December 29th, 2017, 20:51
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Quote: human will attack with units that can kill fliers faster than lightning can kil them
Lightning is not the point. 9 sprites deal so much damage most units have a hard time surviving to fight back. The vast majority of ranged units do not have that much health and armor, especially early. Yes, elite bowmen are an exception due to double health but you likely can't have 9 of those unless playing Life or Warlord.
But ranged units strong enough to survive attacks from 9 sprites and the lightning will likely obliterate cockatrices before they can even get close. Bears even more so. Even ghouls are bad against these because poison 1 is not enough damage to kill 12 health bowmen even if the bowmen have 0 resistance it still only means 2 lost figures per ghoul attack. Elite bowmen are simply too much for the AI, don't use them as an example. Nothing works vs them (except magicians, but those will replace the sprites)
So the human will need fast moving, durable melee units that can hit fliers. That certainly exists but is far from trivial to have, especially this early. So I would not say flying is useless against the human, it is still pretty strong until ~1408-1410...but ghouls might be stronger. Bears and cockatrices not. (anything powerful enough to reach the sprites without dying will obliterate bears and cockatrices just cry for "use 9 ranged units to win" and are trivial to defeat for a human.)
But I already agreed ghouls might be better as garrison. That's not the problem.
Problem is, losing the snowball potential of having a dozen free early undead units from using ghouls on the offense against lairs and neutrals might be too high price to pay for this garrison. If they use sprites instead to take those out, the undead will never get created and by the time ghouls go outside there are no easy targets left on the map.
It might be more productive to simply say "AI with ghouls already picked does not pick sprites". Then they have the superior ghouls in both offense and garrison, albeit lose the ability to reach other continents until...they put wraith form or water walking on a few of those ghouls which they will picking sprites when they have ghouls is stupid.
I think instead of (or in addition to) swapping garrison order, we should make the AI not pick Sprites as a starting spell if they picked Ghouls.
December 29th, 2017, 21:00
(This post was last modified: December 29th, 2017, 21:01 by Nelphine.)
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No, anything that can hurt sprites (4 armor and 5 HP???) Literally requires 5 times as much firepower to kill war bears. Those elite bowmen do very little against war bears (without a massive pile of buffs) - if it takes 2 shots to kill a sprite it takes 10 to kill a war bear. One unit of war bears surviving will kill about 6-8 units of elite bownen once they have no ammo left.
December 29th, 2017, 21:14
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Unfortunately it isn't that nice to the bears as you describe. The sprites will get a +3 wall bonus because they stay there if fighting an all ranged army. The bears have to go outside (and the limited capacity to go through the gate even stalls them significantly. Heck, you can web the front bear and the rest cannot even come outside - so they all die.
The sprites also benefit from a massive ranged penalty on your bowmen - at least -1 to hit, likely -2 on half the shots or more. Meanwhile the bears will at least get hit by one round of shots without any ranged penalty, and the other shots will also have less penalty, PLUS the archers will be at full force while against the sprites they'll have significant losses every turn.
I know it sounds very counterintuitive but (albeit untested) I believe sprites have a much better chance to survive against archers than bears despite being the less durable unit. Feel free to try testing it (easiest is if you produce 9 bears, 9 sprites and 9 bowmen, then put the attacker outside, the defender inside and use the tweaker to turn the attacker units neutral so it attacks your capital. Then you can see which work better, the bears or the sprites.
December 29th, 2017, 21:52
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Unfortunateky, I've never learned to use the tweaker. That will stay untested for some time
But watching war bears and sprites in a node, the problem is exactly that war bears don't do ranged damage. You beat them with ranged units. That can't take hits. But a fortress has both a wizard and lightning to do damage while the bears avoid dying. The ranged units to kill bears don't work. Lock the bears inside? Great, now the AI won't try to hurt you with the bears.
In a fortress the units don't need to do do damage in the early game. Lightning does. And by the time you get string enough melee to kill those bears, you have access to melee strong enough to survive and kill sprites.
Again, this is entirely a fortress problem. Lightning completely shifts the equation. But sprites just ignore that advantage, and get fortresses fortress spiked, sometimes by units that can't even hurt the other cities the AI has.
December 30th, 2017, 06:44
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Rearranged the priority for a few units :
Code: Necromancer HERO 120
Beastmaster HERO 110 Soul Link, good for endgame capital even! (garrison will be fantastic)
Colossus 100
Sky Drake 100
Demon Lord 95
Great Drake 95
Arch Angel 95
Illusionist HERO 90 Overpowered defender, keep in capital if has levels, or no VR creatures!
Great Wyrm 87
Behemoth 87
Djinn 87
Efreet 85
Stone Giant 80
Storm Giant 80
Chaos Warrior HERO 80 Better than a Storm Giant
Hydra 75
Death Knights 75
Gorgons 75
Swordsmen HERO 74 Raise Dead!
Priestess HERO 72 Prayer, Prayermaster
Shadow Demons 70
Sage HERO 70 Has mass dispel, good capital defender
War Monk HERO 70 Super agility, extremely hard to kill
Magician HERO 70 Flame Strike!
