Oh, and thanks to espionage, we now have the answer to one of our questions about luddite: he hasn't met anyone else. How do we know this for certain? We met him last turn after he played, and he didn't log in again that turn. (Actually he didn't log in before I played this turn either.) Thus, there's no way he could have adjusted espionage sliders as a result of meeting us - in fact he quite possibly still doesn't know yet that we've met, if he hasn't checked his email in the last 12 hours or so.
Checking in-game this turn, we see our espionage ratio with him is 4/4. If we saw anything less than 4 from him, we'd know for certain that he'd met someone else. As it is, given the fortunate lack of logins from him, we know for certain that he hasn't met anyone else - thus we're seeing all of his Palace espionage. If he'd met anyone else, he'd be showing 0-2 espionage against us this turn (depending on how or if he adjusted his sliders). But since he's showing 4 and didn't log in after we played, we're the first person he's met. Good to know.
This was pretty likely anyway, just from logical deduction. We were expecting about 15 tiles between capitals, and we moved for 10 turns to the west before we met. Presuming luddite took a slight detour, he would have been heading for 5-10 turns towards the east as well. Given that we're fairly confident of a 5x2 or 10x1 layout for civs, and it's reasonably likely that luddite went for a Worker first if he had any sense, then he probably only has one exploring unit, and it's been exploring towards us. No-one else could have met him from his west or the south, unless they had a Scout and moved exactly the right way.
So even without looking at the espionage numbers, we could have deduced that it was unlikely luddite would have met anyone else. However, the espionage numbers completely confirm it.
Checking in-game this turn, we see our espionage ratio with him is 4/4. If we saw anything less than 4 from him, we'd know for certain that he'd met someone else. As it is, given the fortunate lack of logins from him, we know for certain that he hasn't met anyone else - thus we're seeing all of his Palace espionage. If he'd met anyone else, he'd be showing 0-2 espionage against us this turn (depending on how or if he adjusted his sliders). But since he's showing 4 and didn't log in after we played, we're the first person he's met. Good to know.

This was pretty likely anyway, just from logical deduction. We were expecting about 15 tiles between capitals, and we moved for 10 turns to the west before we met. Presuming luddite took a slight detour, he would have been heading for 5-10 turns towards the east as well. Given that we're fairly confident of a 5x2 or 10x1 layout for civs, and it's reasonably likely that luddite went for a Worker first if he had any sense, then he probably only has one exploring unit, and it's been exploring towards us. No-one else could have met him from his west or the south, unless they had a Scout and moved exactly the right way.
So even without looking at the espionage numbers, we could have deduced that it was unlikely luddite would have met anyone else. However, the espionage numbers completely confirm it.