Chat with Caledorn:
Chat with CFC Wrote:scooter: hey caledorn
just sent you guys a message. someone on our team just pointed out that it never sent, blah
Caledorn: heya! I've actually been looking for you today
great - thanks - I'll look into it right away .. hold on
scooter: yeah. it was bad timing. wednesday-friday were insane for work - late nights and all that
and it just got missed somehow
Caledorn: this is excellent
we have workers who we wish to use to build a road to connect our empires together so we can get traderoutes up and running
scooter: that "final city in your direction" has obviously been settled already, which is why I felt bad about you not getting the message before-hand.
sounds great
yeah, I think we can both make a lot of money off trade routes
Caledorn: ah, so the city you have founded .. er .. B-something isn't it? .. that's the last one you intend to settle in our direction then?
scooter: right
it's called Starfall i believe
Caledorn: I'm just looking for a screenshot here
just so I know we're talking about the same city
scooter: yeah no problem
Caledorn: according to this screenshot the newest city I can see that you guys have settled near us, is located slightly to the northeast of the oasis/stone - approximately 4 tiles north and 1 tile east of the stone if I read the cultural border I can see correct?
scooter: oh no, that's an old barbarian city we captured
we just settled one 1S of the oasis
Caledorn: ah - that means our road plans will be different than the one I meant to propose
scooter: ah okay
should still be pretty easy to road up. not that far of a distance
Caledorn: yeah, it's easier actually
as we intended to road up to the city by the northern lake
how soon will you have the new city roaded up to your main road network (if you already haven't, which I almost assume you have) ?
this way we can just road over to that city in a straight line
scooter: ah I see. maybe this will be shorter?
let me check on that
it is on our main road network already
Caledorn: 1 tile less to road to the new city is it is 1S of the oasis yes
according to what I can see at least
scooter: yeah that's the spot.
should be able to get roads quickly then
Caledorn: yeah, just a few turns for that
if you have any workers in the area that could help out with roading a few tiles from your direction, that would be great too
scooter: yeah, i'm going to check on that with my team, but I think we do
Caledorn: the sooner we get trade routes up, the better for both of us
scooter: yep, agreed!
alright, I need to get going and do a few things. but let me know if you need anything more
Caledorn: <snip a few personal things>
thanks for letting me know about the email - and if you could get back to me if you guys can help with the roads, that would be great too