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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

Drama is mostly my fault if I'm being honest. I enjoyed playing against you. See you in the next game I'm allowed to play if Mrs. BGN doesn't kill me first. hammer

(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: I feel that I probably could have positioned the stack better for the inevitable commando attack between the two front cities, but I don't think I could ever defend either city against 20+ commando infantry with air support no matter what. Possibly could have just stuck the stack back in the center part of the territory and hope to get a shot against a city.

You wouldn't have got that West Thumb city in place if Q didn't attack me across the islands for some damn reason. Same with you Xenu for the Graveyard of the German Heroes (may not be actual city name).

Good luck. I had no idea there was any drama in this game and I'm glad I didn't.

Bob, I think, not me. My game was dominated by my subs, who all made far more interesting decisions than me lol
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: I feel that I probably could have positioned the stack better for the inevitable commando attack between the two front cities...
Absolutely. Probably the best thing would have been to have them inside the city (or built a fort under your stack) to prevent flanking. But even if left in a fort as positioned, once I peeled the culture away with commandos by killing the two nearby cities the stack was exposed to non-commandos. I would have just needed a lot more hitters, which I didn't really have.

(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: ...but I don't think I could ever defend either city against 20+ commando infantry with air support no matter what.
Probably not. alright I would have had to proceed more slowly and captured smaller cities. And suffered more war weariness for longer. By the end of the war it was getting pretty bad, especially in cities that didn't have jails. I was +7 from the war in some cities!

(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: Possibly could have just stuck the stack back in the center part of the territory and hope to get a shot against a city.
The problem you faced that you never really could get around is that your landmass was very narrow and had a lot of ports, and you had no control of the seas. I had a lot of amphibious infantry and air cover. Really there wasn't much you could have done under any circumstance. I knew this and tried to limit my own losses by targeting your collateral and never giving you an opportunity to have more hitters in one place than I had defenders. I tried to use my boats to hide damaged units as much as possible to prevent you getting some revenge kills on surviving attackers.

(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: You wouldn't have got that West Thumb city in place if Q didn't attack me across the islands for some damn reason. Same with you Xenu for the Graveyard of the German Heroes (may not be actual city name).
I can't account for much of Q's early game. I'm interested to read how things developed for him. I didn't know why the land was available-ish (I did have to raze a new city you had planted) but I did figure that I could hold it with enough force that you'd just let it go. I didn't realize that you had so little land on the island, but you got more than your share because (IMO) nakor did a poor job expanding and packed his cities very closely together.

(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: Good luck. I had no idea there was any drama in this game and I'm glad I didn't.
I'm realizing that I may be in the "hypercompetitive" camp. Not quite to the level of camping the timer but I'm willing to sit in game for a long time to get the best outcome I can think of, even if I don't always enjoy it. And when things don't go well or I am thwarted by what I perceive to be an irrational move I comment where I almost certainly shouldn't. It's really only been with Krill and recently Joey but it hasn't made for a particularly enjoyable experience.

There have been other issues in this game apart from me but I'm not involved (I think?) and only have a rough idea of what may have happened, except for the early elimination of a sock puppet player. I'm sure I'll find other stuff after the game, and that other people who are still playing (Joey? Krill?) will have plenty of arguing to do with me and will tell me how much of an asshole I am and how bad I suck at civ and how they both would have won the game from my position, etc. And I look forward to that conversation. rolleye

(May 8th, 2015, 23:09)Qgqqqqq Wrote:
(May 8th, 2015, 11:46)wetbandit Wrote: I feel that I probably could have positioned the stack better for the inevitable commando attack between the two front cities, but I don't think I could ever defend either city against 20+ commando infantry with air support no matter what. Possibly could have just stuck the stack back in the center part of the territory and hope to get a shot against a city.

You wouldn't have got that West Thumb city in place if Q didn't attack me across the islands for some damn reason. Same with you Xenu for the Graveyard of the German Heroes (may not be actual city name).

Good luck. I had no idea there was any drama in this game and I'm glad I didn't.

