Great Drake gains +1 armor, +5 HP
-Angel gains +1 attack, +1 armor, +2 HP
-Archangel gains +2 attack, +2 armor, +5 HP
-Behemoth gains +1 armor
-Great Wyrms gain +4 attack
-Fixed : “Destruction” has inconsistent ratings (120 in melee and 250 in ranged), now always has 250.
-Reduced Death Touch and Stoning Touch ratings to 160
-Regeneration and Herb Mastery restores 2 HP/turn

-New AI overland spell selection category : Spell Lock. For each unit that has 4 or more non-Spell Lock buffs, priority is added to this category.
-Bless priority in “cheap buff stacking” category raised from 100 to 130
-Disenchant Area priorities raised - as the AI uses minimal slider, more attempts are necessary than usual. Might still need further raising.
-Angel gains +1 armor.
-Elemental Armor cost raised to 18/90.
-Iron Skin cost reduced to 24/120.
-Regeneration cost reduced to 36/180.
-Invisibility cost reduced to 30/150.
-Magic Immunity cost reduced to 35/175.
-Invulnerability cost reduced to 30/150.
-Lionheart cost reduced to 36/180.

-Fixed : AI uses Spell Binding when it doesn't have the spell
-Fixed : Mystic Surge granting Endurance doesn't apply the “+1 to Def” bonus.
-When the AI steals the player's enchantments, the message “Your global enchantment was stolen!” appears.

-Fixed 3.24b bug : When Cloak of Fear is cast on a unit that already has the ability, the game crashes.
-Call Lightning now does strength 10 lightning bolts.
-A new AI overland spell category has been added : “Doomstack Participation Enabler”. Contains Wraith Form and Water Walking, and is used after turn 200 if the AI does not have naturally intercontinental, powerful summon spells : Djinn, Sky Drake, Archangel, Efreet, Great Drake, Wraiths, Death Knight or Demon Lord. This ensures whichever strong units the AI has instead, will be turned intercontinental often enough to form doomstacks.
-The AI now recognized natural wind walkers as units that shouldn't use plane shifting on top of enchanted windwalkers.
-AI Doomstack building procedure will no longer consider windwalking units currently carrying land units over ocean as valid for use.
-Move Fortress no longer changes the wizard's home race.
-Racial unrest tables have been modified, see below :

-Fixed EXP9 bug : When the AI casts an overland spell with a slider cost, the cost modifier is applied to random data in the memory instead of the correct address due to a missing line of code.

-Fixed : Mass Healing works on Skeletons, Zombies, Undead.
-AI will now recognize the above units as not being affected by Mass Healing when deciding to use the spell.

-Fixed bug : stacking too many “To Hit” reductions on a unit crashes the game.
-In the optional portrait files, the Priestess hero's unit sprites have been redrawn to match the character name and portrait. (I should have done this one ages ago...)
-The Orc Warrior is now known as the Orc Archer and is a bow user with a bow attack instead of thrown, Supply Commander, and 1 random Warrior/Leader ability. Stats adjusted.
-The Thief no longer requires 5 fame to hire.

-Lizardmen population growth reduced : 12->7
-Klackon population growth increased : 8->11, Outpost 0->20

-In the optional portrait files, the Warrior Mage hero's unit sprites have been redrawn to match the character name and portrait. (Sakura! Better late than never...)
-Adjusted AI overland spell category priority for Curses :
Base priority/personality : 200/100/50/50/25/5 -> 125/75/30/30/12/4
Minor army needed  bonus : +30->+20
Major army needed bonus : +80->+60
Divine Order : +25-> +33% of the existing total, applied last
Expansionist : +33 -> +50% of the existing total, applied last
Bonus for curse categories known : No change (+25/18/18/65/40  building/ damage/ node/ top tier/ economic)
The main purpose of this change is to tone down “excessive” curse use of wizards that aren't meant to do so (mostly wizards with Spell Blast as their only curse)

-When opening the spellbook on the overland map, if a spell that could be cast instantly is selected, it'll be cast immediately. This allows the player to use Alchemy to finish a spell that could have been done that turn, but lack of mana prevented that from happening at the start of the turn.

