Nice turnset, fire&ice!

You left things set up very well, other than that elf scout. Let's see what I can do about that....
Turn 13
- I retreat the elf scout southwest as far as he can move. Due to the terrain, only one of the two wolf riders can reach him there, so he has better odds to survive.
- I follow up on the very nice set up fire&ice left, cleaning up wounded enemies for XP.

Kills are made by a mage, a druid, a shaman, and Kalenz.

Plus various assists for minor XP.
- IBT the blue king smashes an elf hero for heavy damage, but the wolf rider follow up does not kill him. That was closer than I liked.

- The elf scout survives the single wolf rider.
Turn 14
- A druid provides some assistance to the elf scout, who finishes off the wolf rider and is safe.

- A mage gets another kill and I promote him to a white mage, based on earlier discussion on how we could really use another mage of light in the future.
- Our enchantress hits 4 of 4 and kills the blue king.

She will promote fairly soon with a few more kills.
- An elf fighter gets a kill and promotes to hero. Lots of promotions this turn.

- And one more kill, by a shaman to reach 30/32 XP. Almost there.

- IBT not much, a couple wolf attacks for minor damage.
Turn 15
- I manage to get a kill for one of our druids.
- Shuffling forces towards the northeast. The green king has a few units, all newly recruited and just moving out of his keep. Kalenz is fighting a troll.
- IBT troll hits Kalenz, Kalenz hits back. That's it.
The current situation:
It will take a few turns to get our units through the forest to the green king, but we are down to the mop-up phase. The next player should probably just finish this map, even if it takes an extra turn or two to wrap up.