Bob, I think, not me. My game was dominated by my subs, who all made far more interesting decisions than me lol

Wait, Bob was the sockpuppet. Was his civ even eliminated yet at this point? wink

(May 12th, 2015, 12:00)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Wait, Bob was the sockpuppet. Was his civ even eliminated yet at this point? wink

Well, the super retarded Barry Lyndon thread was one of the shorter ones in this game so I've read it since being eliminated. I haven't been through all of the lurker thread yet though so I don't know if it was discussed there or not. But the original 4 man Barry roster was apparently Bob, Nic, Sareln, and Ellimist. Bob had the idea and invited the others to play turn sets of various lengths. They were playing a succession game where they didn't read each other's reports and did things blindly, without coordination. There is apparently a name for this on the FFH side of things, a "Perpy" variant game (anyone knowledgeable please forgive incorrect terminology, I don't really speak FFH).

Unsurprisingly a lack of coherent strategy over time (and probably playing for the lulz instead of trying to maximize game position) led to an early exit in the game, but not before injecting DRAMA into things first. To me the worst offense (other than recklessly playing with game balance by being kind of a cheap lunch to whoever neighbored Barry) was the late entrance of the fifth player of Team Barry, since that one was a blatant violation of previously unwritten game rules. Fortunately it was an inconsequential interaction by that point, and not really much of a spoiler for the 5th player to have done it, but it wasn't really sporting all the same even if it must have been fun and lulz for the Barry team. I dunno. Anyway, maybe that's been covered in the lurker thread already, I don't know.

Maybe Qgqqqqq can answer the question about who was eliminated or being subbed by whom at what point, I don't have a timeline for that.

As for my city name, Wetbandit, it was supposed to translate to "Survival City". It may not have been quite right due to the city name length limit and every word in the German language being approximately* 38.5 characters long. nod

*Very approximately, not necessarily exactly

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon


As everywhere else in this game, Krill's presence is annoying. I have 12 combat3 destroyers to his 8 likely less strongly promoted destroyers, but I don't know what he may have hiding in the fog. I've also been generally avoiding massive combat with him until I'm ready for the final assault to avoid prolonged war weariness issues.

Next turn I'll unload my spies in TBS's peninsula city. After looking at espionage expenses versus what I can accomplish in harming TBS with unhealthy/unhappy missions, I can actually do very little to him with the spies. His cities have a huge happiness surplus with all of the culture buildings, and even the first turn's -8 happiness penalty wouldn't reach his cap. The poison the well mission is too expensive to really be worth bothering with, so I'm going to set up to steal a couple of techs instead. So much for helping by having angry faces, I didn't really think that part through in advance. I'll just have to try to use the EP advantage to catch up in tech.

Looking ahead, this is basically all I need to keep an eye on in the Ruff war. He has done a good job spreading out his stacks of collateral. I'll look to see where commandos can make surgical cuts to peel back culture to see if I can expose any of these stacks to my Cossacks.

I've finished the airport for ease of airlifting units to transports and decided to put my planes on intercept so everyone can see them flying around in a circle. Ruff won't mind, his coastal cities are mostly empty anyway so those will be easy captures even without air support if it comes to that. I'm going to lose some fighters if/when I attack Krill's destroyer stack, unless I can delay that until my battleships arrive. I'll have to deal with Krill's navy before securing Ruff's western coast but the main focus is going to be killing units, especially cannons, not capturing cities.

The bombers are in position so Ruff will know this attack is imminent. I still need to ferry over more units, including workers to lay rails for commandos, and I still have some units healing. I'll need to remember to set Kings Canyon and Katmai to overflow a bit for battleships as soon as Industrialism is in. This will be my decisive advantage over Krill's northern fleet. He went for SAMs at Rocketry and still does not have Flight. I need to look at what is required (if anything) for him to build cruise missiles because they can do some heavy hitting. SAMs will severely blunt my air advantage if he gets enough of them built. If that's the case, it will need to be more battleships and amphibious attackers. Hooray Marines! Now I can get amphibious for free, destroy infantry, and save the third promotion for combat3 rather than on amphibious itself. Tanks are fun and everything, but I think for me it's going to be the Marines making the big push against Krill. I'll get to that later, though. Ruff is first.

My solider count has not quite hit the levels in PB22 with its massive naval stacks inflating that count, but I'm not far off now. With Krill getting cruise missiles in ~3 turns, it may be time to engage his navy now rather than taking a chance by waiting for battleships. I'll need to test how effective the missiles can be and how badly my fighters will get mauled by intercepting destroyers.

