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Some random thoughts. We may want to take a shot at Novice's sheep/wheat/fish city with our three-move galleys. We could move a warrior to the forested hill, both to gain visibility on the city and also to draw out any phalanx inside. Then hit it from the fog with two axes on a galley. Razing that city would take a nice chunk out of his food and mfg (albeit only temporarily), and would probably also take out some existing and in-progress infrastructure.
To prevent similar attacks against our equivalent city, and others, archery might actually be a useful tech. Two archers provide pretty good insurance against opportunistic boatings, and are a lot cheaper than an axe/spear pair. So in places where we need a permanent garrison anyway, archery would be useful. Of course, having naval superiority would be even better. But I doubt we can gain that in the northern sea anytime soon.
If you know what I mean.
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Sailing is in and we started the lighthouse in Brunei. We also completed Stonehenge in Andorra at the end of the turn, and someone founded Buddhism.
The "stunt our early growth" game plan is right on schedule.
Novice got the first size 5 city.
Nothing new on the map.
If you know what I mean.
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We've got graphs on everybody now. Nobody has much power to speak of. I whipped the lighthouse in Brunei. Next turn we whip the settler, and the turn after that we build the Great Lighthouse. Then we try to catch up with Novice. His capital is size 6 now.
If you know what I mean.
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The Great Lighthouse is in, back to expansion. I've been playing in a rush, so no pictures.
If you know what I mean.
March 30th, 2013, 14:32
(This post was last modified: March 30th, 2013, 15:13 by zakalwe.)
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Settled our fourth city, Djibouti. Hinduism spread to Comoros at the end of the turn, which is nice, even if it was popping its borders anyway, courtesy of the stonehenge monument.
We will settle our fifth city south of the copper on T46, and mine the copper on the same turn. The sixth city could go on the southern island; the copper city needs four turns to build a galley, aided by a chop.
Sandbox T45:
If you know what I mean.
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Agriculture on t45- i love it!
You're going to let the GP finish before going for the mixed GM / GA, right? Trying to remember what the plan is ...
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player
March 31st, 2013, 01:58
(This post was last modified: March 31st, 2013, 01:59 by zakalwe.)
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Well, we haven't really settled on a plan yet.
With caste, we could get a 100% GM first, then a mixed odds artist/prophet. The GM could bulb metal casting or civil service, perhaps.
If we could raze Novice's border city settling and bombing a canal city on the isthmus would also be an option.
In terms of settlements, I'm also tempted to settle the western island first. Less ambitious perhaps, but then we could go much lighter on defense. We'll see more of the southern island when we settle the copper city. I'm also chopping the workboat in Djibouti ASAP, so it can explore the outer island a little more before hooking the clams.
If you know what I mean.
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Trouble could be brewing here. Novice moved a worker up to our border last turn. I guess I should have challenged his presence but I didn't. Now he's "mining" the tile in 6 turns. In other words, he started roading the tile while pretending to mine it.
I'll settle and hook copper next turn, but it could be too late. We'll see. I decided to put 5 hammers into a warrior in Comoros this turn so I can at least one-pop whip a spear. Both the forest 2S of Comoros and the one NE-E of Andorra are prechopped, but if I want to use any of those next turn I'll need to settle ON the copper.
Not great, but I think they'll get better if we're left in peace.
If you know what I mean.
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Looked at the turn, will do a little simming before playing it through. Agriculture is in, Pottery due in two turns.
No invasion from Novice. Instead, he completed the road and moved up another two workers. So he can complete a minechop next turn. He also adopted slavery this turn. Shame I don't have a galley in Comoros, to steal those workers.
Settling the copper city revealed some more terrain on the southern island. Nothing terribly exciting.
If you know what I mean.