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wesnoth successive game

Nah it's a good thing they're playing on the lower difficulty level, fights in cramped areas get REALLY tedious on high difficulty levels when both sides have a lot of units to throw into the fight but only 1-3 can actually do anything at a time. Even ranged units can only attack adjacent hexes in this game, so it's actually worse than civ 5 :D

antisocialmunky Wrote:
[Image: file.php?id=48405&t=1]

What version are you playing in those railroads look nice. Also why do I see woodsmen hidding out with your main force

Also from your picture which we can use in our game the black skeletons are down the south east tunnel past the trolls. :neenernee I would prefer spoiled images and such to be saved till after we pass the area alright

That's an updated version of the campaign in 1.9 and its not my game.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Ok playing my turns:

First turn: killed small troll in the NW with Fire&Ice. two footpad hit another troll, moved wound unit to village. The whole north west looks like we have enough units there.

In the SW, killed one troll, another is at 2 health because one of our footpads wiffed twice for the killing shot. I moved a few more units down that way. Feeling confident there as well, even with on footpad injured and exposed to two attackers, if he survives I can get him to safety.

Main cavern, killed the big troll random footpad got the kill lets see if I lose one on the IT. North killed skeleton archer with minimal HP loss. Took two villages and proceed to move the army more outward. Also killed the archer in the center tower.

Started moving Bruindane towards the center castle after recruiting 4 more poachers.

IT: Trolls killed a full health footpad in the north, one in the south. The troll king killed the footpad who got the XP from the big troll kill dang it.

Second turn: I kill some stuff in NW and SW. I kill a skeleton in the north and try to reinforce the South. In the main cavern I retreat and form a ring of defense on the towers like so and hope for the best:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-09at15830PM.png]

IT: I lose a guy in the SW and in the NW. People survive in the NE though one footpad barely survives.

In the center its a full on Troll attack. The Troll king cometh! He takes up residence in a tower, but its only then that I realize... oh thats a keep tile banghead He need to die fast! The trolls also hit the outlying thugs in keeps near the north but were unsuccessful in even hitting them! yay.

At the beginning of Turn 9 we had some dialogue, my SS failed even though I took them, here's a paraphrase:

Lewwyn : Theres too many of them Captn! We don't have the power!

Bruindane : Stop being such a worrywort dude. If we stick together then the trolls and skeletons will think we're strong and instead attack each other!

Lewwyn : But they keep coming! Game over man! Gave Over!

Bruindane : Get a hold of yourself! We have to find the Dwarves! Once we find them we can use their little bodies as missles and stomp everyone!

End Scene.

Turn Three: I look around and I simply don't have the man power to kill the troll king, I think. I was wondering why we had so many thugs. Well this is where they cam in useful. pretty much I sacrificed three thugs on the attack. They hit the king and died... well two at least hit him. the other wiffed and died. After that, Lewwyn, Bruindane and a pack of footpad arrow/sling him to death! (the lucky footpad to get the kill needs 1 xp to level! ARG).

So one king down. Its business as usual in the south and north west. Although 3 footpads in the SW hit NOTHING but air. banghead Killin me.

In the North, I hurt a white skelly axe. Next turn someone should have the injured footpad (in the village) kill it. He only needs 8 xp to lvl. In the NE, I take up the games advise and continue exploring. WOW look at all those villages. I believe they were all brown troll villages! They were getting a ton of gold a turn. Super lucky to knock out the Troll King early. I guess he just couldn't resist landing on the Keep tile next to my units. Trap much?

The South with the orange skeletons is looking thin. Gonna need some units there. My footpads hit at about 50%. End turn.

IT: NW Troll King jumps out, crap. SW, hey goodluck there! the injured footpad with xp was not hit more than once. I recommend pulling him back healing up and giving him some last hit kills. In the north, I had pulled back troops from the white skellies(most eastern side). Guess what? The trolls ran up and hit them lol even killed a skelly unit. GUess 'Bruindane' was right.

Overview SS at the end of turns:
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-09at23035PM.png]
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-09at23031PM.png]
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-09at23026PM.png]
[Image: Screenshot2011-03-09at23006PM.png]

If you want some SS from my Turn 1 let me know. I figured I'd only post the most important stuff.

I did recruit a bunch of thugs, they'll pulverize the skeletons, and pretty decent fighters in narrow spaces. Though clubbing down troll leaders works too.

Looking at the map, I suppose we just keep pushing east with our forces to find the dwarves? Keeping enough forces to plug up the skeles, and let our westnorth and westsouth forces kill their trolls and roll around the back (if there are connecting passageways).

As an aside about the Nightmare level commentary. My experience with other scenarios is that Nightmare is you know the objectives (and where events are triggered), and that you play the map quite differently. I'd imagine that in this particular scenario you'd head towards the dwarves (knowing where they are?), keeping a small force footprint while the npc forces hit each other. At our difficulty level we have so many forces that we can take them all simultaneously.

edit: You mistakenly attached the save from the previous level.

Thx for explaining the thugs I was wonder that myself since they have 0 options for safe attacks which I don't like.

Safe attacks are things I like since troops can deal damage without recieving damage.

Your could only play this map differently regarding killing npc's if you don't need to kill them.

Regarding save that is the wrong save please update the save or provide another save(preferably the correct one)

I would post a got it but I can't have it if it is not on the forum.

They are basically a super tank unit. They hard counter the Troll Stone Lobbers in higher difficulty and they are decent against skeletons (impact > bone, and the bandit units are quite good vs undead).
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Yikes wrong save!

Here's the right one!
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

BTW watch out for the SW troll King. I have a feeling he'll pop out of his castle if we're in range since the center and NW one did.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

What ever you guys are feeding our troops keep giving it too them they were deadly accurate it was rare for them to miss more then once for every four tries.
Also stop giving this food to the trolls.

the north west

[Image: 10rikww.jpg]

He is giving push harder men push harder.
Had no loses here that I remember but plenty of close calls. Trolls were hiting 2 for 2 and often attacking same target destroying our hp.

The south west and south middle.

[Image: 23w1deg.jpg]

I hope we find a back way for orange he has a damm lot of skeletons.
Greentrolls the leader has not moved yet. I don't expect us to finish down there till we can bring in mage support.

The North east

[Image: 2076kc9.jpg]

The whiteskeleton seems to be running out of troops and with the eastmost passage being mostly clear I thought we could try to push up and get behind the other choke letting us get the leader.


[Image: 35lc07p.jpg]

Dwarfs plus black skeleton be here.

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