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SevenSpirits Wrote:Edit: and actually I would prefer if someone else tried using my script, though I could provide advisement. 
If you needed someone else to give it a test run and nobody else is wanting to give that a shot, I can throw my hand in the ring and try to set something up. I haven't used your map generator yet but it looks pretty snazzy so I can give that a try.
And if the group consensus is to not do a mirrored start, I could always put together some other random-er sort of map. I've done a fair bit of custom mapmaking before for videogames in general, and have read through a ton of the mapmaking posts for the PBEMs, but haven't actually made a full custom Civ map before, so anything I make I'll be throwing at the lurkers for help making sure it's balanced, but since I'm on the newer end of this it might be a bit... uh.... unpredictable.
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Kyan Wrote:Lush map.
Shoot The Moon Wrote:I'd probably prefer being on the same starting land mass personally, although maybe with some island play mixed in.
Kyan Wrote:I was thinking more like two or three super continents with islands mixed in.
Shoot The Moon Wrote:I think it might depend on how easy it is to reach the other continents⦠if there is intercontinental competition for significant islands, it could work I think.
Shoot The Moon Wrote:I'd rather not do a random map. (maybe) using Seven's new map script?
Nakor Wrote:I'd rather not play a totally mirrored map...
This seems to be all of the discussion in regards to the map that is relevant that I can find in the thread... Whoever you decide to make the map, having some sort of consensus on what to do seems like a priority.
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someone suggested mackoti and kyan on one land mass the rest on another but it might be cool, and well sick for me, if i got my own smaller continent between theres surrounded with islands to distract any would-be invaders haha
just a thought haha
if theres a map maker who can do that with non-mirrored semi-balanced starts
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1) Lush map (most maps around seem to be, at least more lush than normal scripts make them)
2) Everybody on the same starting continent
3) Islands playing a meaningful role
4) Magellan's not reachable by land (or not easily so)
5) Stone and marble existing, but not in easy reach of the starting locations
6) Roughly 200 land tiles per player
7) Starting area and surroundings similar but not identical
8) Different resources with roughly equal value in each player's surroundings (one player has gold and plains cows, another has silver and grassland pigs)
9) One forest deer, an FP tile and one of: grassland hill pigs, grassland cows, grassland river sheep by each capital site
10) SIP being the obvious capital site, on top of a PH. Unless you feel like balancing out the starting area so players have viable alternatives without having to gamble.
That may seem like a lot, but most of it is to do with balancing the starting location and making things easier for BRick. Speak out about any and all points you disagree with! How about having BRick make the map with feedback from one or two veterans?
Also, for the rest of the map (outside the starting area) I like how PBEM38 looks. Not identical at all, but somewhat balanced. Try really hard to balance these areas, but mixing it up a lot would be great. I think the handicap should only be in the form of the snake pick and turn order advantages we get, harder to balance land differences.
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Catwalk Wrote:Proposal:
1) Lush map (most maps around seem to be, at least more lush than normal scripts make them)
2) Everybody on the same starting continent
3) Islands playing a meaningful role
4) Magellan's not reachable by land (or not easily so)
5) Stone and marble existing, but not in easy reach of the starting locations
6) Roughly 200 land tiles per player
7) Starting area and surroundings similar but not identical
8) Different resources with roughly equal value in each player's surroundings (one player has gold and plains cows, another has silver and grassland pigs)
9) One forest deer, an FP tile and one of: grassland hill pigs, grassland cows, grassland river sheep by each capital site
10) SIP being the obvious capital site, on top of a PH. Unless you feel like balancing out the starting area so players have viable alternatives without having to gamble.
That may seem like a lot, but most of it is to do with balancing the starting location and making things easier for BRick. Speak out about any and all points you disagree with! How about having BRick make the map with feedback from one or two veterans?
Also, for the rest of the map (outside the starting area) I like how PBEM38 looks. Not identical at all, but somewhat balanced. Try really hard to balance these areas, but mixing it up a lot would be great. I think the handicap should only be in the form of the snake pick and turn order advantages we get, harder to balance land differences.
I like the overall idea, but a couple things:
First, on #8 gold + plains cow is not anywhere close to "roughly equal" with silver and grassland pigs.
Second, I don't think we should be that specific on the start--that is if we know that the shared resource is deer for example hunting civs become more heavily favored. I think we should instead just say starts are mirrored or nearly mirrored and leave it at that so it doesn't change choices in the snake pick.
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As for 8, I very rarely see deer by the starting site and I think that contributes to Hunting being a rather unpopular starting tech. I'm fine with mirrored starts, probably a good idea to play it safe. I would vastly prefer a starting screenshot before picking, as Commodore mentions.
As for resources, I only meant that as an example. Rather than all players having access to the same resources, I'd like resources to be somewhat focused. 2 players have gold, 2 have gems, 2 have silver etc. More incentive for trading and conquest that way. Which combo did you find overpowered, btw? I'm guessing gold + cows.
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Commodore Wrote:Or, see starts first.
Yeah, I guess I'm saying I'd prefer not to see starts first.
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To me, not seeing screenshots first means giving an arbitrary advantage to whoever lucks into the "right" starting techs. Hunting is a good starting tech if a grassland forest deer is available, it sucks if there is none. Same with Fishing, it's useless without seafood by your capital.
EDIT: But since I'm not playing I'll politely bow out of the discussion  Should be decided by you 6, of course.
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Seeing the start before picking sounds good.
Don't want to know to much details.