-Fixed the above feature spending more mana crystals than necessary.

-Fixed AI trying to stay behind walls with ranged units against ranged enemies even when no wall is present.
-Fixed bug : Difficulty modifier doesn't apply to Score if game is won after 1440. (untested)
-Event frequency is now the same for all difficulty levels.
-Renamed difficulty levels, added a 6th level, and readjusted their effects. Easy and Normal are unchanged. Extreme is now called “Master”, and Impossible is “Lunatic”, these are mostly unchanged albeit there are minor differences (mainly, the AI will get less advantage in their diplomacy with other AI players). See the table below for the old, and new difficulty levels.

-Added “Fire Storm” to the AI's “Spell Blast needed” list.
-”Minor army needed” tactic now adds +25% to curse priority instead of +20. “Major army needed” adds +50% instead of +60. This should prevent the AI from spamming curses that don't really help in the war unless their personality makes it so (such as Spell Blast, Drain Power,  Blizzard or Corruption)
-Klackons can now build Marketplaces and Farmer's Markets, but not Banks and Merchant's Guilds.
-Colosseum now requires Smithy instead of Fighter's Guild.
-Further reduced the difficulty modifier in generic war declaration to 3/level, and reduced the +10 threshold the formula checks against to +4.
-In the optional portrait files, the War Monk hero's unit sprites have been redrawn to match the character name and portrait.

-Fixed EXP9 bug : AI casts Spell Lock without knowing the spell.

-Fixed bug : Units raised from dead or affected by Mystic surge receive a Spell Ward stat penalty if the city is enchanted by Nature's Eye.
-Fixed the AI Spell Lock bug again, previous fix was incorrect.
-Fixed AI bug : dispelling Survival Instinct during war has a priority of 0 instead of 30.
-Fixed EXP10 bug : Scoring screen is broken since the addition of the new difficulty level.
-Regeneration now costs 32/160.
-Behemoth now costs 480, and has 42 health instead of 45.
-The AI now defaults to using 1125 strength Disjunctions. This should make it less likely to get instant cast and slip through a Spell Blast. Note that if 100% success can be achieved for less, the AI will still pick a lower cost.
-When the AI picks “Disjunction” to cast, there is a 1/(2*number of AI wizards still in the game) chance to proceed only, otherwise it will roll again for picking a spell. This should make spells last roughly the same in play regardless of the number of wizards, and should simulate a “meh I'll let the others deal with it” mindset. However, Nature's Wrath and Meteor Storm skip this check - no wizard can afford waiting for others while their buildings and units are directly threatened. It also means dispelling is half as frequent than before to make up for 50% higher dispelling power on each attempt. This is also skipped for Spell Binding - it only applies to Disjunction.
-Reduced AI priority of casting Nature's Wrath from 100 to 66.
-Reduced AI priority of casting AEther Binding from 100 to 60.
-Reduced AI priority of casting Aura of Majesty from 60 to 40.
-Reduced AI priority of casting Detect Magic from 50 to 35.
-The AI now considers casting global enchantments a top priority until turn 100 instead of 50 - this should make sure AEther Binding and Aura of Majesty get cast early despite their low “recast” priority. The intention of the above changes is to make dispelling those spells a more viable tactic.
-Builder's Hall now has a maintenance cost of 0. (finally found how to do this, yay! )
-Unlocked units are always shown on the production screen, even if they require one more building to actually unlock.
-Create Artifact now costs 2000 to research, and cannot be found in treasure.
-Item costs were reduced :

-Minimal treasure points to consider an item is now 160 instead of 300
-Each treasure point spent on item treasure is now worth 1.2 item value instead of 1.5
-Minor changes to some predefined items.