Witch HERO 70 Black Prayer, nice for capital defense
Warlock HERO 70 Doom Bolt
Dwarf HERO 67 Has armsmaster so should stay and level other heroes in capital for a while
Warlocks 65
Nightmares 61
Chaos Spawn 55
Wraiths 55
Angel 55
Great Lizard 55
Magicians 55 Troll
Chimeras 55
Golem 50
Magicians 50 Draconian
Unicorns 50
Demon 50
Earth Elemental 50
Magicians 50 High Men, Halfling
Paladins 50
Magicians 46 High Elf
Magicians 42 Other
Doom Bat 30
Water Elemental 29
Fire Giant 28
Gargoyles 27
Dragon Turtle 25
Rangers 25
Air Ship 23
Pegasai 22
Ghouls 22
Sprites 20
Steam Cannon 20
Bard HERO 20
Paladin HERO 20 Send these out to fight enemies, they are better in attack teams
Black Knight HERO 20 Send these out to fight enemies, they are better in attack teams
Priests 18 High Men, Dark Elf
Slingers 18
Saints 17
Shaman 17 Troll
Hammerhands 17
War Trolls 17
Minotaurs 16
Jackal Riders 16
Crusader 16
Giant Spiders 15
Shaman 15 Halfling
Priests 15 Other
Horde 15
Doom Drakes 15
Stag Beetle 15
Javelineers 15
Wyvern Riders 15
Dervish HERO 15
Healer HERO 15
Huntress HERO 15
Elven Lords 14
Pikemen 14 Nomad
Griffins 14
War Mammoths 14
Bowmen 13 Draconian
Manticores 13
Catapult 13
Werewolves 12
Cockatrices 12
Halberdier 12 Nomad, Dark Elf, Draconian, Troll
Shaman 12 Other
Berserkers 12
Longbowmen 12
Apprentice 12
War Bears 10
Halberdier 10 Gnoll, Klackon, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Dwarf
Pikemen 10 High Men
Barbarian HERO 10
Orc Warrior HERO 10
Thief HERO 10
Druid HERO 10
Warrior Mage HERO 10
Assassin HERO 10
Wind Mage HERO 10
Ranger HERO 10
Draconian HERO 10
Golden One HERO 10
Ninja HERO 10
Rogue HERO 10
Amazon HERO 10
Unknown HERO 10
Elven Archer HERO 10
Knight HERO 10
Chosen HERO 10 Send this one out as soon as possible to gain experience!
Knights 10
Phantom Beast 9
Swordsmen 9 Nomad, Dark Elf, Draconian
Bowmen 9 Other
Zombies 8
Halberdier 8 Other
Nightblades 8
Night Stalker 7
Swordsmen 7 Barbarian, Gnoll, Klackon, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Dwarf, Troll
Cavalry 7 Dark Elf
Centaurs 7
Wolf Riders 7
Horsebowmen 7
Hell Hounds 6
Nagas 6
Fire Elemental 5
Skeletons 5
Spearmen 5 Nomad, Dark Elf, Draconian
Swordsmen 5 Other
Spearmen 3 Barbarian, Gnoll, Klackon, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Troll
Cavalry 3 Other
Phantom Warrior 2
Spearmen 1 Other
Guardian Spirit 0
Air Elemental 0
Settler 0 Any
Engineers 0 Any
Ghouls, Pegasai and Air Ships have been raised to be above sprites instead of below.
December 30th, 2017, 07:16
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-The AI will not pick Sprites as a starting spell if they already picked Ghouls
-Pegasai garrison priority is now 22 instead of 18
-Air Ships garrison priority is now 23 instead of 18
-Ghouls garrison priority is now 22 instead of 17.
-Starting cities now default to 4 farmers.
-Fixed bug : Some settlers do not have a food upkeep.
-Fixed bug : Catapults can get disbanded for food maintenance problems.
December 30th, 2017, 11:26
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Thank you!
Has anyone else found that playing on dry with slow outpost growth races, you can end up with negative gold/food very early, especially if the capital has low productiin. I'm not sure what do about it either.
December 30th, 2017, 14:18
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I'm at war with Sharee; who is at war with all 3 other AI as well. (4 way war AGAINST the AI wheeeee)
When I talk to Merlin, he says 'blah blah blah, here, please take 720 gold for your attacks against Sharee'. If I continue to try to talk to him, he continues to say this, but no money changes hands. I'm not even sure I got money the first time he said it. However, I'm unable to do any other diplomacy with him, because he says his spiel, and then the conversation is over. This is also happening for Lo Pan.
December 30th, 2017, 14:44
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This is listed at "known problems" - you get the money when the diplomacy bonus applies at end of combat, but the conversation happens at the normal timing (end of turn, or if you want to talk to the wizard yourself).
It would be hard to "queue" the money as it might no longer be available on the wizard after they process their own turn and spend it, and if a different message has a higher priority, the money would just get lost as the conversation does not appear.
December 30th, 2017, 15:01
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