December 7th, 2009, 14:59
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The diplomatic relations that are developping between Jowy and Dantski are interesting. While so far they're being truthful to each other, their assumptions about Indian motives are a lot worse than is actually the case. I guess it might be a combination of different interpretations of what 'aggressive settling' entails, and India's prior diplomacy that rubbed some teams the wrong way.
Mind you, the current fears might be proven correct eventually.. but regardless, India will most likely become a juggernaut if allowed to expand at it's current pace for too long. I'm kind of hoping that Jowy and Dantski will form an alliance against India. Now that Byzantium, which many considered the most serious opposition to the Speaker/Sullla powerhouse, has had a serious setback, it would definitely ensure no single team has a monstrous lead over the others. And that's as good for the other civs as it is for us lurkers.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
December 7th, 2009, 15:16
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Calling the copper city "aggressive" is ludicrous. Pink Dot, when it gets settled? Sure. And from a metagame perspective, Jowy + Dantski do need to slow Spullla down, but Speaker's caution is likely to save them, with a nice wrong of whipping saving the day.
December 7th, 2009, 15:39
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Cyneheard Wrote:Calling the copper city "aggressive" is ludicrous.
I think you've got the wrong end of the stick: Sullla was claiming he was being nice by not settling aggressively toward Jowy when, in fact, he settled for copper which just happened to be in a neutral location. Jowy is not calling the city aggressive, rather he can now see through Sullla's tricksiness, hence the  smiley.
December 7th, 2009, 18:38
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Sullla Wrote:Despite what the message above sounds like, I still don't trust this team one bit.
hmm, Sulla makes up his mind based on what? Outside game personalities.....
December 7th, 2009, 19:02
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BobRoberts Wrote:Think you're right though Newbie, the missclick was somehow different to the IT stuff, just can't quite quantify how/why. 
I think it is the difference between in-game trust and out-of game trust. Whatever the in-game shenanigans, there needs to be an out-of-game trust regarding game mechanics, practicalities, real life etc. So that everyone can have a good and friendly (friendly IRL) game. Using the necessary out-of-game trust to advance in-game stuff - I think that there is an important line here. I don't think it was too bad by Athlete/Kalin (since they went over the line by misjudgement rather than intention, and were in general making every effort not to go over any line - basically just misjudged what and where exactly the line was). And it probably wasted a bit of Sunrise's time helping them with their "IT problems", particularly considering the effort that he is putting in to host the game for everyone.
I think it is a similar line which is crossed when in-game aggressive diplomacy turns into personal out-of-game aggression between players, but fortunately people have managed to hold back from this (despite some temptations).
December 7th, 2009, 20:15
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I hope my post in Sullla's thread wasn't over the line. I'm just getting really annoyed by his diplomacy. Ugh. Its so sickeningly fake and transparent and Speaker complements him on it. Maybe its just because I know they are double dealing - I have no problems with double dealing but atleast don't make it that obvious!
December 7th, 2009, 20:38
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antisocialmunky Wrote:I hope my post in Sullla's thread wasn't over the line. I'm just getting really annoyed by his diplomacy. Ugh. Its so sickeningly fake and transparent and Speaker complements him on it. Maybe its just because I know they are double dealing - I have no problems with double dealing but atleast don't make it that obvious!
I thought it was well over the spoiled-info line myself. You wouldn't know what kind of impact their diplomacy was having without being spoiled. The second part was particularly egregious, in my opinion, hinting that they may get dogpiled seems well over the line.
December 7th, 2009, 20:46
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If you think so but this isn't the first time I've brought up his messages nor is it unobvious that they will run away from the game when you factor in economic growth.
I mean if you're already at 1.5 to 2x the numbers of your nearest opponent and you haven't hit the ceiling and won't for a long time, what do you suppose is going to happen? Its not like that's the first time I brought it up the fact that they are pretty much booming.
And for the record, I browsed Jowy's thread after posting that. Yup, had a feeling that would happen back here:
And I brought up his really hollow sounding diplomacy up back here:
December 7th, 2009, 20:57
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antisocialmunky Wrote:If you think so but this isn't the first time I've brought up his messages nor is it unobvious that they will run away from the game when you factor in economic growth.
I mean if you're already at 1.5 to 2x the numbers of your nearest opponent and you haven't hit the ceiling and won't for a long time, what do you suppose is going to happen? Its not like that's the first time I brought it up the fact that they are pretty much booming.
Oh, I'm certainly not questioning the accuracy of what you said. But what you said is certainly influenced by your spoiled knowledge, and by saying that, you are giving them help in part based off of your spoiled knowledge.
December 7th, 2009, 21:15
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Surely if there is any doubt whatsoever, say enough to make you feel the need to justify yourself in the lurkers thread, what's the problem with just playing it safe and not posting?