-Entangle now subtracts 2 from the unit's “max movement per turn” stat instead of the “remaining movement for the turn” stat. This should allow units affected by it to always attack twice and should allow the AI to recognize the penalty when deciding on how to move their units.
-Completely rewritten the combat movement calculation procedure to be able to do the above. Please report if any effect fails to grant the correct amount of movement bonus.
-Changed the number of books required for several Item Powers :
Lionheart 3
Invisibility 4
Divine Protection 4
Invulnerability 4
Wraith Form 2
Regeneration 5
Merging 4
Elemental Armor 3
Teleportation 5
Phantasmal 5
Haste 4
Resist Magic 3
Flight 3
Planar Travel 3
Exorcise 2
Shadow 4
-Fixed bug : Famous grants the +25% power income bonus of Spellweaver.

-”AI will not shift plane with Shadow Demons - these units are more effective to be kept in the main armies and garrisons than to send out to a new plane.” applied again, as it got accidentally undone.
-Fixed major bug : Casting skill during strategic combat is not set correctly : potentially causing crashes, and limiting the AI to using less casting power than they should.

-Intercontinental AI attacks can now target lairs, nodes, towers. Note that the usual range limitation (10 tiles) applies.
-Fixed : weak AI stacks fail to attack empty cities. Note that they'll still not attack if the city is poorly defended, as there is a high chance of losing to combat spells on the first turn. Sadly, there is no way to tell apart neutral targets that do not cast spells from others.
-Intercontinental AI attacks no longer consider units on land to be twice as powerful - the feature to double ranged unit power for defenders is already implemented, making this obsolete.
-Intercontinental AI attacks now have a minimal required army strength against targets other than empty cities to avoid getting killed on turn one by spells, wasting the stack - the same way land attacks do.
-AI wizards will now cancel their own Divine Order if changes to diplomatic status or found spellbooks drop the required value by at least 3 below the amount needed to cast it.
-Barbarian basic units now have a movement of 2.

-Fixed EXP11B bug : heroes have incorrect movement in combat.

-In the optional portrait files, the Bard hero's unit sprites have been redrawn to match the character name and portrait.
-After turn 151, if the human player has at least twice as much total army strength, power income, spell power and population as all other wizards combined, and no other wizard except banished ones knows Spell of Mastery, all AI wizards offer their resignation. If accepted, the player wins the game. If not, it will be asked again once every 8 turns. This feature is not available on Easy difficulty, where the player is expected to be in this position in every game anyway.
-Theurgist now doubles the AI's priority to cast global enchantments instead of adding a flat +200 (which at least tripled it)
-AI priority to cast most global enchantments reduced slightly to make disjunction a more viable tactic. Note that there still are a few enchantments the AI will be quite insistent about having in play, specifically Crusade, Armageddon, Charm of Life, Enlightenment, and Suppress Magic.
-Haste now costs 6 Sorcery books to enchant but Phantasmal costs only 4.
-Amplifying Towers now have a 20 maintenance cost.
-Marketplaces now have no maintenance.
-Wizard's Guilds now have a maintenance of 5.
-Colosseum now has no maintenance.
-Maximal destruction ratio of cities after combat is restored to 75 (was 60 for a very long time.)
-Destruction ratio of non-neutral conquered cities after combat now scales with difficulty - instead of always 20%, it is now 10,20,28,35,40,45% to counteract the AI bonuses which make capturing AI towns vastly superior to building your own. Note that this increased rate does affect the AI as well.
-Changed attack damage reduction. While reduction effects are unchanged, each attack from any single figure dealing 7 or more damage will have 1 damage ignoring the reductions completely and an additional 1 for each 2 points above 7, rounded down. For reference a 25 sword, +3 to hit creature will on average deal  15 damage, so 1+(8/2) = 5 damage will be dealt even if shields reduce all of the damage on average, but better or worse attack rolls can raise or lower then amount as usual. Note that if shields fail to reduce the damage to 5 or below, everything works as usual. Abilities that grant full immunity to a type of attack ignore this rule (Magic Immunity, Missile Immunity, Fire Immunity). This effect applies to all types of attacks that can be reduced through shields coming from units, but doesn't affect spells.
-Demon Lord now has a ranged attack power of 20.
-Sky Drake now has a melee attack power of 28 and a breath attack of 21.
-Death Knights now have an attack power of 12.
-Uranus's Blessing now adds 4 casting skill only, but costs 200 to cast and adds 10 power to WG and AG.
-Djinn has a resistance of 12 again as the reason for increasing it no longer exists.