Who was the fifth entrant to Team Barry? Why is this the most blatant violation? I don't see that having 4 people on a team (even if they aren't communicating) is a violation, it's just stupid and disrespectful to the other teams because you have to know you're going to get eaten alive by anyone half decent. By "not really much of a spoiler for the 5th player", does this imply that the late entry to the team was another player in this game??? If so... lol smoke and.... super not cool. rolleye

I hope whoever did this has been properly chastised. I may fume and vent and talk a lot of shit but I try really hard not to, you know, cheat.

(May 8th, 2015, 23:09)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Bob, I think, not me. My game was dominated by my subs, who all made far more interesting decisions than me lol

It was a sub who decided to just invade from across the ocean! Jesus...

Edit: Oh yeah, I think it was Lexi. Oh well.

(May 12th, 2015, 13:00)wetbandit Wrote:
(May 8th, 2015, 23:09)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Bob, I think, not me. My game was dominated by my subs, who all made far more interesting decisions than me lol

It was a sub who decided to just invade from across the ocean! Jesus...


My thread is a lot more fun (interesting too!) when other people post here. Thank you! bow

(May 12th, 2015, 12:52)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: Unsurprisingly a lack of coherent strategy over time (and probably playing for the lulz instead of trying to maximize game position) led to an early exit in the game, but not before injecting DRAMA into things first. To me the worst offense (other than recklessly playing with game balance by being kind of a cheap lunch to whoever neighbored Barry) was the late entrance of the fifth player of Team Barry, since that one was a blatant violation of previously unwritten game rules. Fortunately it was an inconsequential interaction by that point, and not really much of a spoiler for the 5th player to have done it, but it wasn't really sporting all the same even if it must have been fun and lulz for the Barry team. I dunno. Anyway, maybe that's been covered in the lurker thread already, I don't know.

Maybe Qgqqqqq can answer the question about who was eliminated or being subbed by whom at what point, I don't have a timeline for that.

As for my city name, Wetbandit, it was supposed to translate to "Survival City". It may not have been quite right due to the city name length limit and every word in the German language being approximately* 38.5 characters long. nod

*Very approximately, not necessarily exactly

(May 12th, 2015, 13:00)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Who was the fifth entrant to Team Barry? Why is this the most blatant violation? I don't see that having 4 people on a team (even if they aren't communicating) is a violation, it's just stupid and disrespectful to the other teams because you have to know you're going to get eaten alive by anyone half decent. By "not really much of a spoiler for the 5th player", does this imply that the late entry to the team was another player in this game??? If so... lol smoke and.... super not cool. rolleye

I hope whoever did this has been properly chastised. I may fume and vent and talk a lot of shit but I try really hard not to, you know, cheat.

Oh yeah, forgot about this. Yeah, that was me.

Timetable is important, though. This happened when I thought Lexi had come in and was going to take over for good, and was about a week before I left the country for a month with no game access. I wasn't spoiling myself totally, as I intended to dedlurk Lexi for a while, but I wanted out and was sick of the game.

Then Bob, for some reason or another, was chatting to me and explained the whole Barry Lyndon thing. He was on then, and about to hand over, but the other players weren't interested in managing a dying civ. So we decided to swap for the next few turns - he would sub in for me and I would sub in for him.

So I did that, and then left the country - giving Lyndon back to Bob, and my civ to Lexi. A couple of days into my trip, Lexi had a meltdown (or something, I wasn't really paying attention), and Parkin went back to playing the turns.

There was also some Barry Lyndon drama in the main thread, but again I wasn't paying attention, and only heard about it from Bob.

When I got back, it turned out the Lexi had disappeared altogether, and so I went back to playing the Byzantine turns. This was also around about when Ruff invaded (Parkin left me unprepared, tbh, with some silly moves - but that's to be expected) and the game got interesting.

So yeah, I played about 4-5t of Lyndon in the middle there, and did a write-up or two. I don't know how/when the supposed cheating went down - I didn't pay attention at the time, and I still haven't read it since - but I suppose you could count switching at all as that. But from my POV, I had given up on playing my civ, and any spoiler knowledge was hardly going to matter for a civ with two cities and 5 units under siege, and what was different about Bob from any other sub my civ had had?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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