I find it interesting that sunrise was the only one not to settle last turn, while everyone else either settled in place or settled 1 flatland tile away from their start. Given that we started on a plains-hill, I'd be quite surprised if everyone else didn't, which leads me to suspect that everyone else probably settled in-place on a plains-hill too. I'm guessing sunrise should have had one of these plains-hills as well (unless the map was a bit unfavourable towards them, which I doubt)... which raises the question, why didn't he settle in place?
He did start with a Scout, so maybe by luck he moved in the perfect direction and revealed a spot of immense value right next to the given start? I'd be hard pressed to see otherwise why he'd want to move from a plains-hill start (assuming he had one). If he's found a spot with significantly more (or better) food resources though, then he may be the one laughing all the way to the end of the game.
Man, I hope we didn't miss anything major to the south of our capital. (Or maybe the NE.)
Oh well, a border expansion will soon tell us. At least even if sunrise got something awesome by moving, we know everyone else should be in much the same boat, so maybe later on some of us could work together to stop him if his shifted start gives him a huge advantage. We'll see, anyway.
He did start with a Scout, so maybe by luck he moved in the perfect direction and revealed a spot of immense value right next to the given start? I'd be hard pressed to see otherwise why he'd want to move from a plains-hill start (assuming he had one). If he's found a spot with significantly more (or better) food resources though, then he may be the one laughing all the way to the end of the game.
Man, I hope we didn't miss anything major to the south of our capital. (Or maybe the NE.)