-Fixed EXP11 bug : Casting Possession, Creature Binding, Confusion causes Black Prayer to appear on the defender's side.

-Fixed EXP11D bug : Items randomly disappear or memory gets corrupted during AI turns.

-Fixed EXP12B bug : Casting curses that aren't the above causes the target to have random movement points remaining.

-Fixed EXP12C bug : Previous fix was incorrect, used ax instead of cx.

EXP13 (Sorcery realm rebalancing)
-AI players will not use Spell Blast as a curse (randomly targeted) unless the human player has 200 or higher overland casting skill.
-Final Wave now costs 1000
-Further reduced the AI's priority to cast global enchantments.
-The AI pays 40% more for casting certain spells, to make sure they are slow enough to give time to the player to notice through Detect Magic and react, instead of the spells being instant-cast by the AI. The following spells are affected :
db 1Ch ; Survival Instinct
db 22h ; Clairvoyance
db 26h ; Herb Mastery
db 28h ; Nature's Wrath
db 4Ch ; Spell Binding
db 4Bh ; Great Unsummoning
db 4Fh ; Suppress Magic
db 50h ; Time Stop
db 71h ; Meteor Storm
db 72h ; Doomsday
db 78h ; Armageddon
db 74h ; Chaos Surge
db 9Eh ; Crusade
db 0A0h ; Charm of Life
db 0C5h ; Eternal Night
db 0C6h ; Evil Omens
db 0C7h ; Final Wave
db 0BCh ; Zombie Mastery  
Note that this is an increase on top of the reduction by difficulty level, so the AI still gets an overall discount on Advanced and above, just less than on other spells.
-Spell Ward now has a -2 To Hit penalty instead of -3.
-Time Stop now has a maintenance of (100*turns elapsed since the spell was cast)
-The AI will now cancel Time Stop if (mana<maintenance+2000) or it was going for 15 turns.
-Maintenance cost of Amplifying Tower is now correctly displayed
-Reverted maximal wizard name lenght as it caused display issues on some screens.
-Dispelling Wave now has 1 effectiveness per 2 mana both in combat and overland instead of only in combat. This is now rounded up instead of down.
-Dispelling Wave no longer removes combat global enchantments.
-AI no longer includes combat global enchantments in Dispelling Wave priority calculations as they are no longer removed by the spell.
-Adjusted priority calculations of picking targets for an overland Dispelling Wave spells.
-AI will not use Dispelling Wave on targets with priority 7 or less instead of 4 or less now. Priority to cast the spell is calculated priority of (target tile-6)*2 instead of (target tile-4)*2.
-Revised the list of unit buffs the AI considers for calculation priority for combat Dispelling Wave.
-Fixed bug : Dispelling Wraith Form does not remove Non-Corporeal.
-Orc Spearmen removed from the game.
-Orc Swordsmen costs 10 less to produce.
-Nagas are now worth 170 treasure points.
-Storm Giants are now worth 600 treasure points.
-New unit : Water Elemental. Worth 240 treasure point.
-New spell : Water Elemental - Sorcery overland summoning. 14 melee and ranged, +2 to hit, 4 ammo, 7 defense and resistance, 15 hp, fire, weapon, poison immunity, water movement.
-Removed spell : Conjure Roads.
-Nagas cost 10 less to cast, have +1 melee attack, +1 movement.
-Storm Giants have +3 melee and ranged attack and +1 ammo.
-Flight now costs 22/110 to cast.
-The “Minimal Damage” mechanic now only applies to attacks dealt by specific, high end fantastic creatures : these have the mechnic listed as an actual ability named “Supernatural”.
-Creature Binding now works on units Immune to Illusions.
-Blur is now a common spell.
-Counter Magic is now an uncommon spell. Counter Magic no longer has a slider, instead the cost is 50, but it creates a “counter pool” of 80.
-AI starting spell picks : Position 9 in Sorcery is now Blur instead of AEther Sparks.
-Updated the AI research priorities for the changed Sorcery spells.
-Uranus' Blessing now grants a strength 70 Counter Magic pool.
-AI starting spell picks : Nonlawful, Nonpeaceful AI will now pick Aura of Majesty instead of Spell Blast as their first Sorcery uncommon guaranteed pick.
-Fixed bug : When receiving items after battle as a defender, item location is unset.
-Fixed bug : When the windwalker died in battle, the stack had 0.5 movement left.
-Default 2nd human common pick in Sorcery is AEther Sparks instead of the no longer common Counter Magic

-Fixed EXP11D bug : The AI can't attack very weak targets that have a strength below the minimal army strength the AI uses for attacking.
-The “player wins” feature now considers population the same way as the other 3 astrologer stats.
-The “player wins” condition is now checked once every 4 turns instead of 8

-Fixed EXP11B bug : Flight doesn't grant 3 movement in combat.

-In the optional portrait files, the Orc Warrior hero's unit sprites have been redrawn to match the character name and portrait.
-Vampiric items now apply a save modifier of -2 instead of none.
-Vampiric now costs 225 to enchant and requires 3 books.

-Fixed : Smithy shows unlocking Warship on races that cannot build it.
-Fixed : When no unit is selected, the Spell button might offer random unit abilities to cast.
-Herb Mastery now works on Death and Undead units on the overland map the same way as in combat.
-Stream of Life now works on Death units - but it still won't heal undead.
-New AI overland intercontinental attack procedure - now uses real unit ratings instead of simplified and might even process faster.
-AI intercontinental attacks performed by 4 or fewer units require twice as much army power as normally sized stacks, 2 or fewer units require 4 times the power
-AI land attacks performed by 4 or fewer units require twice as much army power as normally sized stacks, 2 or fewer units require 4 times the power
-The PWR cheat will now give players all Arcane spells again, except the Spell of Mastery.
-Removed spell : Nature's Wrath
-New spell : Fairy Ring. Whenever another player casts an expensive spell, the owner of Fairy Ring gets a free summoned creature of any type they can summon.
-Clairvoyance has been renamed to Seismic Mastery and now has an additional effect : Whenever you cast a spell that costs 400 or more, you can target a city with an Earthquake effect for free. Spell casting cost has been adjusted. Power production of nodes reduced to 15.
-The AI will not cast Earthquake manually if Seismic Mastery is in effect.
-Adjusted AI overland casting priorities to correctly react to Fairy Ring instead of assuming it's still Nature's Wrath.
-The AI has about halved priority to cast Disenchant Area but uses twice as much power for each.
-Assigned AI garrison priority to Water Elementals
-Fixed Exp9 bug : AI priority for casting Stasis as anti-doomstack measure is addressing memory wrong, causing data corruption.

-Fixed Exp14 bug : Target matrix for AI intercontinental attacks isn't cleared before use, causing AI players to try to attack each other's targets.
-Fixed Exp14 bug : New intercontinental attack procedure doesn't detect wind walkers for “send to main continent” movement, does not allow windwalkers to carry stacks even though the calculations assume it will.
-When an AI intercontinental stack containing a hero looks for targets, it requires to be twice as powerful as the target to attack it, similarly to the land attac procedure to ensure heroes are not participating in overly risky battles.
-Nodes are no longer allowed at  theY=2 map row - it makes them attach to the North Pole area, potentially creating non-tundra tiles on the pole and giving it the region a continent ID.

-Fixed : already defeated wizards count into the total for “win game” - while their army and power production are zero, their spell power is not so this matters.
-When the AI picks a target for Firestorm, units that have Magic Immunity, Fire Immunity, Regeneration, Elemental Armor, Invulnerability, Bless, Resist Elements do not count into the priority of targeting that stack.
-When the AI picks a target for Blizzard, units that have Magic Immunity, Cold Immunity, Regeneration, Elemental Armor, Invulnerability do not count into the priority of targeting that stack.
-Fixed : Focus Magic does not work on Water Elementals.
-Fixed new intercontinental attack target matrix overwriting continental matrix, causing the AI to miss continental targets or fail to defend nodes, cities or capitals.

-All changes from the experimental versions listed above
-Fixed : maintenance cost of Seismic Mastery and Fairy Ring were swapped.
-Fixed : Units with Life Steal were not valid AI targets for Blood Lust.
-AI can now target units that have a touch attack even if they aren't a priority choice for Focus Magic
-The AI is now not allowed to cast Focus Magic before turn 10 - it's too likely to find no targets and waste the spell, as well as significantly slowing down early expansion (80 can be used to make two hell hounds or a ghoul instead!)
-The AI is now allowed to cast Earthquake when Seimic Mastery is on if they don't have an expensive summoning spell available to trigger it.
-Fixed EXP14C bug : intercontinental attacks read the enemy land power from the matrix incorrectly, resulting in failing to attack targets sometimes.
-Fixed EXP14C bug : intercontinental attacks read the enemy strength of nodes/lairs from the matrix incorrectly.
-Fixed EXP14 bug : intercontinental stacks with a power divisible by 256 couldn't do intercontinental attacks.
-Each unit has a minimal AI rating of 1. This allows the AI to attack units with zero attack strength such as settlers or floating islands.
-Fixed EXP13 bug : Dispelling Wave still removes combat global enchantments even though it's not supposed to.
-Fixed bug : AI fails to leave city walls if enemy obtains ranged superiority during combat instead of starting with it.
-When the AI calculates the ranged capacity of armies for wall decisions, it'll now use (1+figures)*attack*ammo instead of figures*attack*ammo - this should let low figure units with high attack compare more fairly with high figure units.
-Adjusted the effect of mana spent in strategic combat for each realm.
-Fixed : Flame Blade and Mystic Surge weren't swapped for overland Dispelling Waves, causing the wrong name to show up.
-Fixed memory corruption bug that happens when banishing wizards and finding spells in the ruins (spell name was stored at a null address)
-Units that require both Stables and Smithy now only require the Stables because that already implies a Smithy is built.
-Hydras now have 1 less resistance.
-Great Drakes now have 1 less resistance.
-Demon Lords now have 1 less resistance.
-Colossus now has 2 less resistance.
-Behemoths now have 1 less resistance.
-Time Stop maintenance is now 30*turns instead of 100*turns
-The AI will now leave at least 7 units in the city when using Astral Gate instead of 6.
-Fixed diplomacy bug : When the AI offers a treaty,  and wants to also offer gold, it fails to do so, or offers 0 gold sometimes.
-Fixed : The text displayed when casting Drain Power is wrong.
-Supreme Light now costs 6000 to research.
-Fixed minor bug : target war priority variable is not set for neutral targets on AI land attacks.
-AI intercontinental attacks will now ignore unit based priority and only use city based priority on city targets, similarly to land attacks.
-AI intercontinental attacks now have the same priority on city targets as land attacks
-AI land attacks no longer have a 1/3 multiplier to the priority of enemy stack targets outside the home continent.
-Doubled the granted priority of buildings/population in cities for both land and intercontinental attacks. Doubled the priority of fortresses (land attacks only).
-Halved the priority of neutral city targets compared to other war targets.
-Lairs now have priority equal to their unit value for land attacks to match intercontinental priorities. Note that while Node and Tower priorities are not changed, these also count as lairs as long as they are not cleared, so if their “lair priority” is higher, it'll be used instead of their other priority. So in this case they also match intercontinental.
-Fixed bug : AI doomstacks fail to move next turn after attacking a target.
-AI intercontinental attacks now use the same extra priority for fortresses as land attacks
-Fixed 3.31 bug : earliest turn for AI to turn hostile was meant to be lowered to 25 but was left at 37 (conincidentally, 37=25h)

Have fun and please do tell how the new features worked out. While we did a lot of testing during the experimental phase, the changes to core game mechanics (especially the reduced costs, but also AI behavior) are hard to fully judge in such a "short" amount of time.

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